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==Electronic Notebook==
==Electronic Notebook==
=== Microarray Data Analysis Part 2: "High-level Analysis" ===
==== Clustering and GO Term Enrichment with stem ====
# '''Preparing the microarray data file for loading into STEM.'''
#* I downloaded my Excel workbook that I used for my [[Week 8]] assignment.
#* I inserted a new worksheet into my Excel workbook and named it "wt_stem".
#* I selected all of the data from my "wt_ANOVA" worksheet and Pasted special > paste values into my "wt_stem" worksheet.
#** I made sure that the leftmost column had the column header "Master_Index" and renamed this column to "SPOT".  I made sure Column B was named "ID"and renamed this column to "Gene Symbol".  I deleted the column named "Standard_Name".
#** I filtered the data on the B-H corrected p value to be > 0.05 (that's '''greater than''' in this case).
#*** Once the data was filtered, I selected all of the rows (except for the header row) and deleted the rows by right-clicking and choosing "Delete Row" from the context menu.  I then undid the filter.  This ensured that only the genes with a "significant" change in expression, and not the noise, would be clustered. <span style="color:red">1822 genes were left </span>
#** I then deleted all of the data columns '''''EXCEPT''''' for the Average Log Fold change columns for each timepoint (for example, wt_AvgLogFC_t15, etc.).
#** I renamed the data columns with just the time and units (for example, 15m, 30m, etc.).
#** I saved my work and used ''Save As'' to save this spreadsheet as Text (Tab-delimited) (*.txt), clicked OK to the warnings and closed the file. ("wt_stem.txt" located in the compressed file: "Week10_filesforstem_wildtype_emmat.zip‎")
#*** I made sure all of the file extensions were turned on.
# '''I downloaded and extracted the STEM software from [http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jernst/stem/ here].'''
#* I clicked on the [http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/zivbj/stemreg.html download link], registered, and downloaded the <code>stem.zip</code> file to the Desktop.
#* I unziped the file. 
#* This created a folder called <code>stem</code>.  Inside the folder, I double-clicked on the <code>stem.jar</code> to launch the STEM program.
# '''Running STEM'''
## In section 1 (Expression Data Info) of the the main STEM interface window, I clicked on the ''Browse...'' button to navigate to and select my file.
##* I clicked on the radio button ''No normalization/add 0''.
##* I checked the box next to ''Spot IDs included in the data file''.
## In section 2 (Gene Info) of the main STEM interface window, I selected ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SGD)'', from the drop-down menu for Gene Annotation Source.  I selected ''No cross references'', from the Cross Reference Source drop-down menu.  I selected ''No Gene Locations'' from the Gene Location Source drop-down menu.
## In section 3 (Options) of the main STEM interface window, I made sure that the Clustering Method said "STEM Clustering Method" and did not change the defaults for Maximum Number of Model Profiles or Maximum Unit Change in Model Profiles between Time Points.
## In section 4 (Execute) I clicked on the yellow Execute button to run STEM.
# '''Viewing and Saving STEM Results'''
## A new window opened called "All STEM Profiles (1)".  Each box corresponded to a model expression profile.  Colored profiles had a statistically significant number of genes assigned; they were arranged in order from most to least significant p value.  Profiles with the same color belonged to the same cluster of profiles.  The number in each box was simply an ID number for the profile.
##* I clicked on the button that said "Interface Options...".  At the bottom of the Interface Options window that appeared below where it said "X-axis scale should be:", I clicked on the radio button that said "Based on real time," then closed the Interface Options window.
##*I took a screenshot of this window and pasted it into a PowerPoint presentation to save my figures.
## I clicked on each of the SIGNIFICANT profiles (the colored ones) to open a window showing a more detailed plot containing all of the genes in that profile.
##* I took a screenshot of each of the individual profile windows and saved the images in my PowerPoint presentation (Wt_profileimage_presentation_emmat.pptx)
##* At the bottom of each profile window, there were two yellow buttons "Profile Gene Table" and "Profile GO Table".  For each of the profiles, I clicked on the "Profile Gene Table" button to see the list of genes belonging to the profile.  In the window that appeared, I clicked on the "Save Table" button and saved the file to the desktop. I made sure the filename was descriptive of the contents: wt_profile#_genelist.txt
##** I compressed and uploaded these files to the wiki and linked to them on my individual journal page. ("wt_profilenumber_genelist_emmat" located in compressed file: "Week10_filesforstem_wildtype_emmat.zip‎")
##* For each of the significant profiles, I clicked on the "Profile GO Table" to see the list of Gene Ontology terms belonging to the profile.  In the window that appeared, I clicked on the "Save Table" button and saved the file to the desktop.  I made the filename descriptive of the contents: wt_profile#_GOlist.txt. At this point I had saved all of the primary data from the STEM software and began interpretation of the results.
##** I compressed and uploaded these files to the wiki and linked to them on my individual journal page. ("wt_profilenumber_GOlist_emmat" located in compressed file: "Week10_filesforstem_wildtype_emmat.zip‎")
# '''Analyzing and Interpreting STEM Results'''
## I selected one of the profiles I saved in the previous step for further interpretation of the data.
##* '''''Why did you select this profile?  In other words, why was it interesting to you?'''''
##**<span style="color:red">I chose profile 45 because it shows a general trend of up regulation of genes at the cold shock time point.</span>
##* '''''How many genes belong to this profile?'''''
##**<span style="color:red">549 genes belong to this profile.</span>
##* '''''How many genes were expected to belong to this profile?'''''
##**<span style="color:red">47.1 genes were expected to belong to this profile.</span>
##* '''''What is the p value for the enrichment of genes in this profile?''''' (This p value determines whether the number of genes that show this particular expression profile across the time points is significantly more than expected.)
##**<span style="color:red">0.00 is the p-value for the enrichment of genes in this profile.</span>
##* I opened the GO list file I saved for this profile in Excel.  This list shows all of the Gene Ontology terms that are associated with genes that fit this profile.  I selected the third row and then chose from the menu Data > Filter > Autofilter.  I filtered on the "p-value" column to show only GO terms that have a p value of < 0.05.  '''''How many GO terms are associated with this profile at p < 0.05?''''' <span style="color:red">240 GO terms are associated with profile 45 at p<0.05. </span> The GO list also has a column called "Corrected p-value".  This correction is needed because the software has performed thousands of significance tests.  I filtered on the "Corrected p-value" column to show only GO terms that have a corrected p value of < 0.05.  '''''How many GO terms are associated with this profile with a corrected p value < 0.05?''''' <span style="color:red">39 GO terms are associated with profile 45 with a corrected p value < 0.05.</span>
##* I selected 6 Gene Ontology terms from my filtered list of corrected p < 0.05. 
##**'''''I looked up the definitions for each of the terms at [http://geneontology.org http://geneontology.org].  In my final presentation, I will discuss the biological interpretation of these GO terms.  In other words, why does the cell react to cold shock by changing the expression of genes associated with these GO terms?  Also, what does this have to do with the transcription factor being deleted (for the Δgln3 and Δswi4 groups)?'''''
##** To look up the definitions, I went to [http://geneontology.org http://geneontology.org].
##** I copied and pasted the GO ID (e.g. GO:0044848) into the search field at center top of the page called "Search GO Data".
##** In the [http://amigo.geneontology.org/amigo/medial_search?q=GO%3A0044848 results] page, I clicked on the button that says "Link to detailed information about <term>, in this case "biological phase"".
##** The definition was on the next results page, e.g. [http://amigo.geneontology.org/amigo/term/GO:0044848 here].
##***<span style="color:red">'''ribosome assembly''' (GO:0042255): The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of the mature ribosome and of its subunits</span> [http://amigo.geneontology.org/amigo/term/GO:0042255]
##***<span style="color:red">'''RNA modification''' (GO:0009451): The covalent alteration of one or more nucleotides within an RNA molecule to produce an RNA molecule with a sequence that differs from that coded genetically</span> [http://amigo.geneontology.org/amigo/term/GO:0009451]
##***<span style="color:red">'''ncRNA catabolic process''' (GO:0034661): The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of non-coding RNA transcripts (ncRNAs). Includes the breakdown of cryptic unstable transcripts</span> [http://amigo.geneontology.org/amigo/term/GO:0034661]
##***<span style="color:red">'''intracellular membrane-bounded organelle''' (GO:0043231): Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, bounded by a single or double lipid bilayer membrane and occurring within the cell. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, and vesicles. Excludes the plasma membrane</span> [http://amigo.geneontology.org/amigo/term/GO:0043231]
##***<span style="color:red">'''nucleoplasm''' (GO:0005654): That part of the nuclear content other than the chromosomes or the nucleolus.</span> [http://amigo.geneontology.org/amigo/term/GO:0005654]
##***<span style="color:red">'''ribosomal subunit export from nucleus''' (GO:0000054): The directed movement of a ribosomal subunit from the nucleus into the cytoplasm. </span> [http://amigo.geneontology.org/amigo/term/GO:0000054]
##**** '''Why does the cell react to cold shock by changing the expression of genes associated with these GO terms?''' The activity of these genes associated with these GO terms may increase to maintain viability of the cell in a highly-stressed environment. Furthermore, these genes may increase in expression to allow for greater efficiency of the cell during harsh conditions so that unnecessary energy is not expended.
#Updated excel spreadsheet: [[Media:Wt_Microarraydata_ET.zip]]
#Updated powerpoint presentation: [[Media:Wt_profileimage_presentation_emmat.pptx]]
#File used to run stem, gene list tables, GO list tables: [[Media:Week10_filesforstem_wildtype_emmat.zip‎]]
#YEASTRACT rank by TF results: [[Media:YEASTRACT_results_ET_20171130.xlsx | YEASTRACT_results_ET_20171130.xlsx]]
For the assignment this week, we did clustering and GO term enrichment with STEM, downloaded and ran the STEM software using an updated excel spreadsheet, obtained figures and results from the software, and analyzed and interpreted the STEM results. A new worksheet was created in the excel workbook from week 8 that involved renaming and filtering data from the wt_ANOVA worksheet. Using this updated file, STEM created figures and tables representing clusters/profiles of genes with similar responses in terms of expression following cold shock. One profile was chosen (45) for further analysis in terms of the identification of genes associated with different p-values within the profile, and 6 GO terms were selected from the filtered list of corrected p<0.05 and looked up with http://geneontology.org. Based on the GO terms that were designated for each cluster, I hypothesize that genes which code for parts of the cell which are needed for cell survival/cell rescue will be upregulated. On the other hand, genes involved in processes that aren't required for cell survival may be downregulated to conserve energy.
#I worked with my homework partner Eddie Azinge  
#I worked with my homework partner [[User:cazinge|Eddie Azinge]] during class and over text.
#Dr. Dahlquist for teaching and assisting us with the data analysis
#Dr. Dahlquist for teaching and assisting us with the data analysis
#Microsoft Excel to allow for statistical analysis
# I copied and modified the instructions from the [[Week 10]] assignment page.
While I worked with the people noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source.
While I worked with the people noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source.
[[User:Emmatyrnauer|Emmatyrnauer]] ([[User talk:Emmatyrnauer|talk]]) 15:14, 31 October 2017 (PDT)
[[User:Emmatyrnauer|Emmatyrnauer]] ([[User talk:Emmatyrnauer|talk]]) 15:14, 31 October 2017 (PDT)
LMU BioDB 2017. (2017). Week 10. Retrieved November 4, 2017, from https://xmlpipedb.cs.lmu.edu/biodb/fall2017/index.php/Week_10
#Gene Ontology Consortium. (2017). The Gene Ontology. Retrieved November 19, 2017, from http://geneontology.org
#*Ribosome assembly. The Gene Ontology. Retrieved November 19, 2017, from http://amigo.geneontology.org/amigo/term/GO:0042255
#*RNA modification. The Gene Ontology. Retrieved November 19, 2017, from http://amigo.geneontology.org/amigo/term/GO:0009451
#*ncRNA catabolic process. The Gene Ontology. Retrieved November 19, 2017, from http://amigo.geneontology.org/amigo/term/GO:0034661
#* Nucleoplasm. The Gene Ontology. Retrieved November 19, 2017, from http://amigo.geneontology.org/amigo/term/GO:0005654
#*Intracellular membrane-bounded organelle. The Gene Ontology. Retrieved November 19, 2017, http://amigo.geneontology.org/amigo/term/GO:0043231
#*Ribosomal subunit export from nucleus. The Gene Ontology. Retrieved November 19, 2017, from http://amigo.geneontology.org/amigo/term/GO:0000054
#LMU BioDB 2017. (2017). Week 10. Retrieved November 19, 2017, from https://xmlpipedb.cs.lmu.edu/biodb/fall2017/index.php/Week_10
#Short Time-series Expression Miner (STEM). (2006). Retrieved November 19, 2017, from http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jernst/stem/

Latest revision as of 23:03, 30 November 2017

Electronic Notebook

Microarray Data Analysis Part 2: "High-level Analysis"

Clustering and GO Term Enrichment with stem

  1. Preparing the microarray data file for loading into STEM.
    • I downloaded my Excel workbook that I used for my Week 8 assignment.
    • I inserted a new worksheet into my Excel workbook and named it "wt_stem".
    • I selected all of the data from my "wt_ANOVA" worksheet and Pasted special > paste values into my "wt_stem" worksheet.
      • I made sure that the leftmost column had the column header "Master_Index" and renamed this column to "SPOT". I made sure Column B was named "ID"and renamed this column to "Gene Symbol". I deleted the column named "Standard_Name".
      • I filtered the data on the B-H corrected p value to be > 0.05 (that's greater than in this case).
        • Once the data was filtered, I selected all of the rows (except for the header row) and deleted the rows by right-clicking and choosing "Delete Row" from the context menu. I then undid the filter. This ensured that only the genes with a "significant" change in expression, and not the noise, would be clustered. 1822 genes were left
      • I then deleted all of the data columns EXCEPT for the Average Log Fold change columns for each timepoint (for example, wt_AvgLogFC_t15, etc.).
      • I renamed the data columns with just the time and units (for example, 15m, 30m, etc.).
      • I saved my work and used Save As to save this spreadsheet as Text (Tab-delimited) (*.txt), clicked OK to the warnings and closed the file. ("wt_stem.txt" located in the compressed file: "Week10_filesforstem_wildtype_emmat.zip‎")
        • I made sure all of the file extensions were turned on.
  2. I downloaded and extracted the STEM software from here.
    • I clicked on the download link, registered, and downloaded the stem.zip file to the Desktop.
    • I unziped the file.
    • This created a folder called stem. Inside the folder, I double-clicked on the stem.jar to launch the STEM program.
  3. Running STEM
    1. In section 1 (Expression Data Info) of the the main STEM interface window, I clicked on the Browse... button to navigate to and select my file.
      • I clicked on the radio button No normalization/add 0.
      • I checked the box next to Spot IDs included in the data file.
    2. In section 2 (Gene Info) of the main STEM interface window, I selected Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SGD), from the drop-down menu for Gene Annotation Source. I selected No cross references, from the Cross Reference Source drop-down menu. I selected No Gene Locations from the Gene Location Source drop-down menu.
    3. In section 3 (Options) of the main STEM interface window, I made sure that the Clustering Method said "STEM Clustering Method" and did not change the defaults for Maximum Number of Model Profiles or Maximum Unit Change in Model Profiles between Time Points.
    4. In section 4 (Execute) I clicked on the yellow Execute button to run STEM.
  4. Viewing and Saving STEM Results
    1. A new window opened called "All STEM Profiles (1)". Each box corresponded to a model expression profile. Colored profiles had a statistically significant number of genes assigned; they were arranged in order from most to least significant p value. Profiles with the same color belonged to the same cluster of profiles. The number in each box was simply an ID number for the profile.
      • I clicked on the button that said "Interface Options...". At the bottom of the Interface Options window that appeared below where it said "X-axis scale should be:", I clicked on the radio button that said "Based on real time," then closed the Interface Options window.
      • I took a screenshot of this window and pasted it into a PowerPoint presentation to save my figures.
    2. I clicked on each of the SIGNIFICANT profiles (the colored ones) to open a window showing a more detailed plot containing all of the genes in that profile.
      • I took a screenshot of each of the individual profile windows and saved the images in my PowerPoint presentation (Wt_profileimage_presentation_emmat.pptx)
      • At the bottom of each profile window, there were two yellow buttons "Profile Gene Table" and "Profile GO Table". For each of the profiles, I clicked on the "Profile Gene Table" button to see the list of genes belonging to the profile. In the window that appeared, I clicked on the "Save Table" button and saved the file to the desktop. I made sure the filename was descriptive of the contents: wt_profile#_genelist.txt
        • I compressed and uploaded these files to the wiki and linked to them on my individual journal page. ("wt_profilenumber_genelist_emmat" located in compressed file: "Week10_filesforstem_wildtype_emmat.zip‎")
      • For each of the significant profiles, I clicked on the "Profile GO Table" to see the list of Gene Ontology terms belonging to the profile. In the window that appeared, I clicked on the "Save Table" button and saved the file to the desktop. I made the filename descriptive of the contents: wt_profile#_GOlist.txt. At this point I had saved all of the primary data from the STEM software and began interpretation of the results.
        • I compressed and uploaded these files to the wiki and linked to them on my individual journal page. ("wt_profilenumber_GOlist_emmat" located in compressed file: "Week10_filesforstem_wildtype_emmat.zip‎")
  5. Analyzing and Interpreting STEM Results
    1. I selected one of the profiles I saved in the previous step for further interpretation of the data.
      • Why did you select this profile? In other words, why was it interesting to you?
        • I chose profile 45 because it shows a general trend of up regulation of genes at the cold shock time point.
      • How many genes belong to this profile?
        • 549 genes belong to this profile.
      • How many genes were expected to belong to this profile?
        • 47.1 genes were expected to belong to this profile.
      • What is the p value for the enrichment of genes in this profile? (This p value determines whether the number of genes that show this particular expression profile across the time points is significantly more than expected.)
        • 0.00 is the p-value for the enrichment of genes in this profile.
      • I opened the GO list file I saved for this profile in Excel. This list shows all of the Gene Ontology terms that are associated with genes that fit this profile. I selected the third row and then chose from the menu Data > Filter > Autofilter. I filtered on the "p-value" column to show only GO terms that have a p value of < 0.05. How many GO terms are associated with this profile at p < 0.05? 240 GO terms are associated with profile 45 at p<0.05. The GO list also has a column called "Corrected p-value". This correction is needed because the software has performed thousands of significance tests. I filtered on the "Corrected p-value" column to show only GO terms that have a corrected p value of < 0.05. How many GO terms are associated with this profile with a corrected p value < 0.05? 39 GO terms are associated with profile 45 with a corrected p value < 0.05.
      • I selected 6 Gene Ontology terms from my filtered list of corrected p < 0.05.
        • I looked up the definitions for each of the terms at http://geneontology.org. In my final presentation, I will discuss the biological interpretation of these GO terms. In other words, why does the cell react to cold shock by changing the expression of genes associated with these GO terms? Also, what does this have to do with the transcription factor being deleted (for the Δgln3 and Δswi4 groups)?
        • To look up the definitions, I went to http://geneontology.org.
        • I copied and pasted the GO ID (e.g. GO:0044848) into the search field at center top of the page called "Search GO Data".
        • In the results page, I clicked on the button that says "Link to detailed information about <term>, in this case "biological phase"".
        • The definition was on the next results page, e.g. here.
          • ribosome assembly (GO:0042255): The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of the mature ribosome and of its subunits [1]
          • RNA modification (GO:0009451): The covalent alteration of one or more nucleotides within an RNA molecule to produce an RNA molecule with a sequence that differs from that coded genetically [2]
          • ncRNA catabolic process (GO:0034661): The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of non-coding RNA transcripts (ncRNAs). Includes the breakdown of cryptic unstable transcripts [3]
          • intracellular membrane-bounded organelle (GO:0043231): Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, bounded by a single or double lipid bilayer membrane and occurring within the cell. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, and vesicles. Excludes the plasma membrane [4]
          • nucleoplasm (GO:0005654): That part of the nuclear content other than the chromosomes or the nucleolus. [5]
          • ribosomal subunit export from nucleus (GO:0000054): The directed movement of a ribosomal subunit from the nucleus into the cytoplasm. [6]
            • Why does the cell react to cold shock by changing the expression of genes associated with these GO terms? The activity of these genes associated with these GO terms may increase to maintain viability of the cell in a highly-stressed environment. Furthermore, these genes may increase in expression to allow for greater efficiency of the cell during harsh conditions so that unnecessary energy is not expended.


  1. Updated excel spreadsheet: Media:Wt_Microarraydata_ET.zip
  2. Updated powerpoint presentation: Media:Wt_profileimage_presentation_emmat.pptx
  3. File used to run stem, gene list tables, GO list tables: Media:Week10_filesforstem_wildtype_emmat.zip‎
  4. YEASTRACT rank by TF results: YEASTRACT_results_ET_20171130.xlsx


For the assignment this week, we did clustering and GO term enrichment with STEM, downloaded and ran the STEM software using an updated excel spreadsheet, obtained figures and results from the software, and analyzed and interpreted the STEM results. A new worksheet was created in the excel workbook from week 8 that involved renaming and filtering data from the wt_ANOVA worksheet. Using this updated file, STEM created figures and tables representing clusters/profiles of genes with similar responses in terms of expression following cold shock. One profile was chosen (45) for further analysis in terms of the identification of genes associated with different p-values within the profile, and 6 GO terms were selected from the filtered list of corrected p<0.05 and looked up with http://geneontology.org. Based on the GO terms that were designated for each cluster, I hypothesize that genes which code for parts of the cell which are needed for cell survival/cell rescue will be upregulated. On the other hand, genes involved in processes that aren't required for cell survival may be downregulated to conserve energy.


  1. I worked with my homework partner Eddie Azinge during class and over text.
  2. Dr. Dahlquist for teaching and assisting us with the data analysis
  3. I copied and modified the instructions from the Week 10 assignment page.

While I worked with the people noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source. Emmatyrnauer (talk) 15:14, 31 October 2017 (PDT)


  1. Gene Ontology Consortium. (2017). The Gene Ontology. Retrieved November 19, 2017, from http://geneontology.org
  2. LMU BioDB 2017. (2017). Week 10. Retrieved November 19, 2017, from https://xmlpipedb.cs.lmu.edu/biodb/fall2017/index.php/Week_10
  3. Short Time-series Expression Miner (STEM). (2006). Retrieved November 19, 2017, from http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jernst/stem/


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