Aporras1 Week 4

From LMU BioDB 2017
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User Page: Antonio Porras

Assignment Page: Week 4

Electronic Notebook

  1. I visited the SGD Database and we chose the CLN1 gene as the model organism.
  2. First, searched through information on the SGD database and found the following going from the top to the bottom of the page:
    • Overview: regulation of cell cycle promoting first growth phase to S phase.
    • Found on chromosome XIII; also provides the sequence.
    • Cyclin dependent protein kinase.
    • Found within the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
    • Encodes for a G1 cyclin which regulates the cell cycle.
    • Cyclins are essential because they activate CDKs at the correct times within the cell cycle.
    • Provides length of protein to be 546 a.a., PI to be 5.62, and molecular weight to be 62038.2
    • ANother observation on the website, it provides additional literature regarding the study of CLN1.
  3. I then searched on the NCBI Gene Database and gathered what I thought to be relevant information going from the top to the bottom of the webpage:
    • A protein coding gene also known as YMR199W
    • The genomic sequence is NC_001145.3
    • Provides various interactions with other genes, however this list is extensive/exhaustive and not essential to understand the function of the gene.