Week 9
This journal entry is due on Tuesday, October 31, at 12:01 AM PDT. 🎃
The objective of this assignment is to lay additional computer science groundwork for the semester’s research project by:
- spending some hands-on time with GRNsight
- learning how to work with and explore a web service API and its documentation
- looking at the “favorite gene” pages created by the class
Individual Journal Assignment
- Store this journal entry as "username Week 9" (i.e., this is the text to place between the square brackets when you link to this page).
- Invoke your template on your journal entry page so that you:
- Link from your journal entry page to this Assignment page.
- Link from your journal entry to your user page.
- Add the "Journal Entry" category to the end of your wiki page.
- Because you have invoked your template on your user page, you should also have a:
- Link from your user page to this Assignment page.
- Link to your journal entry from your user page.
- Include both the Acknowledgments and References section as specified by the Week 1 assignment.
- For your assignment this week, the electronic laboratory notebook you will keep on your individual wiki page retains a crucial role. Because most of this week’s activities are exploratory, it is imperative that these explorations are recorded in sufficient detail so that:
- You do not lose important information that you will need later on.
- You do not unnecessarily repeat something that you already tried this week.
- Readers can get a clear idea of what you tried and didn’t try, what worked and didn’t work.
Homework Partners
Homework partners for this week are listed below. The particular GRNsight functional area and web service API that you and your partner will work on are also indicated below. You are expected to consult with your partner, sharing your domain expertise, in order to complete the assignment. However, each partner must submit his or her own work as the individual journal entry (direct copying of each other's work is not allowed). You must give the details of the interaction with your partner in the Acknowledgments section of your journal assignment.
- Eddie Azinge, Corinne Wong (D-Pad Control; UniProt)
- Eddie Bachoura, Katie Wright (Viewport Size; UniProt)
- Mary Balducci, Quinn Lanners (Edge Weights + Gray Threshold; NCBI)
- Blair Hamilton, Emma Tyrnauer (Gray Threshold + Zoom; NCBI)
- Dina Bashoura, Simon Wroblewski (Edge Weights + Normalization; SGD/YeastMine)
- Hayden Hinsch, John Lopez (Normalization + Zoom; SGD/YeastMine)
- Nicole Kalcic, Arash Lari (Restrict Viewport + Edge Weights; Ensembl)
- Antonio Porras, Zach Van Ysseldyk (Restrict Viewport + Zoom; Ensembl)
Hands-On with GRNsight
Each homework pair has been assigned one subset of the GRNsight client-side testing protocol for the current beta version of GRNsight. Follow this protocol and report the results of your tests in the electronic journal. Homework partners have one testing subset each so that you can talk to each other about the requested tests, but the testing itself should still be done and reported individually, in the spirit of seeking reproducible results.
- Each feature is to be tested in combination will all three formats that GRNsight can read (Excel workbook, SIF, GraphML). This is already specified in the testing document. Choose one file for each of these formats from this web page for use in your tests and specify them in your electronic notebook. In order to have a basis for comparison, homework partners should use the same test files for their individual test sequences.
- For the Excel workbooks (.xlsx) in the linked collection above, click on the file then click Download to save the file to your computer.
- For the SIF (.sif) and GraphML (.graphml) files, click on the file, click on the Raw button, then either copy-paste or save the resulting file to your computer.
- Each test specifies a sequence of actions to perform, followed by their expected results. Use the latter to determine whether GRNsight passed a particular test. Report the result of each test in your electronic notebook.
- The version of GRNsight that you are testing is a beta version, so results that diverge from the expected ones are certainly possible.
- If the observed result is the same as the expected result, indicate that GRNsight passed that particular test.
- If the observed result is not the same as the expected result, indicate that GRNsight failed that particular test and document what was different. For many tests, a screenshot will be the most effective way to document this difference, so do not hesitate to supply one.
- If you see any other behavior that appears incorrect, erroneous, or confusing, please report those observations in a section of your electronic notebook as well.
- As always, make sure to document and acknowledge your interactions with your homework partner in the Acknowledgments section of your individual journal.
Web Service API Exploration
Each homework pair has been assigned one of the four gene-related web services that we have used for the “favorite gene page” assignments (Ensembl, NCBI, UniProt, SGD/YeastMine). Because there are only four such services, two homework pairs will be working on the same service, so if you wish, you may join “fources” (sorry) to explore the same web service together. Still, you must write up your findings individually in your own respective words.
For the web service that has been assigned to you, use the information given on this page to discover how to take a gene name/symbol (e.g., ACT1, BRO1, SPT15, etc.) and access its full “data profile” within that service. This process may require multiple web service calls and will involve “reading” web service data formats such as JSON or XML.
Your foundational knowledge for this exercise begins with what you have learned from working with “your favorite gene” and from using the services’ corresponding websites. You will want to use a combination of a web browser and curl, with a code-savvy editor to help make any received data more readable to you.
Upon determining how to go from a gene name/symbol to that gene’s individual data record, write up this process as a reproducible “recipe” in your electronic journal. In general, this recipe will consist of:
- The URLs to access in order to retrieve the desired data
- Any portions in these URLs that need to be substituted for specific queries, such as the gene name or ID within that web service
- Specific instructions on how to interpret the data returned by each URL so that you can extract exactly the information you need in order to proceed to the next step
This exercise is somewhat unusual in that the work lies in the process of figuring out how to use the web service. Once the steps are known, actually performing these steps is quite straightforward. Thus, although the prospect of doing this may be quite intimidating to those who are new to it, please rest assured that the journey itself is the reward here and it is the very open-endedness of this exploration that we’d like you to experience in this exercise.
That said, it is again imperative that you take good notes about the things you try, and their results, so that you don’t go around in circles and eventually narrow down your exploration the the desired set of steps.
- Store your journal entry in the shared Class Journal Week 9 page. If this page does not exist yet, go ahead and create it (congratulations on getting in first 👏🏼)
- Link to your journal entry from your user page.
- Link back from the journal entry to your user page.
- NOTE: You can easily fulfill the links part of these instructions by adding them to your template and using the template on your user page.
- Sign your portion of the journal with the standard wiki signature shortcut (
). - Add the "Journal Entry" and "Shared" categories to the end of the wiki page (if someone has not already done so).
Look at the gene pages that the class has collectively created via the Week 4 and Week 7 assignments:
On the shared journal page:
- Identify two (2) gene pages that you particularly like.
- State what you like about each gene page.
- Format these as separate answers, for a total of three distinct responses in this week’s shared journal.