Gene Database Testing Report- cw20151210
- 1 Files Asked for in the Gene Database Testing Report
- 2 Pre-requisites
- 3 Gene Database Creation
- 4 Gene Database Testing Report
- 5 bpertussis-std_cw20151210.gdb Use in GenMAPP
Files Asked for in the Gene Database Testing Report
For convenience, all of the files explicitly asked for in the sections below were compressed together in this file: File:Testingreport
The following set of software was used in the creation and testing of the Bordetella pertussis gene database:
- 7-ziptool that for unpacking .gz and .zip files
- PostgreSQL on Windows (version 9.4.x)
- GenMAPP Builder
- Java JDK 1.8 64-bit
- GenMAPP 2
- XMLPipeDB match utility for counting IDs in XML files
- Microsoft Access for reading .mdb files
Gene Database Creation
Downloading Data Source Files and GenMAPP Builder
- We download the UniProt XML, GOA, and GO OBO-XML files for Bordetella Pertussis along with the GenMAPP Builder program.
- All files were saved to the folder Bklein7_CW\bpertussis_cw20151210 on our computer's ThawSpace.
- Files that required extraction were unzipped using 7-zip.
- Data files that remained in a folder after unzipping were removed from their folders to facilitate organization and command line processing.
UniProt XML
- We went to the UniProt Complete Proteomes page.
- From there, we navigated to the complete proteome download page for Bordetella pertussis (strain Tohama I / ATCC BAA-589 / NCTC 13251).
- We clicked on the "Download" button at the top of the page above and selected the following options:
- "Download all"
- "XML" from the "Format" drop-down menu
- "Compressed" format
- We extracted the file using 7-zip.
- UniProt-GOA files can be downloaded from the UniProt-GOA ftp site.
- Within the above site, we navigated to the for Bordetella pertussis strain Tohama I.
- This text file was automatically opened by the browser. Therefore, we had to manually download the file.
- We downloaded the GO OBO-XML formatted file from the Gene Ontology legacy download page.
- We extracted the file using 7-zip.
Downloaded GenMAPP Builder
- We downloaded the custom version of GenMAPP Builder including the most recent version of the Bordetella pertussis custom class (Version 3.0.0 Build 5 - cw20151210): File:Dist
- We extracted the GenMAPP Builder folder using 7-zip.
Creating the New Database in PostgreSQL
- We launched pgAdmin III and connected to the PostgreSQL 9.4 server (localhost:5432).
- On this server, we created a new database: bpertussis_cw20151210_gmb3build5.
- We opened the SQL Editor tab to use an XMLPipeDB query to create the tables in the database.
- We clicked on the Open File icon and selected the file gmbuilder.sql. This imported a series of SQL commands into the editor tab.
- We clicked on the Execute Query icon to run this command.
- In viewing the schema for this database, we confirmed that there were 167 tables after running the above command.
Configuring GenMAPP Builder to Connect to the PostgreSQL Database
- To begin, we launched gmbuilder.bat.
- We selected the "Configure Database" option and entered the following information into the fields below:
- Host or address: localhost
- Port number: 5432
- Database name: bpertussis_cw20151210_gmb3build5
- Username: postgres
- Password: Welcome1
Importing Data into the PostgreSQL Database
- The downloaded data files for Bordetella pertussis were specified and imported into the database by clicking on the following buttons:
- Selected File > Import UniProt XML...
- Selected File > Import GO OBO-XML...
- Clicked OK to the message asking to process the GO data.
- Selected File > Import GOA...
Exporting a GenMAPP Gene Database (.gdb)
- We selected File > Export to GenMAPP Gene Database... to begin the export process.
- We typed in our coder's name in the owner field (Brandon Klein).
- We selected the custom profile "Bordetella pertussis, Taxon ID 257313" as the gene database species and then clicked Next.
- The database was saved as bpertussis-std_cw20151210.
- We checked the boxes for exporting all Molecular Function, Cellular Component, and Biological Process Gene Ontology Terms.
- Finally, we clicked the "Next" button to begin the export process.
Gene Database Testing Report
Export Information
Version of GenMAPP Builder: Version 3.0.0 Build 5 - cw20151210
Computer on which export was run: Seaver 120- Last computer on the right in the row farthest from the front of the room
Postgres Database name: bpertussis_cw20151210_gmb3build5
UniProt XML filename: File:Uniprot-proteome-UP000002676
- UniProt XML version (The version information was found at the UniProt News Page): 2015_12
- UniProt XML download link: Bordetella pertussis (strain Tohama I / ATCC BAA-589 / NCTC 13251)
- Time taken to import: 2.88 minutes
- Note: The import time was similar to that when creating the previous "Bordetella pertussis" gene database: bpertussis-std_cw20151203.gdb (2.59 minute). No interruptions occurred during this process.
GO OBO-XML filename: File:Go daily-termdb
- GO OBO-XML version (The version information was found in the file properties): Last Modified- December 10, 2015 (TIME?)
- GO OBO-XML download link: Gene Ontology legacy download page
- Time taken to import: 6.97 minutes
- Time taken to process: 4.52 minutes
- Note: The import and processing times were similar to those for the previous "Bordetella pertussis" gene database: bpertussis-std_cw20151203.gdb (7.08 minutes and 4.42 minutes respectively). No interruptions occurred during these processes.
GOA filename: File:145.B pertussis ATCC BAA-589
- GOA version (found in the Last modified field on the FTP site): Last Modified- 08-Dec-2015 02:45
- GOA download link: for Bordetella pertussis strain Tohama I
- Time taken to import: 0.03 minutes
- Note: The import time was very similar to that of the previous "Bordetella pertussis" gene database: bpertussis-std_cw20151203.gdb (0.04 minutes). No interruptions occurred during this process.
Name of .gdb file: File:Bpertussis-std
- Time taken to export:
- Start time: 1:19 AM
- End time: 2:11 AM
- Elapsed time: 52 minutes
Note: No interruptions occurred during the export process.
- We ran the TallyEngine in GenMAPP Builder and specified the following files:
- Results:
- All TallyEngine results were consistent across both files.
- The TallyEngine was not customized to reflect the coding changes made to GenMAPP Builder Version 3.0.0 Build 5 - cw20151210.
- Therefore, the total count for "Ordered Locus Names" and "ORF" gene IDs remained 3446. The extra ID that was imported in this build, "BP3167A", was not listed in either of these categories.
- Further TallyEngine customization is necessary to raise the count to 3447 gene IDs.
Using XMLPipeDB Match to Validate the XML Results from the TallyEngine
The following functions were performed using the Windows command line (cmd).
- We entered the project folder using the following command:
cd /d T:\Bklein7_CW\bpertussis_cw20151210
- We used XMLPipeDB match to identify matches of gene IDs in the UniProt XML file that conformed to the following the patterns: "BP####", "BP####.1", "BP####A", and "BP####B". The command used was as follows:
java -jar xmlpipedb-match-1.1.1.jar "BP[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9](A|B|\.1|)" < "uniprot-proteome%3AUP000002676_cw20151201.xml"
Match Results:
- The number of unique matches generated by XMLPipeDB Match, 3447, matched with our expectation. The count includes the total number of ordered locus (3435) and ORF (11) gene IDs along with the unique EnsemblBacteria reference ID "BP3167A".
Using SQL Queries to Validate the PostgreSQL Database Results from the TallyEngine
We used the SQL "union" operation to count the number of "ordered locus" gene IDs, which conform to the pattern "BP####", in addition to all gene IDs that matched the patterns "BP####A" & "BP####B" (including 11 "ORF" gene IDs and 1 EnsemblBacteria reference ID):
select count(value) from (select value from genenametype where type = 'ordered locus' union select value from propertytype inner join dbreferencetype on (propertytype.dbreferencetype_property_hjid = dbreferencetype.hjid) where dbreferencetype.type = 'EnsemblBacteria' and propertytype.type = 'gene ID' and propertytype.value ~ 'BP[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9](A|B)') as combined;
Note: This query was crafted by Dr. Dionisio.
- The number of unique matches yielded by this SQL query, 3447, matched the count generated by XMLPipeDB Match. Thus, the locations of all 3447 gene IDs in the PostgreSQL relational database were accounted for here.
OriginalRowCounts Comparison
We opened the gene database file File:Bpertussis-std in Microsoft Access and assessed the "OriginalRowCounts" table to see if the expected tables were listed with the expected number of records. The contents of this table were compared to the OriginalRowCounts table of an existing .gdb file created during Week 9.
Benchmark .gdb file: File:Vc-Std 20151027 TR.gdb
"OriginalRowCounts" table from the benchmark and new gdb:
- All 52 tables present in the 2015 Vibrio cholerae database were also present in the B. pertussis gene database, bpertussis-std_cw20151210. This confirmed that all expected tables were successfully created.
- The "OrderedLocusNames" table count is listed as 3447. This count demonstrates that the missing ID, "BP3167A", was successfully added to the export (confirmed below).
Note: The "OriginalRowCounts" tables were too large to screenshot. To circumvent this problem and facilitate the comparison, I copied the "OriginalRowCounts" tables from both gene databases into an Excel file and zoomed out. The above screenshot was taken from this Excel file. The "OrderedLocusNames" row count for bpertussis-std_cw20151210 is highlighted in yellow.
Visual Inspection
We visually inspected individual tables within File:Bpertussis-std using Microsoft Access.
- Systems Table
- 35 gene ID systems were listed, 11 of which were used in the creation of this .gdb file and listed the appropriate import date (12/10/2015).
- All gene ID systems relevant to B. pertussis were listed. This includes: EMBL, EnsemblBacteria, GeneID, GeneOntology, InterPro, OrderedLocusNames, Pfam, RefSeq, and UniProt.
- This result corresponded with that of the benchmark .gdb file listed in the "OriginalRowCounts Comparison" section.
- The "OrderedLocusNames" listing properly displayed customizations to the Bordetella pertussis species profile.
- In this row, the species was listed correctly as "Bordetella pertussis".
- In this row, the link corresponded to the Bordetella pertussis database at GeneDB. The link was as follows:;jsessionid=A06A0EFE93C64E476380393D4CBEFA69?actionName=%2FQuery%2FquickSearch&resultsSize=1&taxonNodeName=Bpertussis.
- 35 gene ID systems were listed, 11 of which were used in the creation of this .gdb file and listed the appropriate import date (12/10/2015).
- UniProt Table
- RefSeq Table
- This table contained 6627 entries. All IDs began with one of three prefixes: "NP_", "YP_", or "WP_". The meanings of these prefixes can be found in the RefSeq documentation found here.
- "NP_" and "YP_" Prefixes
- Refer to proteins. There are 3410 "NP_" IDs and 7 "YP_" IDs.
- "WP_" Prefixes
- Refer to "autonomous non-redundant proteins that are not yet directly annotated on a genome". There were 3210 IDs with the "WP_" prefixes.
- Overall, every entry in the ID column was an expected value.
- "NP_" and "YP_" Prefixes
- This table contained 6627 entries. All IDs began with one of three prefixes: "NP_", "YP_", or "WP_". The meanings of these prefixes can be found in the RefSeq documentation found here.
- OrderedLocusNames Table
- This table contained 3447 entries (consistent with the XMLPipeDB Match result).
- The IDs were copied into an Excel document for analysis:
- 3434 IDs conformed to the pattern "BP####".
- 11 IDs conformed to the pattern "BP####A".
- This included 10 ORF gene IDs & "BP3167A" (reference to an EnsemblBacteria ID).
- 1 ID exhibited the pattern "BP####B".
- This corresponded to an ORF gene ID.
- 1 ID exhibited the pattern "BP####.1".
- This ID was the manner in which UniProt classified "BP3167A".
bpertussis-std_cw20151210.gdb Use in GenMAPP
The following analysis was conducted in GenMAPP Version 2.1. Within GenMAPP, the Bordetella pertussis gene database was loaded by selecting Data > Choose Gene Database and then selecting the file bpertussis-std_cw20151210.gdb.
Putting a Gene on the MAPP Using the GeneFinder Window
We made a sample MAPP in which gene IDs conforming to the naming conventions of the 5 major gene databases containing Bordetella pertussis genome data were added. A screenshot of the resulting MAPP is provided below:
- Gene IDs:
- bp1123 refers to the OrderedLocusNames gene ID system.
- CAE43716 refers to the EmsemblBacteria gene ID system.
- Q7VWE5 refers to the UniProt gene ID system.
- 2665491 refers to the GeneID system.
- NP_881255 refers to the RefSeq gene ID system.
Note: Gene IDs tested from the above gene ID systems all had complete Backpages and were successfully placed on the MAPP.
Creating an Expression Dataset in the Expression Dataset Manager
The file [[File:Bpertussis compiledrawdata cw20151208.txt]] was used to create an expression dataset in GenMAPP.
- Total Number of Gene IDs Imported
- Investigating Errors in the Exceptions File (EX.txt)
- All 341 exceptions triggered the following error message: "Gene not found in OrderedLocusNames or any related system."
- Gene IDs that triggered this error message conformed to the patterns "BP####" and "BP####A", indicating that no unique gene ID patterns were the cause of these errors.
- Example gene IDs that triggered this error are the following: BP0101, BP1677, BP0910A, and BP2029A.
- The 341 gene IDs were copied into a new Excel file and compared to the gene IDs present in the file File:Bpertussis-std (adapted from the "OrderedLocusNames" table in Microsoft Access).
- None of the 341 gene IDs were present in the .gdb file.
- The 341 gene IDs were each individually searched for in UniProt.
- None of the 341 gene IDs retrieved results in UniProt.
- Conclusion: All gene IDs that triggered errors were not present in the original UniProt XML file.
Coloring a MAPP with Expression Data
Creating a New Color Set
We customized the new Expression Dataset by creating a new color set entitled "LogFoldChange".
- We created a criterion for this color set to label genes that demonstrated a significant increase in their expression.
- We specified the gene value as "Avg_ABC_Samples" for the Bordetella pertussis microarray dataset.
- We activated the Criteria Builder by clicking the New button and named the criterion "Increased".
- We selected the color for this criterion as red using the color box.
- We stated the criterion as follows and added it to the Criteria List:
[Avg_LogFC_all] > 0.25 AND [Pvalue] < 0.05
- Second, we created a criterion for this color set to label genes that demonstrated a significant decrease in their expression.
- We specified the gene value as "Avg_ABC_Samples" for the Bordetella pertussis microarray dataset.
- We activated the Criteria Builder by clicking the New button and named the criterion "Decreased".
- We selected the color for this criterion as green using the color box.
- We stated the criterion as follows and added it to the Criteria List:
[Avg_LogFC_all] < -0.25 AND [Pvalue] < 0.05
- Upon entering these color sets, we saved the entire Expression Dataset by selecting Save from the Expression Dataset menu. This effectively updated our .gex file with the new Color Set.
Screenshot of Color Set criteria:
Note: No errors were encountered in the creation of the Color Set.
Creating a Pathway-Based MAPP Using Colored Genes
Ribosome Kegg Pathway
- We were able to create a mapp of the ribosome pathway by using the genes provided from the website.
- Once accessing the website, we selected KEGG PATHWAY from the main page.
- Next, we scrolled down to "Ribosome" that was under section 2.2 Translation and selected it.
- Then, we searched our organism in the drop down menu at the top of the page, and we selected the Bordetella pertussis Tomaha I organism, and clicked "Go".
- This lead us to a page of the ribosome pathway with the gene IDs that pertained to our specific organism. We were then able to create a mapp using these genes in GenMAPP.
- Each of the gene highlighted genes on the ribosome pathway were entered into the GenMAPP mapp by entering each gene ID and the name given from the Kegg pathway, and then the expression dataset "bpertussis_expressiondataset_cw20151213" was applied to the genes to color code them.
- Here is the screenshot of the final mapp for the ribosome pathway created:
- All of the ribosome genes that were generated on this mapp appeared to be the color green, symbolizing a decrease.
Nitrogen Cycle Kegg Pathway
- We were also able to create another mapp using the nitrogen cycle pathway genes provided from the website.
- Once accessing the website, we selected KEGG PATHWAY from the main page.
- Next, we scrolled down to "Nitrogen Metabolism" that was under section 1.2 Energy Metabolism and selected it.
- Then, we searched our organism in the drop down menu at the top of the page, and we selected the Bordetella pertussis Tomaha I organism, and clicked "Go".
- This lead us to a page of the nitrogen metabolism pathway with the gene IDs that pertained to our specific organism. We were then able to create a mapp using these genes in GenMAPP.
- Each of the gene highlighted genes on the nitrogen metabolism pathway were entered into the GenMAPP mapp by entering each gene ID and the name given from the Kegg pathway, and then the expression dataset "bpertussis_expressiondataset_cw20151213" was applied to the genes to color code them.
- Here is the screenshot of the final mapp for the nitrogen cycle pathway created:
- This mapp displayed both red and green colored genes; the green highlighted genes symbolizing a decrease and the red highlighted genes symbolizing an increase.
Running MAPPFinder
- MAPPFinder Procedure
- We launched the MAPPFinder program from within GenMAPP and ensured that the bpertussis-std_cw20151210.gdb gene database was still loaded into GenMAPP.
- We clicked on the button "Calculate New Results" followed by "Find File", at which point I specified the .gex file updated during the creation of the "LogFoldChange" color set.
- We chose to apply both the "Increased" and "Decreased" criteria present within the LogFoldChange color set to the data.
- We checked the boxes next to "Gene Ontology" and "p value", specified the results file, and then clicked "Run MAPPFinder".
- This analysis took several minutes to complete.
- MAPPFinder Analysis Results
Note: The MAPPFinder analysis took approximately 8 minutes to complete. No errors were encountered in the process. MAPPFinder thus was confirmed to work with the Bordetella pertussis gene database.