Template:Bhamilton18 Shared Week 5

From LMU BioDB 2017
Revision as of 22:50, 2 October 2017 by Bhamilton18 (talk | contribs) (Added a core competency to my answer)
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  1. Which of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?
    • I would say number 3, Data Management and Organization, is my most skilled core competency. This summer during my internship I was asked to input large amounts of the company's products into an organized fashion to allow for consistency amongst company wide documentation. I believe this allowed me to gain the necessary skills of staying organized while dealing with large amounts of data, and what the best strategies are when looking to discard or update necessary/necessary data. Another core competency I would say I am familiar with would be number 5, quality assurance. While doing research papers, working at internships and looking at data constantly for school I feel I am able to pinpoint what data would be better suited and for what purpose.
  2. Which of these core competencies do you want to know more about? Why?
    • I would like to learn more about number 11, data visualization. Often I can get too caught up in believing the data can speak for itself when often diagrams or charts are easier and more pleasing to read/interpret. I would like to know more about which types of visuals are best for certain types of data and how to best portray an idea based on visuals not just words.

Bhamilton18 (talk) 15:44, 2 October 2017 (PDT)