Hhinsch Week 4
From LMU BioDB 2017
Website Zip File
Hayden and Zach's Favorite Gene Zip File
Electronic Notebook Entry Week 4
- To start this assignment was fairly simple. I downloaded bootstrap for my computer from https://getbootstrap.com/ and started attempting different plug-plug ins from the bootstrap documentation page https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/getting-started/introduction/ which I found to be very helpful.
- I started off playing around with Visual Studio Code which I downloaded from https://code.visualstudio.com/. My original html file just looked like a few random words using the
< h 3 > < / h 3 >
and< h 4 > < / h 4 >
headings just to get an idea of what the html page would look like with the bootstrap code. - I then worked with Zach in the computer lab, referring to the Week 4 assignment page to complete the deliverables for the html page.
- We used basic typography from the Bootstrap Documentation page: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/getting-started/introduction/.
- Due to the lack of plugins we had installed on our computers we used some of the basic typography and tables.
- Zach had a previous knowledge of bootstrap so with his knowledge he helped guide our bootstrap coding in the right direction in order to create the html page.
- We looked over the four databases listed on the the Week 4 assignment page and decided that