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From LMU BioDB 2017
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(Added curl and response to first question)
(Edited questions)
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  curl -d "pre_text=cgatggtacatggagtccagtagccgtagtgatgagatcgatgagctagc&submit=Submit" http://web.expasy.org/cgi-bin/translate/dna_aa
  curl -d "pre_text=cgatggtacatggagtccagtagccgtagtgatgagatcgatgagctagc&submit=Submit" http://web.expasy.org/cgi-bin/translate/dna_aa
==Study the curl'ed code==
==Question responses==
#ga.js and _utm.gif? go to google-analytics.com

Revision as of 20:17, 17 September 2017

Hacking a Page

With Developer Tools

Cwong34 page-hack with tools.png

Without Developer Tools

Cwong34 page-hack no tools.png

The Genetic Code

curl command

curl -d "pre_text=cgatggtacatggagtccagtagccgtagtgatgagatcgatgagctagc&submit=Submit" http://web.expasy.org/cgi-bin/translate/dna_aa

Question responses


Hacking a Page

For the hacking a page assignment, I went to Netflix and clicked right clicked over the main image and then clicked on "investigate." I moved my mouse over the code for the webpage until I found the image/text I wanted to replace and pasted the link to the image or typed in the text I wanted to add.



  1. LMU BioDB 2017. (2017). Week 3. Retrieved September 12, 2017, from https://xmlpipedb.cs.lmu.edu/biodb/fall2017/index.php/Week_3
  2. Netflix. (2017). Retrieved September 16, 2017, from https://www.netflix.com/


BIOL/CMSI 367-01: Biological Databases Fall 2017


Journal Entries:

Shared Journals:

Group Project

Cwong34 (talk) 15:09, 16 September 2017 (PDT)