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When answering the free-form questions, be sure to paraphrase.
When answering the free-form questions, be sure to paraphrase.
[[Category: Journal Entries]]
[[Category: Journal Entry]]
{{Template: Ntesfaio}}
{{Template: Ntesfaio}}

Revision as of 15:58, 16 September 2019

My Favorite Gene

Summary of RAD53/ YPL153C:

The summary should be one paragraph about the function of your gene based on what you have read in each of the four databases. This is one paragraph that synthesizes information, not one paragraph per database.

Standard name, systematic name, and name description for your gene (from SGD)?

Gene ID (identifier) for your gene in all four databases (SGD, NCBI Gene, Ensembl, UniProt)?

Provide hyperlinks to the specific pages for your gene in each of the above databases.

DNA sequence of your gene?

Protein sequence corresponding to your gene?

Go to the ExPASy tool and translate the DNA sequence of your gene. Which reading frame encodes the protein sequence? Take a screenshot of your results, display it on your wiki page, and state which frame it is.

Function of your gene?

What was different about the information provided about your gene in each of the parent databases?

Were there differences in content, the information or data itself?

Were there differences in presentation of the information?

Why did you choose your particular gene? i.e., why is it interesting to you and your partner?

Include an image related to your gene (be careful that you do not violate any copyright restrictions!) Please make the image something scientific (not like the random images seen on the SGD blog posts). If a 3D structure of the protein your gene encodes is available, you can choose to embed a rotating image of the structure on your page using the FirstGlance in Jmol software. This is optional, a different static image would be OK, too.

Acknowledgments and References

Both partners should sign the Academic Honesty statement with their wiki signatures. You need to cite the specific database page from which you derived your information for each of the questions. When answering the free-form questions, be sure to paraphrase.

Bio DB Home page


Week 1


Class Journal Week 1

Week 2

Ntesfaio Week 2

Class Journal Week 2

Week 3

RAD53 / YPL153C Week 3

Class Journal Week 3

Week 4

Ntesfaio Week 4

Class Journal Week 4

Week 5

DrugCentral Week 5

Class Journal Week 5

Week 6

Ntesfaio Week 6

Class Journal Week 6

Week 7

Ntesfaio Week 7

Class Journal Week 7

Week 8

Ntesfaio Week 8

Class Journal Week 8

Week 9

Ntesfaio Week 9

Class Journal Week 9

Week 10

Ntesfaio Week 10

Week 11

Ntesfaio Week 11


Week 12/13

Ntesfaio Week 12/13


Sulfiknights Deliverables

Ntesfaio Week 15

Ntesfaio Final Individual Reflection