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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
23:32, 18 December 2015 KWreflection.pdf (file) 61 KB PDF for my reflection. 1
20:08, 14 December 2015 KWVP GOterms.jpg (file) 312 KB Our list of 16 significantly changed GO terms from the filtered increase and decrease GO lists. 1
01:14, 13 December 2015 KWVP MAPPfinder 20151208-increase-GO.xlsx (file) 296 KB Filtered MAPPFinder results for the increased GO terms. 1
01:13, 13 December 2015 KWVP20151205.gmf (file) 17.8 MB Our gmf file. 1
01:04, 13 December 2015 KWVPSanitycheck2.png (file) 13 KB Another sanity check table. 1
01:02, 13 December 2015 KWVP MAPPfinder 20151208-increase-GO.txt (file) 275 KB Our GO file for the increased GO terms. 1
00:59, 13 December 2015 KWVP MAPPfinder 20151208-decrease-GO.txt (file) 277 KB Our GO file for downregulated genes. 1
23:19, 12 December 2015 KWVP20151205.gex (file) 2.14 MB The expression dataset file for our final project. 1
06:04, 8 December 2015 For genMAPP KWVP20151205.txt (file) 664 KB The txt for genmapp import. 1
04:52, 8 December 2015 KWVP Sanitycheck.png (file) 55 KB A table of our calculated fold changes versus those published by the authors - for genes of interest. 1
03:56, 8 December 2015 Raw compiled data FINAL KWVP20151507.xlsx (file) 11.64 MB Our final expression dataset file, including the "forGenMAPP" sheet. 1
21:18, 5 December 2015 For genMAPP KWVP20151205.EX.txt (file) 701 KB The exceptions file for our first export. 1
04:50, 24 November 2015 Raw compiled data KW20151119.xlsx (file) 78.34 MB Our progress in compiling and processing the data. 1
07:53, 17 November 2015 KWVPMethoddiagram.jpg (file) 54 KB The methodology diagram for our paper. 1
22:03, 8 November 2015 Kw assignment10 screenshot2.png (file) 165 KB Another screenshot for my assignment 10. 1
21:54, 8 November 2015 Kw assignment10 screenshot.png (file) 392 KB A screenshot used for my assignment 10. 1
19:52, 3 November 2015 Kw Rowcounts screenshot wk9.png (file) 46 KB My screenshot of the rowcounts comparison for the week 9 assignment. 1
19:29, 3 November 2015 Kw Backpage screenshot wk9.png (file) 430 KB Genefinder backpage screenshot for the week 9 assignment. 1
19:28, 3 November 2015 Kw Genefinder screenshot wk9.png (file) 39 KB Screenshot of genefinder window for week 9 assignment. 1
05:27, 3 November 2015 Kw Error message screenshot.png (file) 16 KB The screenshot of the error message I get when opening a GO term backpage in mappfinder, for week 9. 1
05:26, 3 November 2015 Kw Mappfinder screenshot.png (file) 137 KB The mappfinder screenshot for my week 9 assignment. 1
05:18, 3 November 2015 Kw Coloring2 wk9.png (file) 36 KB The second "coloring a MAPP" screenshot for week 9 assignment. 1
05:17, 3 November 2015 Kw Coloring1 wk9.png (file) 47 KB The first "coloring a MAPP" screenshot for week 9 assignment. 1
21:36, 2 November 2015 Vc-Std 20151029 (file) 4.28 MB The .gdb file for the week 9 assignment. 1
21:26, 2 November 2015 46.V cholerae ATCC (file) 359 KB The compressed GOA file for the week 9 assignment. 1
21:19, 2 November 2015 KW go (file) 4.24 MB The compressed GO file. 1
21:13, 2 November 2015 KW (file) 2.66 MB The compressed uniprot file for the week 9 assignment. 1
21:03, 2 November 2015 KW original row counts from gdbfile.xlsx (file) 10 KB My "original row counts" table pasted into an excel file. 1
19:45, 2 November 2015 KW wk9 screenshot1.png (file) 21 KB Screenshot of my tally count for week 9 assignment. 1
05:24, 27 October 2015 Wyllie Merrell Compiled Raw Data Vibrio.gmf (file) 7.29 MB My gmf file for the Week 8 assignment. 1
05:23, 27 October 2015 Outer membrane-bounded periplasmic space.mapp (file) 180 KB My MAPP file for the Week 8 assignment. 1
05:22, 27 October 2015 FilteredGOterms.xlsx (file) 226 KB My filtered GO file for the Week 8 assignment. 1
05:22, 27 October 2015 Wyllie Merrell Compiled Raw Data Vibrio-Criterion0-GO.txt (file) 209 KB My GO file for the Week 8 assignment. 1
05:20, 27 October 2015 Wyllie Merrell Compiled Raw Data Vibrio.EX.txt (file) 668 KB My exceptions file for the Week 8 assignment. 1
22:51, 20 October 2015 Wyllie Merrell Compiled Raw Data Vibrio.gex (file) 1.31 MB The GEX file generated by GenMapp with the 2010 vibrio cholera database and the text-tab-delimited file generated through excel. 1
22:17, 20 October 2015 Wyllie Merrell Compiled Raw Data Vibrio.xls (file) 9.97 MB This is the updated version of the spreadsheet which includes a worksheet that is GenMAPP-ready. 2
04:49, 20 October 2015 Kw Biodb week7 Q2.jpg (file) 167 KB The second image for my week 7 assignment. 1
04:48, 20 October 2015 Kw Biodb week7 Q1.jpg (file) 146 KB The first image for my week 7 assignment. 1
05:41, 14 October 2015 Kw week6 Screenshot9.png (file) 5 KB The ninth screenshot for my week 6 assignment. 1
05:31, 14 October 2015 Kw week6 Screenshot8.png (file) 3 KB The eighth screenshot for my week 6 assignment. 1
05:19, 14 October 2015 Kw week6 Screenshot7.png (file) 4 KB Seventh screenshot for my week 6 assignment. 1
05:03, 14 October 2015 Kw week6 Screenshot6.png (file) 51 KB The sixth screenshot for my week 6 assignment. 1
02:34, 14 October 2015 Kw week6 Screenshot5.png (file) 131 KB The sixth screenshot appearing in my week 6 assignment. 1
03:54, 13 October 2015 Kw week6 Screenshot4.png (file) 100 KB The fourth screenshot for my week 6 assignment. 1
03:37, 13 October 2015 Kw week6 Screenshot3.png (file) 93 KB The third screenshot for the week 6 assignment. 1
03:15, 13 October 2015 Kw week6 Screenshot2.png (file) 71 KB The second screenshot used in my week 6 assignment. 1
02:41, 13 October 2015 Kw week6 screenshot1.png (file) 73 KB The first screenshot for my week 6 assignment. 1
05:24, 29 September 2015 KwWeek4screenshot3.jpg (file) 601 KB This is a screenshot of the answer and output for question 3 of week 4. 1
04:40, 29 September 2015 KwWeek4screenshot2.jpg (file) 916 KB This is a screenshot of the answer and output for question 2 of the week 4 assignment. 1
03:51, 29 September 2015 KwWeek4screenshot1.jpg (file) 1,020 KB This is a screenshot of the first pipe (as well as its output) in the week 4 assignment. 1
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