User talk:Hhinsch
From LMU BioDB 2017
Week 2 Feedback
Week 2 Feedback
- Thank you for turning in your assignment on time.
- You wrote something in the summary field for 22 of 22 saves (100%) in the period of review, which is excellent, keep up the good work!
- The number of total saves on your individual wiki page was 13, which is a good amount for this assignment.
- The link from your User page to the Week 2 assignment was missing, as was the link to your individual and shared journal entries. I think that you have addressed this with your template already, but am recording the feedback for future assignments just in case.
- Your complementary DNA sequence was correct, except in one case where you missed a t > a conversion.
- Your +1 frame had a U instead of an I in one place (not sure how that happened).
- Your +2 fraome had an A instead of an R in one place
- The +3 frame translation was correct.
- However, the -1, -2, and -3 frame translations were completely incorrect. It appears that you read them 3' to 5' instead of 5' to 3'. You either had to reverse the sequence or read it right to left to translate it correctly.
- Your determination of which frames contained ORFs was correct (but based on your mis-translation of the three minus frames).
- One other note: we do not label the ends of proteins 5' and 3', instead we label them N-ter and C-ter.
- Finally, do not flip the orientation of the RNA "top" and "bottom" strands from what is given by the DNA sequence. Even though it is the RNA that is ultimately translated, we always refer to "top" and "bottom" with respect to DNA.
- I did not see an electronic lab notebook for this assignment. For this journal entry, the lab notebook would have explained how you arrived at your answers to the questions posed in the exercise.
- The technical language in articles from the primary literature is definitely a hurdle for students (and even for faculty from a different field), I'm glad you stuck with it. Like with other fields of endeavor, it is good to take a look at the primary source. Instead of just relying on your memory for terminology, you can always look something up online or in a text book or dictionary. I have to do that myself when I am reading something from a different field.
— Kdahlquist (talk) 23:47, 23 September 2017 (PDT)
Week 1 Feedback
- Thank you for completing the assignment on time.
- You completed all of the required content and skills except for the following list. You have the opportunity to make up the points you have lost on this assignment by completing the changes requested by the Week 3 journal deadline.
- Please include Biological Databases and any other courses you are taking this semester in a list of upper division courses.
- We did not receive an e-mail from you regarding your worries/concerns or if there was anything else you wanted us to know. Please send us both an e-mail, even if your answer to both questions is “no”.
- You wrote something in the summary field for 15 of 18 saves, or 83%. This is very good; we would like to see this approach 100%.
- You created a “redlink” for your Week 2 journal entry, but that is only the first step in creating a new page. The second step is to actually click on the link and edit something, then save. Please create a new wiki page (your Week 2 or Week 3 individual journal page will now fulfill this requirement).
- Please be careful to use the correct syntax for an internal wiki link versus an external one. Some of your internal links are formatted like external ones, including the one on the Main course page. While they do function as links, we would like you to please go back and correct the syntax so that you have practice in learning the MediaWiki syntax.
- You organized your page using the three levels of headers, ==, ===, and ====, but you need to be careful to use them “in order” in outline form. For example, use === only underneath ==, don’t skip from == to ====.
- You included a category on your page, but we would prefer you to use the category “Journal Entry” instead. Please make this change on the User page and on your template.
- You created a template ([[Template:Hhinsch]]), but did not invoke it on your User page. To invoke it on your user page, you need to include the syntax {{Template:Hhinsch}}. Your template is the page that should include the list of Assignments (Week 1, Week 2, etc.), the list of your individual journal entries (Hhinsch_Week_2, etc.), and the list of shared journal entries (Class Journal Week 1, Class Journal Week 2, etc.), and the category “Journal Entry”. I see that you have created several sub-pages, instead of just creating the one template. Please go back and add the requested content to your main template, invoke your template on your user page and your individual assignment pages, and then we can delete the unused pages. Please let us know if you need assistance.
- By correcting your template, then the missing link to the shared journal page will be corrected. This is something that will be part of the assignment each week. By using the template, you will save yourself from forgetting and losing points. You can work ahead and create the content for your template for the entire semester, if you wish.
- Thank you for your detailed Acknowledgments section; that is exactly what you should do in the future.
- I answered your question on my User talk page.
— Kdahlquist (talk) 13:37, 12 September 2017 (PDT)