Emma's Individual Statement

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Individual Assessment and Reflection

Statement of Work

Describe exactly what you did on the project (provide links to work).

  • For this project I served as the data analyst. During the first week (week 11) I started off by creating an annotated bibliography of scientific journal articles dealing with yeast, cold shock, and microarray data. This bibliography was created with my group's project manager, Katie, and can be accessed on Emmatyrnauer Week 11. This week also consisted of constructing our group's individual page, Lights, Camera, InterACTION!.
  • During week 12, Katie and I worked on our journal club presentation. Each of us constructed individual outlines of the paper we had been assigned and then met up to write and divide up our journal club presentation. Prior to the class during which we were supposed to present, we met up to practice a few times. The outline that I wrote and the presentation that we made can be accessed on Emmatyrnauer Week 12. This was also the week that I completed all of the corrections that I needed to make on my week 8 individual page (Emmatyrnauer Week 8) and my week 10 individual page (Emmatyrnauer Week 10). Dr. Dahlquist had listed out all of the necessary corrections on the talk page of my user page (User:Emmatyrnauer), so I went through this list and checked off corrections as they were made.
  • We had week 13 off due to Thanksgiving, yay! :)
  • During week 14, I completed the week 10 data analysis including using Yeastract to infer transcription factors and visualizing my gene regulatory network with GRNsight. Documentation of procedure, resulting files, and conclusion can be accessed on Emmatyrnauer Week 14.
  • Week 15 was the last week to work on the group project. Final steps of data analysis were completed with a great deal of help from Dr. Dahlquist. Adjustments were made to the list of transcription factors that were returned from Yeastract. This included trimming of the network because it was too large, as well as ensuring that specific genes requested by Dr. Dahlquist were included in the network. Dr. Dahlquist ran Matlab with the data that I provided her and I retrieved that output file containing the weighted gene network the following day. Overview of this process with corresponding files can be accessed on Emmatyrnauer Week 15.
  • During finals week, my group met to work on our group presentation (which I thought went really well). Each of us focused on presenting the work we had individually accomplished for the project and collaborated on future directions for research and conclusions. Following the completion of the presentation, we completed the paper and the rest of the deliverables (which all can be accessed on Lights, Camera, InterACTION! Deliverables page.

Assessment of Project

  1. Give an objective assessment of the success of your project workflow and teamwork.
    • Overall, I think that my group worked extremely well together at completing the necessary tasks and deliverables for this project. While there were some miscommunications here and there, everything was sorted out efficiently and all group members were responsible and available to help each other.
    • What worked and what didn't work?
      • Being able to have everyone's strengths utilized was very beneficial in the completion of this project. I liked how guilds for each of the different job titles were formed as this allowed for any questions we had to be quickly answered. Furthermore, I thought that Katie did a really good job of staying on top of the material and deliverables that were required and organizing the tasks that needed to be complete. I didn't really notice any struggles within our team (other than a minor miscommunication between the coders and project manager which got sorted out really well). However, I do remember feeling extremely overwhelmed in week 12 when I thought that all the corrections to my week 8 and week 10 individual pages had to be done on the same day that I had to present my journal club paper. However, when I got to class, I realized that I was the only data analyst that had made these corrections and could have spread out the work a little better (I was being a little too ambitious).
    • What would you do differently if you could do it all over again?
      • If I could do this project all over again, I would probably communicate more with my guild from the beginning (we didn't start a group chat until well after Thanksgiving break).
  2. Evaluate your team’s portion of the GRNsight Gene Page Project and Group Report in the following areas:
    • Content: What is the quality of the work?
      • I think that my team's portion of GRNsight Gene Page Project and Group Report is very high quality.
    • Organization: Comment on the organization of the project and of your group's wiki pages.
    • Completeness: Did your team achieve all of the project objectives? Why or why not?

Reflection on the Process

  1. What did you learn?
  2. With your head (biological or computer science principles)
  3. With your heart (personal qualities and teamwork qualities that make things work or not work)?
  4. With your hands (technical skills)?
  5. What lesson will you take away from this project that you will still use a year from now?