User talk:Dmadere
Feedback on Week 1 Assignment
I am posting the feedback on your Week 1 assignment here.
- Thank you for submitting your assignment on time.
- I saw in your comment that this was difficult for you. Trust me when I say that it will get easier and easier for you throughout the semester, all you need is practice!
- All of the items listed in the assignment were completed except for the following items noted below. You have the opportunity to make up the points you lost on your assignment by making the requested changes by the Week 3 assignment deadline.
- You should obscure your e-mail so that it is less easily picked up by bots.
- In your snail mail address, the MSB mail box should be after "1 LMU Drive", not at the end.
- What are your career interests and goals?
- When talking about your independent research, give the time period, like you would for your work experience.
- You wrote something in the summary field 21 out of 23 times (91%). Your percentage is great--keep up the good work--we are aiming for 100%. The number of saves is about the minimum for what I would expect for this assignment, remember, save early, save often.
- The syntax you used to display your uploaded image and file on your page is not quite right. Instead of "File:" use "Image:" for an image and "Media:" for a file.
- Please remove the "Shared" category from your user page. That category is only for the shared reflection pages. When you invoke your template, it will show up on your user page automatically.
- You created your template, but neglected to invoke it on your user page. It would be helpful if you went ahead and made the entire list of journal entries, shared journals, and assignments on your template now, to save you work later in the semester. These lists need to be directly on your template page, not on subpages. Let me know if you need clarification on this.
- The Acknowledgments and References sections were missing from your user page because you put them on a different page. Please go back and move them to your user page. Also, you copied the citation for the Week 1 assignment without changing the accessed date. Remember, that date should be when you accessed the page.
- I'm glad that the Janovy reading re-framed the concept of "biologist" for you!
— Kdahlquist (talk) 23:08, 11 September 2019 (PDT)
Feedback on Week 5 Database Page
I am posting feedback on your Week 5 Database page here.
- Thank you for submitting your assignment on time.
- You completed all of the requested items except for the following:
- As of the Week 5 Deadline, the links to the assignments were not part of your template. I see that you have since gone back to fix this. I also strongly suggest that you go ahead and fill out the rest of the table with the forthcoming assignments and links so that you don't need to remember to keep editing your template. All you would need to do in the future is to invoke it on your journal pages. You did neglect to invoke your template on this week's database page. Be sure to invoke it on all of your journal pages going forward.
- The CancerSEA database is a public database. A private database would have some kind of restricted access and the CancerSEA database is open to anyone with a web browser.
- This database would be considered a "small" database because it has a very specialized content domain and is run by a single lab group.
- You did not exactly state the species covered in the database as being human. Cancer does affect non-human mammals and sometimes cancer databases cover these model species.
- There needed to be in text citations in the form of hyperlinks to the pages you got that answer's information from, one link per answer.
- Your reference to the paper from NAR is not following APA format. A paper from a journal should not be cited as a website reference, but as a journal article reference.
- The topics of "Data Management and Organization" and "Data Preservation" are going to come up as we begin the Week 7 assignment and go forward to the final project in the class.
— Kdahlquist (talk) 09:44, 11 October 2019 (PDT)