Aporras1 Week 2

From LMU BioDB 2017
Revision as of 03:39, 12 September 2017 by Aporras1 (talk | contribs) (The Genetic Code: negative reading frames added)
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created by: Antonio Porras

Electronic Notebook

The Genetic Code

(+1) Frame

5'-cgu aug cua aua cca ugu ucc gcg uau aac cca gcc gcc agu ucc gcu ggc ggc auu uua-3'

(+2) Frame

(+2) 5'-c gua ugc uaa uac cau guu ccg cgu aua acc cag ccg cca guu ccg cug gcg gca uuu ua-3'

(+3) Frame

(+3) 5'-cg uau gcu aau acc aug uuc cgc gua uaa ccc agc cgc cag uuc cgc ugg cgg cau uuu a-3'
(-1) Frame
3'-gca uac gau uau ggu aca agg cgc aua uug ggu cgg cgg uca agg cga ccg ccg uaa aau-5'
(-2) Frame
3'-g cau acg auu aug gua caa ggc gca uau ugg guc ggc ggu caa ggc gac cgc cgu aaa au-5'
(-3) Frame
3'-gc aua cga uua ugg uac aag gcg cau auu ggg ucg gcg guc aag gcg acc gcc gua aaa u-5'


  1. Met outside of class with Blair Hamilton to discuss any questions we had prior to meeting and throughout the process of completing the Week 2 assignment.
  2. Retrieved the Genetic Code used from the Week 2 page.


  1. Genetic code. (2017, August 31). Retrieved September 09, 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_code#RNA_codon_table
  2. Open reading frame. (2017, July 30). Retrieved September 09, 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_reading_frame