Dbashour Week 3

From LMU BioDB 2017
Revision as of 19:14, 19 September 2017 by Dbashour (talk | contribs) (syntax fix)
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Curl Command used to retrieve info:

curl -X POST -d "pre_text=cgatggtacatggagtccagtagccgtagtgatgagatcgatgagctagc&output=Verbose&code=Standard&submit=Submit" http://web.expasy.org/cgi-bin/translate/dna_aa

Command used to get "just the answers"

curl -X POST -d "pre_text=cgatggtacatggagtccagtagccgtagtgatgagatcgatgagctagc&output=Verbose&code=Standard&submit=Submit" http://web.expasy.org/cgi-bin/translate/dna_aa | sed "1,47d" | sed "13q" | sed "s/<[^>]*>//g"

Links to other pages:

  1. http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd
    • A HTML document "which includes presentation attributes and elements that W3C expects to phase out as support for style sheets matures"
  2. http://web.expasy.org/favicon.ico
    • A picture of the logo used on the page tab
  3. /css/sib_css/sib.css
    • A template laying out how the page should be formatted
  4. /css/sib_css/sib_print.css
    • A template laying out how the page should be formatted for printing
  5. /css/base.css
    • Another template for laying out the format of the page
  6. http://www.isb-sib.ch
    • Link to Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics Homepage
  7. http://www.expasy.org
    • Link to the ExPasy Bioinformatics Resource Portal Home
  8. http://web.expasy.org/translate
    • Link to the Translate Tool page (without any input in)
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_reading_frame
    • Wikipedia page for open reading frame
  10. http://web.expasy.org/cgi-bin/translate/dna_sequences?/work/expasy/tmp/http/seqdna.28321,1
    • ExPASy translate tool highlighting open reading frames for frame 1
  11. http://web.expasy.org/cgi-bin/translate/dna_sequences?/work/expasy/tmp/http/seqdna.28321,2
    • ExPASy translate tool highlighting open reading frames for frame 2
  12. http://web.expasy.org/cgi-bin/translate/dna_sequences?/work/expasy/tmp/http/seqdna.28321,3
    • ExPASy translate tool highlighting open reading frames for frame 3
  13. http://web.expasy.org/cgi-bin/translate/dna_sequences?/work/expasy/tmp/http/seqdna.28321,4
    • ExPASy translate tool highlighting open reading frames for frame 1
  14. http://web.expasy.org/cgi-bin/translate/dna_sequences?/work/expasy/tmp/http/seqdna.28321,5
    • ExPASy translate tool highlighting open reading frames for frame 2
  15. http://web.expasy.org/cgi-bin/translate/dna_sequences?/work/expasy/tmp/http/seqdna.28321,6
    • ExPASy translate tool highlighting open reading frames for frame 3
  16. http://www.isb-sib.ch
    • Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics link at bottom of page
  17. https://www.expasy.org/disclaimer.html
    • ExPASy disclaimer
  18. https://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js
    • Java script code used within the website


  1. sib_top
    • The very top of the page
  2. sib_container
    • The container for the whole page returned
  3. sib_header_small
    • The small bar header at the top of the page
  4. sib_expasy_logo
    • The logo in the top left corner of the page
  5. resource_header
    • Not obvious, but possibly another formatting section for the header of the page
  6. sib_header_nav
    • The top right of the page with navigational buttons to home and contact
  7. sib_body
    • The portion of the page including the text and reading frames returned
  8. sib_footer
    • The footer at the bottom of the page
  9. sib_footer_content
    • The text/content included in the footer at the bottom of the page
  10. sib_footer_right
    • The text/content in the bottom right footer of the page
  11. sb_footer_gototop
    • The button going to the top of the page included in the footer
