Ntesfaio Week 8

From LMU BioDB 2019
Revision as of 19:22, 22 October 2019 by Ntesfaio (talk | contribs) (Methods/ Results: added percentages)
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Electronic Workbook


The purpose of this week's lab is to continue off of week 7 by going through the steps of the data life cycle for a DNA microarray dataset

Methods/ Results

Week 8 Interim deadline for excel spreadsheet

File:Copy of BIOL367 F19 microarray-data dHAP4NtesfaioNT.zip

How many genes have p < 0.05? and what is the percentage (out of 6189)?

2479/ 6189 or 40%

How many genes have p < 0.01? and what is the percentage (out of 6189)?

1583/ 6189 or 26%

How many genes have p < 0.001? and what is the percentage (out of 6189)?

739/ 6189 or 12%

How many genes have p < 0.0001? and what is the percentage (out of 6189)?

280/6189 or 5%

Data & Files

File:Copy of BIOL367 F19 microarray-data dHAP4NtesfaioNT.zip



My homework partners this week are Aby User:Ymesfin and David User:Dramir36. We sat together in class to go over the assignment.
