Bhamilton18 Week 3
From LMU BioDB 2017
Revision as of 01:31, 18 September 2017 by Bhamilton18 (talk | contribs) (Added the first part of just the answers)
Part I Picture Section
Basic LMU Website before Additions
After Additions with Inspected Elements
Fake Website
Part II Terminal Window Section
Curling Raw Data
curl -d "pre_text=cgatggtacatagtagccgtagtgatgagatcgatgagctagc&submit=Submit"
Questions Regarding ExPASy
- Are there any links to other pages within the ExPASy translation server’s responses? List them and state where they go. (of course, if you aren’t sure, you can always go there with a web browser or curl)
- Yes, the following link from the ExPASy page: "sib.css", "bas.css", "sib_print.css", "ga.js", and "dna_aa". The css sites refer to the "look and feel" of the website, such as buttons, formatting or colors. The js file refers to the actions computed once a button is pressed or a page is loaded. Finally the dna_aa file is a separate file that holds the data for the translation and where the code is accessed to perform the translation.
- Are there any identifiers in the ExPASy translation server’s responses? List them and state what you think they identify.
Just the Answers
curl -d "pre_text=cgatggtacatggagtccagtagccgtagtgatgagatcgatgagctagc&submit=Submit" | sed "1,47d" | sed "13,44d"
- This week I worked with my partner Mary Balducci on the hack-a-page segment of the homework. We collaborated on which website to "hack" and how to format the screenshots/pictures onto our respective web pages.
- Also compared picture formatting to Mary Balducci's as it conveyed the correct title and formatting I wanted for my page.
- I worked with Zach Van Ysseldyk on the "curling" portion of the assignment. We collaborated on how the "curl" command works and what to look out for when computing the commands in the terminal.
- While I worked with the people noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source.
- LMU BioDB 2017. (2017). Week 3. Retrieved September 14, 2017, from
- Manual -- curl usage explained. Retrieved September 17, 2017, from