- Kristin Zebrowski
- E-mail: kzebrows at lion dot lmu dot edu
- Mailing Address: 1 LMU Drive MSB-8279, Los Angeles, CA 90045
- Resume
Loyola Marymount University, Class of 2016
- Major: Biology
- Courses:
- BIOL 398 Field Vertebrate Biol Lab
- BIOL 474 Principles of Evolution
- BIOL 357 Comp Animal Physiology
- BIOL 398 Photosynthesis for the Future
- BIOL 361 General Microbiology
- BIOL 362 General Microbiology Lab
- BIOL 367 Biological Databases
- Career Goal: After graduation I plan to take a gap year for work and internships. I then hope to attend school to become a Physician Assistant.
Work Experience
Loyola Marymount University
- Lab Prep Assistant: Assisted Dr. McElwain with cleaning and preparing food/media for test tubes and agar plates used in research on D. melanogaster.
- LMU Biology Department
- Fall 2013-Spring 2014
- BIOL 376-Genetics Lab Teaching Assistant
- LMU Biology Department
- Fall 2014
About Me
- I'm from Eugene, Oregon. Go Ducks!
- I love hiking and dance. I also love to read and try new cuisines.
- Member of LMU Tri Delta.
My favorite part of biology is that it helps us to better understand the world we live in and also helps us to appreciate the elegance of the natural world. I love learning something new (and in biology there's never a shortage of new things to learn) and being able to see how different pieces of the world puzzle fit together seamlessly. I think studying biology has made me a better global citizen and person as well in that I am more aware of my surroundings and how my actions affect those surroundings. My favorite thing to study in biology so far has been genetics. I was adopted and I know very little about my family history so I'm fascinated by heredity.
To be honest, I know very little about computer science at this point, but I am excited to learn because it is so relevant. My favorite thing about computer science is that it is a flexible discipline in that it can be applied to almost anything and help broaden any range of knowledge or ability, whether it be science or business or even art. I think that learning the principles and basic techniques of computer science will be very useful.
Individual Journal Assignment Pages
- Week 1
- Week 2
- Week 3
- Week 4
- Week 5
- Week 6
- Week 7
- Week 8
- Week 9
- Week 10
- Week 11
- Week 12
- Week 14
- Week 15
Individual Journal Assignments
- Kzebrows Week 1
- Kzebrows Week 2
- Kzebrows Week 3
- Kzebrows Week 4
- Kzebrows Week 5
- Kzebrows Week 6
- Kzebrows Week 7
- Kzebrows Week 8
- Kzebrows Week 9
- Kzebrows Week 10
- Kzebrows Week 11
- Kzebrows Week 12
- Kzebrows Week 14
- Kzebrows Week 15
- Final Individual Reflection
- Class Journal Week 1
- Class Journal Week 2
- Class Journal Week 3
- Class Journal Week 4
- Class Journal Week 5
- Class Journal Week 6
- Class Journal Week 7
- Class Journal Week 8
- Class Journal Week 9
- Oregon Trail Survivors Week 10
- Oregon Trail Survivors Week 11
- Oregon Trail Survivors Week 12
- Oregon Trail Survivors Week 14
Additional Links
- User Page: Kristin Zebrowski
- Class Page: BIOL/CMSI 367-01
- Team Page: Oregon Trail Survivors