Bhamilton18 Electronic Notebook

From LMU BioDB 2017
Revision as of 03:46, 12 September 2017 by Bhamilton18 (talk | contribs) (Clarified "STOP" codon)
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Genetic Code

Original Strand:


Complementary Strand:


RNA Strand:

5'-cguaugcuaauaccauguuccgcguauaacccagccgccaguuccgcuggcggcauuuua-3’ (Strand 1)
3'-gcauacgauuaugguacaaggcgcauauugggucggcggucaaggcgaccgccguaaaau-5' (Strand 2)

Reading Frames

Reading Frame +1

5'-cgu aug cua aua cca ugu ucc gcg uau aac cca gcc gcc agu ucc gcu ggc ggc auu uua-3’ (Strand 1)
5'- R-M-L-I-P-C-S-A-Y-N-P-A-A-S-S-A-G-G-I-L-3'

Reading Frame + 2

5'-c(skip)  gua ugc uaa uac cau guu ccg cgu aua acc cag ccg cca guu ccg cug gcg gca uuu ua(skip)-3’ (Strand 1)

Reading Frame +3:

5'-cg(skip) uau gcu aau acc aug uuc cgc gua uaa ccc agc cgc cag uuc cgc ugg cgg cau uuu a(skip)-3’ (Strand 1)

Reading Frame -1

3'-gca uac gau uau ggu aca agg cgc aua uug ggu cgg cgg uca agg cga ccg ccg uaa aau-5' (Strand 2)

Reading Frame -2

3'-g(skip) cau acg auu aug gua caa ggc gca uau ugg guc ggc ggu caa ggc gac cgc cgu aaa au(skip)-5' (Strand 2)

Reading Frame -3

3'-gc(skip) aua cga uua ugg uac aag gcg cau auu ggg ucg gcg guc aag gcg acc gcc gua aaa u(skip)-5' (Strand 2)

Typically with the "STOP" codon the gene is no longer translated; however, for the purposes of this exercise I translated the rest of the RNA into the respective amino acid.

The following readings frames are: open reading frames: +1, -2, -3