
From LMU BioDB 2017
Revision as of 00:03, 5 September 2017 by Johnllopez616 (talk | contribs) (In this edit, I added several things to the page in order to fulfill the requirements. I added new headings for the categories. I added a "personal things" section, "work experience", my resume, and an image of a company I worked for.)
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Contact Information

John Lopez

University Email: jlope100 at lion dot lmu dot edu

University Address: 1 LMU Drive MSB-4392 Los Angeles, CA 90045

Education and Experience


List of Upper Division Courses Relevant to Biology and Computer Science:

  • BIOL/CMSI 367-01: Biological Databases

Career Goals and Interests

Although bioinformatics is a field I would like to learn more about and possibly pursue, as of now I am unsure what I would like to do involving computer science. However, I plan on attending graduate school to pursue either a M.S. or a Ph.D to elevate my career.

Related Work Experience


My Resume

Content Migration

  • Edlio 12910 Culver Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90066


  • November 2016-'April 2016
  • Transferred content such as text, images, videos, tables, and navigation links from clients’ old websites to newer websites using the Edlio CMS and hardcoding.
  • Constructed pages and navigation for elementary school, middle school, high school, and school district websites in the past, at a rate of up to 6 a day.
  • Performed technical support and tickets with questions regarding the CMS, approximately 3 tickets a day.

Office Assistant

  • LMU Department of Public Safety 1 LMU Drive, Los Angeles, California 90045
  • November 2016 - Present
  • Maintained the front desk and acted as the first contact of the rest of the department’s affairs.
  • Associated with approximately 30 customers a day.
  • Performed basic office tasks, facilitated temporary university cards, managed lost and found, and performed basic customer service.

Some Personal Things

Top 3 Interests and Hobbies

  1. I enjoy playing video games, in particular Pokémon.
  2. I like all things Marvel and DC Comics related.
  3. I absolutely love cats (among other animals, but cats are the greatest animals in the world).

My Favorite Aspects of Biology and Computer Science

I find biology to be fascinating because it is the study of life and what it means to have life. As I stated above, I am an avid lover of animals, and understanding biology is the key to understanding how animals live and behave.

However, I love computer science because I love to solve problems and create things. Using paradigms and algorithms with computers allows me to creatively find solutions for problems and create programs/software that can benefit others. With technology being such an important part of our lives, I believe it is important to understand how it works and how to develop solutions using it.