Anuvarsh Week 15
Electronic Lab Notebook
Created a new build to fix problem in GenMAPP Builder
- A modification was mistakenly made last week in Build 5 that returned ORF data into PostGres instead of OrderedLocusNames data. This mistake obviously led to no data being transported into any of the tables that relied on OrderedLocusNames data to be present.
- Brandon recognized this issue, and because this was the only change applied to Build 5, Build 5 was completely deleted, and the final running version of GenMAPP Builder was reverted back to Build 4.
- An image representing the fixed change can be seen here:
Contributed to final presentation and practiced speaking
- The presentation was started in class on Thursday, December 10, 2015. I began adding information regarding GenMAPP Builder, and Brandon began adding information regarding the production of the database.
- Kevin and Veronica began adding their slides on the Google Drive Presentation before we met.
- Kevin Wyllie, Veronica Pacheco, and I met on Saturday, December 12, 2015 to continue adding slides and talking about the information we want to include in the presentation.
- On Monday, December 14, 2015, Kyle, Veronica, Brandon, and I met to finish off the presentation and practice the entire talk.
- The final presentation can be accessed here: Final Presentation
Began drafting final report of findings from this project.
Created ReadMe file
- An example ReadMe file was provided (ReadMe for V. cholera) on the Deliverables Instructions Page.
- This ReadMe file was modified to incorporate information regarding our species, B. cenocepacia.
- I went through and modified most of the data on the example ReadMe file so that it represented data about our database.
- After making those changes, I sent the file to Brandon who added in links regarding each of the different databases that we used.
- The final ReadMe for our database can be accessed here:
Modified Gene Database Schema for B. cenocepacia.
- An example Gene Database Schema was provided (for V. cholera) on the Deliverables Instructions Page.
- After analyzing the gene database schema and cross checking it with the tables created by our own database, Brandon and I were able to determine that this schema also represented the data produced by our own database.
- A descriptive title corresponding to the title of our ReadMe file was added to the schema document via PowerPoint.
- The final Gene Database Schema for our database can be accessed here: B. cenocepacia Gene Database Schema
Other Links
User Page: Anindita Varshneya
Class Page: BIOL/CMSI 367: Biological Databases, Fall 2015
Group Page: GÉNialOMICS
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