Quality Assurance
From LMU BioDB 2017
Revision as of 18:57, 7 November 2017 by Kdahlquist (talk | contribs) (Reverted edits by Kdahlquist (talk) to last revision by Dondi)
GRNsight Gene Page Project Links | |||||||
Overview | Deliverables | Reference Format | Guilds | Project Manager | Quality Assurance | Data Analysis | Coder |
Teams | Page Desiigner | Lights, Camera, InterACTION! | Gene hAPI | JASPAR the Friendly Ghost |
The Quality Assurance team member is the resident expert on species ID systems and formats. He or she should be proficient with Google Chrome Developer tools, code-savvy editors, curl, and the command line in general (as applicable) to check his or her team’s deliverable for accuracy, bugs, or any other quality-related issues.
In many cases, the same person holds the role of Project Manager and Quality Assurance, as these two roles go together as the ones who ensure that their team’s deliverable meets the overall project’s requirements.
Guild Members
- Page Design:
- Gene Database APIs:
- Interaction and Integration:
(varies per team)
GRNsight Gene Page Project Links | |||||||
Overview | Deliverables | Reference Format | Guilds | Project Manager | Quality Assurance | Data Analysis | Coder |
Teams | Page Desiigner | Lights, Camera, InterACTION! | Gene hAPI | JASPAR the Friendly Ghost |