User talk:Qlanners
[hide]Week 11 Team Page Feedback (to address in Week 12)
Your team page hit the specifically-requested items listed in the Week 11 assignment, although Simon’s individual journal page link appears to be missing from the team template. For Week 12, let’s focus on the stated overall purpose of these pages: “This page will be the main place from which your team project will be managed. Include all of the information/links that you think will be useful for your team to organize your work and communicate with each other and with the instructors. Hint: the kinds of things that are on your own User pages and on the course Main page can be used as a guide.”
Considering that purpose (and hint), you will also want to include the following on your team page. Imagine yourselves in deep work mode, with your team page open in a window. What information, links, and resources will you want to have available on that page at all times? Here are a few items:
- A projected schedule with due dates (both for milestones already defined in the guild pages and for internal accomplishments that your team determines) and meeting times. You can cross off these dates and times as your team makes progress using the
tag (strikeout). - Communication resources (e.g., additional channels like Slack; GitHub issues; the discussion “side” of various wiki pages; etc.) that your team can use to coordinate when not face-to-face
- A section with links to uploaded files, particularly for use by data analysts but really for any member of the team; this can also include a link to your GitHub branch and the project’s fork
- Additional useful links—what links would be useful to always have there so that you can just click to visit them, minimizing typing? (for example, Template:GRNsight Gene Page Project Links has already been created for you—won’t that be useful to have on your page as well?)
Note how these items are very similar to the content that can be seen on our own Main Page—this is not a coincidence.
—Dondi (talk) 00:09, 16 November 2017 (PST)
I want to add that links to the journal club presentations should be on the page (under Files) and that the annotated bibliography citations would be better organized in a single section. Antonio needs to sign his executive summary with his wiki signature. A consistent format for the executive summaries and reflections will improve the look and organization of the page.
— Kdahlquist (talk) 14:09, 16 November 2017 (PST)
Week 9 Feedback
- The “good habit” aspects of your individual journal are almost fulfilled and on-time. The references list only includes the Week 9 assignment; this particular assignment references API documentation as well, at the very least.
- The electronic notebook has good detail and is well-integrated with the GRNsight testing and API exploration results.
- GRNsight testing is complete with clear feedback on the results.
- The final URL for the desired gene data is given correctly, along with the portions to substitute depending on the desired gene as well as the overall process for going from the gene symbol to the final gene data.
Questions and “good habit” aspects are all fulfilled, all on-time. Favorite pages are stated alongside the reasons for these preferences.
—Dondi (talk) 18:32, 23 November 2017 (PST)
Week 7 Feedback
- The “good habit” aspects of your individual journal are all on point. Your electronic notebook shows excellent detail, effectively presented and organized, and your references section thoughtfully includes the multiple sources you consulted for this assignment.
- All prior web page issues were addressed—great to see that!
- Bootstrap grid layout and flex classes were seen, though the latter was used somewhat subtly.
- The use of collapse is noted as one of the requested “advanced Bootstrap” features.
- The use of carousel is noted as the other “advanced Bootstrap” feature.
- Both XML and JSON web API calls were adapted from the starter code as requested.
Questions and “good habit” aspects are fulfilled, all on-time. Good to hear that you are taking to the interdisciplinary mix well!
—Dondi (talk) 14:29, 21 November 2017 (PST)
Week 5 Feedback
(work in progress)
Questions and “good habit” aspects are all sufficiently fulfilled; thank you!
—Dondi (talk) 19:09, 21 October 2017 (PDT)
Week 4 Partial Feedback
I am posting partial feedback on your Week 4 assignment, with respect to your favorite gene page because the Week 7 assignment will build on that.
- Your favorite gene page had all of the required syntax and content except as follows:
- Your folder name and name for your HTML file was based on your last names instead of the gene standard name as requested in the assignment.
- Your folder name and HTML filename should have been all lowercase letters.
- You provided the image in the folder, but did not delete the grnsight-screenshot.html which was not used in your page.
- Thank you for providing the in-text citations and references in APA format. However, because we have the power of HTML, it would have been nice to have URLs in the references provided as actual hyperlinks.
- I did not see an actual summary paragraph about your gene.
- Aesthetics of the layout were not part of this assignment, but I want to note that as you revise this page, most of the text is flush with the left side of the browser window without any buffering "white space", making it a little difficult to read.
- Typically DNA and protein sequences are given in a "monospaced" or "fixed width" font, such as Courier, so the letters line up, which is what you saw on the parent databases.
- The carousel option for your reviews of the individual databases was a nice touch. However, since the length of the content for each "slide" is different, the page "jumps" when the slide is advanced. It might also be nice to either set the view time for each slide to be longer or disable the auto-advance because I didn't have enough time to read each slide.
- Otherwise, a clean-looking page with nice section breaks!
— Kdahlquist (talk) 12:39, 10 October 2017 (PDT)
More Week 4 Feedback
- I want to note that you submitted both your individual and shared journal entries on time.
- The level of detail in your electronic lab notebook was good.
- You made a total of 19 edits to the wiki in the window of review and wrote something in the summary field 100% of the time--keep up the good work!
- I would need to confirm with Dr. Dionisio, but what he meant by use of a "standard library" is that a collection of code was available for you to reuse and adapt, i.e., Bootstrap. Just the idea that the computer needed to intepret the HTML code was not what he was getting at with that.
— Kdahlquist (talk) 15:55, 13 October 2017 (PDT)
Week 3 Feedback
- Everything was turned in on time—thank you! You also fulfilled the “good habit/best practice” aspects of the assignment, including supplying comments for all 21 of the listed journal edits.
- You supplied an electronic notebook with this assignment, and it provided some good details in the spirit of openness and reproducibility, the values that we are after here. Keep it up, and always keep these questions in mind when journaling: Can someone reading your notebook get a clear understanding of what you did for this assignment? Do they have enough information to replicate the results that you posted on your journal page?
- Your hack-a-page work certainly fulfilled the instructions—and now we know what you really want to be doing!
- Your list of links was quite thorough, including the cgi-bin links for the reading frames, which I was hoping that students would catch. However…
- …I was also hoping that the values after seqdna in those links would be recognized by students as IDs. You listed element IDs, which are technically correct, but as noted above, there were other IDs on this page beyond those kinds.
- Your shared journal’s chosen quote captures one of the biggest adjustments that people need to make when learning to work with computers—detail and specificity are indeed paramount in computing, beyond what we are used to in other endeavors. We all have frustrating moments when we realize that a lot of time might have been lost due to a single punctuation mark. It sounds like you aren’t deterred, and continue to seek more knowledge of the functions that are available to you on the command line.
—Dondi (talk) 00:21, 24 September 2017 (PDT)
Week 2 Feedback
- Thank you for completing your assignment on time.
- You wrote something in the summary field for 19/19 (100%) saves in the period of review--keep up the good work!
- You made 12 saves to your Week 2 page, which is in the expected range for this assignment.
- You hit all the marks for this week's assignment--here is some minor feedback so you can "up your game".
- Since you wrote a program to complete this week's assignment, you should have also included the code, either as a file (if long) or copied directly onto the page.
- How did you know that your code was correct? Did you check your work by doing it by hand? Did you write any tests?
- Your notebook gives a good "free text" description of how you went about constructing your code. To be complete in your documentation, in addition to providing the code, you could have included a set of instructions as to how someone else could run it.
- These three items will contribute to an open data ecosystem and reproducible research, something that we are aiming towards in this class.
- I don't have a direct answer to the question you posed in your shared journal entry. What I do know is that before there were empirical data to support our current understanding of how the code works, scientists like Francis Crick were coming up with theoretical schemes that included overlapping codons, codons for punctuation, and other things.
— Kdahlquist (talk) 11:09, 20 September 2017 (PDT)
Week 1 Feedback
- Thank you for completing the assignment on time.
- You wrote something in the summary field for 21 of 21 saves, or 100%. Keep up the good work~
- You completed all of the required content and skills except for the following list. You have the opportunity to make up the points you have lost on this assignment by completing the changes requested by the Week 3 journal deadline.
- To protect your privacy, you might want to remove your phone number from this wiki because it is public to the world.
- Under your section on independent research, you use the word “dissertation” in an odd way. Usually this word is reserved for PhD theses. Maybe you meant “dissemination” instead.
- Your new wiki page for this assignment was only a “redlink”. When creating a page, the second step is to click on the link, edit, and save the new page (your Week 2 or Week 3 individual journal page will now fulfill this requirement).
- Please be careful to use the correct syntax for an internal wiki link versus an external one. Some of your internal links are formatted like external ones, including the one on the Main course page. While they do function as links, we would like you to please go back and correct the syntax so that you have practice in learning the MediaWiki syntax.
- Please be in the habit of using # to create a numbered list. I saw on the shared journal page you used actual numbers instead. When you use #, the wiki will take care to indent the lines properly.
- You uploaded a file and linked to it on your page, but you did not make a visible label for it, such as in [[Media:filename | visible label]]. It will look neater if you include the label.
- You included a category on your page, but we would prefer you to use the category “Journal Entry” instead. Please make this change.
- You did not use your wiki signature in the required places: to sign your acknowledgments section and your shared journal entry. The wiki signature is ~~~~.
- You created and invoked your template and I note that you used the advanced feature to specify weeks. However the name of the template itself is too generic for a wiki shared by our entire class. Please rename your template with your username.
- Thank you for the detailed acknowledgments section; it is exactly what we intended for this section. However, as noted above, in the future, please don’t forget your wiki signature!
- I answered your question on my User talk page.
— Kdahlquist (talk) 13:41, 12 September 2017 (PDT)