Hivanson Week 8
- The purpose: what was the purpose of your investigations?
- Your methods: what did you actually do? Give a step by step account for Tasks 1-4 listed above.
- There should be enough detail provided so that you or another person could re-do it based solely on your notebook.
- You may copy protocol instructions on your page and modify them as to what you actually did, as long as you provide appropriate attribution in your acknowledgments section.
- Take advantage of the electronic nature of the notebook by providing screenshots, links to web pages, links to data, etc.
- Your results: the answers to the questions below, plus any other results you gathered.
- Usually it makes sense to embed your answers to the questions/results in the "methods" in the order in which you obtained them.
- A scientific conclusion: what was your main finding for today's project? Did you fulfill the purpose? Why or why not?
FROM Products
2. SELECT DrugName FROM Products WHERE ActiveIngredient ='ATROPINE';
3. SELECT Form, Strength FROM Products WHERE DrugName = 'Benadryl';
5. "Produce a table listing all of the known values for the therapeutic_potential column in the application table and how many application records there are of each. (Side note: The therapeutic_potential codes are explained in the ReviewClass_Lookup.txt file, in case you’re interested.)" No "therapeutic_potential" column present in database, so cannot search column.
6. Produce a table listing all of the known values for the chemical_type column in the application table and how many application records there are of each. (Side note: The chemical_type codes are explained in the ChemTypeLookup.txt file, in case you’re interested.) No "chemical_type" column present in database, so cannot search column.
7. SELECT DrugName FROM Applications RIGHT JOIN Products ON Applications.ApplNo = Products.ApplNo WHERE SponsorName = 'Merck';