Johnllopez Week 2

From LMU BioDB 2017
Revision as of 22:48, 8 September 2017 by Johnllopez616 (talk | contribs) (Added the complementary strand and the first three reading frames of the assignment.)
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Individual Journal Assignment

Our Strand

 5’-cgt atg cta ata cca tgt tcc gcg tat aac cca gcc gcc agt tcc gct ggc ggc att tta-3’
 3'-gca tac gat tat ggt aca agg cgc ata ttg ggt cgg cgg tca agg cga ccg ccg taa aat -5'

Reading Frames

  • +1: R M L I P C S A Y N P A A S S A G G I L
  • +2: V C stop Y H V P R I T Q P P V P L A A F
  • +3: Y A N T M F R V stop P S R Q F R W R H F