Ntesfaio Week 2

From LMU BioDB 2019
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Electronic Lab Notebook


The purpose of the Evolution section was to explore evolution with evolving digital organisms. The evolution tab used 100 flowers that are annual. These flowers life for one year and die after producing seeds for the next generation. The flower contributes to the gene pool for the next generation and is based of fitness. All parents die and the offspring begin crossing with one another. All that this simulation focuses on is fitness.


All instructions came from File:Tesfaiohannes Aipotu.pdf

1. Open Aipotu download

2. Click on evolution

3. Turn off mutation by clicking file, preferences, mutation rate, and unchecking the mutations enabled checkbox.

A) Select for Red

A1) Click on the red and white organisms so that both are highlighted by a green box

A2) Load the two by clicking on the "Load" button on the bottom left of the screen

A3) Set the fitness of the red flower to 10 while making all other fitnesses 0.

A5) Test: Click the One Generation Test button in the bottom left of the screen. Continue doing this to observe multiple generations.

B) Selecting for White

B1) Click on the red and white organisms so that both are highlighted by a green box

B2) Load the two by clicking on the "Load" button on the bottom left of the screen

B3) Set the fitness in the setting panel so that the fitness of white is 10 and all other colors are 0.

B5) Test: Click the One Generation Only button in the bottom left of the screen. Continue doing this to observe multiple generations.

Check the genotype of each flower by checking the "Show colors of both alleles" in the "World Setting" part of preferences.

C) Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium & Natural Selection

C1) Load the world with only red organisms. The entire world should be red.

C2) Show colors of both alleles by going to Settings and selecting the designated tab

C3) Set all fitnesses to 5.

C7) Run one generation only.

C8) Set the fitness to selecct for red. Set the fitness of red to 10 and all other color's fitness to 0

C10) Click one generation only button


Question A

Selecting for red

A4) Prediction: What should happen to the number of red and the number of white flowers after several generations with this selection?

By making the fitness of red the highest (10) and all other fitnesses 0 the number of red flowers should dominate and the number of white flowers should be little to none. There should definitely be no other color shown.

A6) Result: What happens to the counts of red and white flowers as you stimulate more generations? Roughly, how many generations does it take to get to pure red. Some all-red can still have some white offspring (why)?

Number of white and red by generational stimulate:

1 stimuate: 27 white and 73 red

2 stimulate: 20 white and 79 red

3 stimulate: 19 white and 81 red

At 9 generations there were 100 red and 0 any other color. All red generations can also have white offspring since white can be autosomal recessive and if one recessive genes is taken from each parent then the recessive trait can show. Throughout the generations the number of red selecting flowers increased.

Question B

Selecting for White

B4) Prediction: What should happen to the number of red and white flowers after several generations with this selection?

With the selection being white (10) and all other colors (0) the white flower has the greatest fitness and should dominate the grid.

B6) Result: What happens to the counts of red and white flowers as you stimulate more generations? Roughly how many generations does it take to get to pure white?

The number of white significantly increases by large amounts when selecting for white

With 1 stimulate there were 100 white flowers. No other color appeared.

Why does it take more generations to get to pure red than it does to get to pure white?

Question C

C3) Is this population at Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium?

Genotype Number #R's #r's
RR 0 0 0
Rr 100 50 50
rr 0 0 0

Frequency of R (p): 50/100 or 1/2

Frequency of r (q): 50/100 or 1/2

C5) Calculate the genotype frequency expected at HWE:

Frequency of RR= p^2= 1/4

Frequency of Rr= 2pq= 2/4

Frequency of rr=q^2= 1/4

Is the population at HWE? Why or why not?

No, because the only genotype to appear was Rr. There were no RR or rr genotypes.

C7) Run one generation only. Is the population at HWE?

25 white and 75 red.

RR 21 Rr 54 rr 25

C9) With fitness set to 10 for red what should happen to p and q?

There should be more p than q present on the world grid

C11) Result: Calculate p and q as you did in part (d)

Generation 7

88 red and 12 white

Genotype Number #R's #r's
RR 40 40 0
Rr 48 24 24
rr 12 0 12

Frequency of R (p)= 64/100

Frequency of r (q)= 36/100

C12) Does the result match your prediction? Why or why not?

I predicted there to be more red coding alleles when the fitness for red is set to 10 and all other fitness is set to 0. However, this does not follow the Hardy Weinburg equation because it does not follow the RR (1/2) Rr (2/4) rr (1/2)

Scientific Conclusion

This week's assignment supported the idea that the alleles of both parents being passed down to offspring (one from each parents) is what determines the offspring's trait. The purpose of the Evolution assignment was fulfilled since the purpose was to observe the different offspring traits when comparing fitness of each organism (white or red). Everything was based on fitness. Having the greatest fitness, for example when one flower would have a fitness of 10 and all other flowers had a fitness of 0, allowed for one flower to dominate and after a few generations appear as the only color available. Although, having one color does not mean it will be this way for all resulting offspring. For example, a red flower can have the genotype Rr but if two flowers with this genotype were to have an offspring it can have rr which is white. Although Rr is expressed as red it holds the allele for white.

Data and Files


My homework partner this week was Iliana Crespin. We sat together in the class periods to discuss the week 2 assignment.

"Except for what is noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source."

Ntesfaio (talk) 11:44, 10 September 2019 (PDT)


Week 2 Assignment page is: LMU BioDB 2019. (2019). Week 2. Retrieved September 10, 2019, from [[1]]



Week 2

Class Journal Week 2