User talk:Hivanson

From LMU BioDB 2024
Revision as of 13:40, 25 January 2024 by Kdahlquist (talk | contribs) (added Week 1 feedback)
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Week 1 Feedback

  • Thank you for submitting your assignment on time!
  • All of the tasks from the assignment were complete, except for the following which were incomplete or could show some improvement. You will be able to earn back points that you lost by making these corrections by the deadline for the Week 3 assignment.
    • Your submission for the Week 1 assignment was scattered over several different wiki pages. Instead, there should have been only three pages involved in your assignment (besides the question posted on my talk page):
    • You have already posted your class journal contribution to the class journal page. Please consolidate the rest of your content submitted for the Week 1 assignment onto your User page, including Hivanson Resume, Hivanson Week 1, Hivanson Week 1 Credits, Hivanson Week 1 Journal Page, Hivanson Week 1 References and Acknowledgments, Hivanson Wiki Skills. In other words, all of the content, except for the shared reflection answers should have gone onto your User page.
    • Also, the goal was to show all of the wiki skills within your user page, naturally incorporated into that content.
    • Once you have moved the content, please delete the extraneous pages.
    • Please include your full name on your user page, not just your username.
    • If you are going to use the Department of Chemistry address, please include the full address with the city, state, and zip code.
    • I was impressed to see your published paper! It would look better as a resume for you to include the complete citation (APA format), not just the title of the paper.
    • I only saw two levels of headings, and the "==" level was missing. Please incorporate the "==", "===", and "====" levels all on your user page.
    • Please include a numbered list on your user page, not on a separate page.
    • Include the "Journal Entry" category on your user page (or better, on your template which you will invoke on your user page).
    • I see that you have already updated your template with future assignment, journal entry, and class journal links. You should include the "Journal Entry" category there as well.
    • Please include the Acknowledgments and References section on your User page. In subsequent weeks, you will have these sections on each individual journal page.
    • You wrote something in the summary field 15/19 (79%) times during the period of review for this assignment. This is pretty good, but remember we are aiming for 100%. Also, the number of edits is a little on the low side. Think about saving more often with smaller incremental edits.
  • I'm glad the Janovy reading inspired you to think of yourself as a biologist!

Kdahlquist (talk) 12:40, 25 January 2024 (PST)