User talk:Aporras1

From LMU BioDB 2017
Revision as of 05:20, 3 October 2017 by Dondi (talk | contribs) (Provide Week 4 feedback.)
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Week 4 Feedback

Individual Journal

  • You’ve gotten a lot of the “good habit” tasks down, but not all. For this week:
    • The individual journal was mostly on-time—35 edits’ worth!—with the last edit landing at 12:02am.
    • But on a positive note, all 35 listed edits had a summary entry—keep that up!
    • Your journal page still does not have a category—please put that in your template so that you don't have to worry about it again.
  • Your lab notebook has some great detail, but remains quite easy to read and follow. This is great!
  • Your references were as requested except that the Week 3 reference was not updated to Week 4.

Shared Journal

All questions and “good habit” points are fulfilled! And indeed the flip side of the Internet’s success is the danger and quality of our data. Vigilance for this can never let up.

Web Page

(both homework partners get the same feedback)

Most gene page requirements were fulfilled except:

  • Filenames and title element weren’t customized to your chosen gene
  • A separate gene summary paragraph was not seen
  • The displayed Ensembl gene ID doesn't match the ID in the link
  • The displayed UniProt ID is the taxon (organism) ID—note the link has a different value (plus there is a typo in the UniProt label)
  • Acknowledgments and References should have had separate headings, plus Week 3 was not updated to Week 4

Dondi (talk) 22:20, 2 October 2017 (PDT)

Week 3 Feedback

  • Everything was turned in on time—good job! You fulfilled most of the “good habit/best practice” aspects of the assignment, with comments on 16 out of the 17 listed journal edits in the history.
  • Your journal entry page does not have a category—just put this in your template so you don’t forget.
  • You supplied an electronic notebook with this assignment, with a fine level of detail. Openness and reproducibility are the values that we are after here: can someone reading your notebook get a clear understanding of what you did for this assignment? Do they have enough information to replicate the results that you posted on your journal page?
    • Note that we’ll want you to integrate your notebook right with your journal page from this point on, instead of a separate page like you have here.
  • Your hack-a-page work certainly fulfilled the instructions; if only Fox News’s biggest headlines were about domesticated teddy bear hamsters!
  • You listed a good number of links for a variety of resource types, so that works out nicely.
  • Your list of IDs was also of decent size, and in this case you took the most explicit ones, the element IDs. However, there were other kinds of IDs in the page and I was hoping you would catch those as well.
  • Sorry to hear that you weren’t able to work out the “cleanup” commands. This might be good to follow-up on with your homework partner for this week, to make sure that you don’t miss out on the skills that the solution requires.
  • Your shared journal entry and chosen quote actually speak to the heart of the “science” in “computer science”—limits. Theoretical computer science is very much about the limits of computation. As for how-to guidance, I’d say that office hours would be a great opportunity for getting that. I’ll be happy to review any of the technical content that you’ll see in the class.

Dondi (talk) 15:46, 24 September 2017 (PDT)

Week 2 Feedback

  • Thank you for turning in your assignment on time.
  • You wrote something in the summary field for 32 of 38 saves (84%) in the period of review, which is very good. Remember we are aiming for 100%
  • The number of total saves on your individual wiki page was 18, which is a good amount for this assignment.
  • The link from your User page to the Week 2 assignment was missing, as was your category. Please make sure that these are included in your template and that you invoke the template on each journal entry, if you haven't made this change already.
  • Your +1, +2, and +3 frame translations were correct.
  • However, the -1, -2, and -3 frame translations were incorrect. It appears that you read them 3' to 5' instead of 5' to 3'. You either had to reverse the sequence or read it right to left to translate it correctly.
  • Your determination of which frames contained ORFs was correct (but based on your mis-translation of the three minus frames).
  • One other note: we do not label the ends of proteins 5' and 3', instead we label them N-ter and C-ter.
  • Also, do not put the untranslated nucleotides at the end of the protein sequence. Since some nucleotides and amino acids share one-letter abbreviations, this is confusing.
  • Finally, do not flip the orientation of the RNA "top" and "bottom" strands from what is given by the DNA sequence. Even though it is the RNA that is ultimately translated, we always refer to "top" and "bottom" with respect to DNA.
  • I did not see an electronic lab notebook for this assignment. For this journal entry, the lab notebook would have explained how you arrived at your answers to the questions posed in the exercise.
  • The technical language in articles from the primary literature is definitely a hurdle for students (and even for faculty from a different field), I'm glad you stuck with it. Like with other fields of endeavor, it is good to take a look at the primary source. Instead of just relying on your memory for terminology, you can always look something up online or in a text book or dictionary. I have to do that myself when I am reading something from a different field.

Kdahlquist (talk) 23:40, 23 September 2017 (PDT)

Week 1 Feedback

Thank you for submitting your work on time. Your Week 1 work has been reviewed, and the following points of improvement have been identified. Other than these items, your wiki skills and deliverables checked out OK:

  • I don’t see an email from you regarding worries/concerns or additional information.
  • You only went to two levels of depth with your headings; the instructions requested at least three levels.

None of these other items were found in your submission:

  • Acknowledgments
  • References

For your shared journal response, the following requested items were not seen:

  • Link to shared response from user page
  • Your answer to the first question after doing the readings. Unfortunately, it did not help that your answers were conflated into paragraph form, rather than a point-by-point Q&A. Implied answers were found to most of the questions, except for the first post-reading question.

Please make sure to check off all of the requested items in future assignments more thoroughly. The instructions asked for all of these to be included in your user page and/or shared journal response. Thank you!

Dondi (talk) 21:42, 11 September 2017 (PDT)