Aporras1 Week 6

From LMU BioDB 2017
Revision as of 23:27, 8 October 2017 by Aporras1 (talk | contribs) (question 1)
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Antonio Porras

Discovery Questions

1. Choose two genes from Figure 4.6b (PDF of figures on Brightspace) and draw a graph to represent the change in transcription over time. Create your plot in Excel (or other program that can do plots) and display the image up on your wiki page. Alternately, you can do it by hand, scan or take a photo of the plot, and display the image on your wiki page.


  1. Met outside of class with Eddie Bachoura to discuss any questions we had prior to meeting and throughout the process of completing the Week 6 assignment.

While I worked with the people noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source.

Aporras1 (talk) 16:22, 8 October 2017 (PDT)
