White Chicks

From LMU BioDB 2017
Revision as of 02:30, 14 November 2017 by Cazinge (talk | contribs) (Executive Summaries: added summary for week)
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White Chicks

General Information

Eddie (Cazinge):

Dina (Dbashour):

Corinne (Cwong34):

  • Role: Project Manager/Quality Assurance
  • User Page: Corinne Wong

John (johnllopez616):

Executive Summaries


  • Week 11:
    • This week, I finished the bulk of the function logic for our final project; I also performed research on the items necessary for an effective journal club presentation this coming Thursday by completing the individual assignment that we were assigned for the week.
    • Getting a large portion of our designated assignment completed early worked pretty successfully to alleviate our stress over the impending assignment and place us ahead of the pace of other groups so that we would be able to work on the more secondary parts of our final presentation across the next 4 weeks.
    • Working on the project without having a proper development environment set up ended up detracting from the fluidity of our collaboration as a team; as the versions of the final function that John and I worked on weren't linked via git, and were somewhat unruly to collaborate on.
    • Next time, I'll make sure to set up my development environment according to Dondi's instructions on the Coders Guild Page.


  • Week 11:


  • Week 11:


  • Week 11:

Main Page: Main Page

Project Page: GRNsight Gene Page Project
