User contributions
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
- 23:20, 7 September 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+113) . . Main Page (→Course Schedule: add link to slides on 8/31 and 9/7)
- 23:19, 7 September 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+44) . . N File:20170831 modeling.pdf (Slides shown in class on Thursday, August 31) (current)
- 23:15, 7 September 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+32) . . N File:BIOL367 Fall2017 GeneticCode-CentralModel.pdf (paper/pencil exercise for 9/7/17) (current)
- 23:14, 7 September 2017 (diff | hist) . . (-37) . . Main Page (→Part 1: Building Blocks (Genetic Code and Web Pages): modified topics for today for what actually happened)
- 20:01, 6 September 2017 (diff | hist) . . (-171) . . Main Page (→Upcoming Seminars: edit title)
- 19:58, 6 September 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+64) . . Main Page (→Part 1: Building Blocks (Genetic Code and Web Pages): note slides posted on Brightspace)
- 00:19, 6 September 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+435) . . Main Page (→Announcements: add seminar)
- 23:38, 5 September 2017 (diff | hist) . . (-26) . . Week 2 (remove under construction flag) (current)
- 23:37, 5 September 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+18) . . N Category:Assignment (add title of Weekly Assigments) (current)
- 23:36, 5 September 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+2,840) . . Week 2 (add academic honesty section)
- 23:33, 5 September 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+82) . . Main Page (→Course Schedule: modified topics to match what was done in class)
- 21:02, 5 September 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+239) . . Week 2 (→Homework Partners: set up homework partners for the week)
- 18:49, 5 September 2017 (diff | hist) . . (-356) . . Main Page (add announcement about survey)
- 18:08, 5 September 2017 (diff | hist) . . (-444) . . Week 2 (→Shared Journal Assignment: replace blackboard with brightspace)
- 16:56, 5 September 2017 (diff | hist) . . (-257) . . Week 2 (→Homework Partners: delete old partners)
- 16:55, 5 September 2017 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . Week 2 (fix template)
- 16:54, 5 September 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+141) . . N Template:Under Construction (create under construction template) (current)
- 16:54, 5 September 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+5,627) . . N Week 2 (pasted in from 2015)
- 23:17, 31 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (-22) . . Week 1 (→Homework Partners: adjusted for dropped student) (current)
- 19:31, 31 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (-1) . . m Main Page (→Part 1: Building Blocks (Genetic Code and Web Pages): fix syntax)
- 19:30, 31 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . Main Page (→Part 1: Building Blocks (Genetic Code and Web Pages): uncommented what is code? and where's my stuff?)
- 19:29, 31 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . m Main Page (→Part 1: Building Blocks (Genetic Code and Web Pages): try again to fix)
- 19:28, 31 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . m Main Page (→Part 1: Building Blocks (Genetic Code and Web Pages): fix syntax)
- 19:27, 31 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+309) . . Main Page (→Part 1: Building Blocks (Genetic Code and Web Pages): add reading on identifiers)
- 19:16, 31 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (-17) . . Main Page (→Part 1: Building Blocks (Genetic Code and Web Pages): reorganized topics for next week)
- 19:14, 31 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (-3) . . Main Page (→Part 1: Building Blocks (Genetic Code and Web Pages): reorganized topics for next week)
- 19:13, 31 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+1) . . m Main Page (→Part 1: Building Blocks (Genetic Code and Web Pages): add parens)
- 19:12, 31 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+81) . . Main Page (→Part 1: Building Blocks (Genetic Code and Web Pages): add DataONE slides on data management)
- 18:58, 31 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (-290) . . Main Page (→Part 1: Building Blocks (Genetic Code and Web Pages): un comment readings)
- 00:03, 30 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+2,188) . . N User:Kdahlquist (copied over content from 2015 wiki) (current)
- 00:01, 30 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (-28) . . Main Page (→Part 1: Building Blocks (Genetic Code and Web Pages): modified topics for Thursday)
- 23:48, 29 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (-6) . . Week 1 (→Homework Partners: rearranged based on dropped/added students)
- 23:46, 29 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (-6) . . Main Page (→Students: removed student who dropped, added Arash)
- 20:45, 29 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (-45) . . Week 1 (remove under construction flag)
- 20:25, 29 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+387) . . Week 1 (→Homework Partners: added homework partners)
- 17:00, 29 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+38) . . Week 1 (→Practice your Wiki Skills: note about headers)
- 16:56, 29 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+1) . . m Week 1 (→References: fix grammar)
- 16:55, 29 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+467) . . Week 1 (→References: add to cite assignment page and give example reference)
- 16:50, 29 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . Week 1 (→References: fix link to guidelines to literature citations)
- 16:48, 29 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (-61) . . Week 1 (→Acknowledgments: clarified providing link to page from which syntax or style was copied)
- 16:46, 29 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+8) . . Week 1 (→Acknowledgments: add dondi, remove TA)
- 16:46, 29 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+12) . . Week 1 (→Acknowledgments: move note about signature)
- 16:44, 29 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+2,413) . . Week 1 (paste in Academic Honesty from bioinformatics lab)
- 16:41, 29 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+192) . . Main Page (→Electronic Laboratory Notebook/Journal: add references and acknowledgments sections)
- 16:36, 29 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (-22) . . Week 1 (→Read and Reflect: convert links to brightspace)
- 16:29, 29 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+35) . . N File:BIOL367 Fall2017 GuidelinesforLiteratureCitations.pdf (Guidelines for Literature Citations) (current)
- 16:29, 29 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+26) . . N File:BIOL367 Fall2017 AcademicHonestyAgreement.pdf (Academic Honesty Agreement) (current)
- 16:24, 29 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+60) . . Main Page (→Academic Honesty Resources: add libguide)
- 16:17, 29 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (-117) . . Main Page (→Academic Honesty Resources: delete ARC resource that is no longer available)
- 16:16, 29 August 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+64) . . Main Page (→University Policy on Academic Honesty: update to Academic Honesty instead of Honor Code)
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)