Knguye66 Week 4

From LMU BioDB 2019
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The FDA Drug Database

The purpose of this week's assignment was to learn how to decompress and compress files, as well as, uploading, formatting, and creating tables and querys via Microsoft Access 2016.

LinkedIn Learning

Learning Access 2016

Microsoft Access FDA database

FDA Database: File:Knguye66 FDA

Methods to Create the Database

How to add files (and tables) to database:

  1. Change Settings in Google Chrome
  2. Advanced --> Download (T:/) & (check) ask where to download
  3. Download FDA database
  4. Unzip file by right clicking (.7zip) --> extract here
  5. Open Microsoft Access
  6. Save file (make it personal)
  7. Click text file
  8. Import text wizard: delimited > tab (check: first row contains field names) > field options > have a primary key (our file already has a primary key: click no or choose primary key as field 1)
    • Important to Note: for each file uploaded, the field options portion is different. Click the Data Type drop-down menu and choose the preferred option:
      • Action Types_Lookup --> Long integer
      • Applicationdocs --> Change "ApplicationDocs" field and last column from "Date and Time" to Short text
      • Products --> N/A (use default setting)

How to Create a Query

  1. To add query (called a "select query"), go under Design > Query Design
  2. Click and drag all three Tables
  3. Find what's similar in all three categories, then Click and drag to create an arrow
    • To create a field/graph: drag submission files down

Different functions learned on Microsoft Access

  • Design > View > SQL (view)
  • Click "!" to run data

How to Save and Compress files

  • Go to (T:/) drive and right click on Microsoft Access FDA database file
  • Drag mouse over .7ip > Click "Add to Archive..." > Change "Archive Format" to zip file

Tables & Query

  • Query:

Knguye66 FDAdatabase Query1.png



This week I worked with Mihir Samdarshi User:Msamdars on the FDA Databases assignment, and received help from User:Ntesfaio, as well as instructions from Dr. Dahlquist User:Kdahlquist.

Except for what is noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source. Knguye66 (talk) 17:52, 25 September 2019 (PDT)