MSymond1 Week 5

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The purpose of this assignment is to learn about how DNA microarrays work to sequence genomes. This assignment will include working through some examples of microarrays as well as uncovering times in which the ethics of data collection were violated.


  1. This is the graph of the genes
  2. here is a table of the colors for the genes X,Y, and Z
  3. Genes X and Y transcribed somewhat similarly. They both started at 1 and then increased, and then decreased down to about 1, and then close to 0
  4. The spots would be yellow at the first time point because they have not had any repression or induction yet. The technical reason for the spots showing up as yellow is the fact that they have not had any change since the starting point in their induction or transgression. The yellow color comes from the fact that it is what is in between the colors red and green, which are the colors that represent induction and transgression respectively. The biological reason that most genes ended up as yellow is because most genes do not get transgressed or induced or code for proteins.
  5. The TEF4 gene was repressed in the process of the experiment. It would make sense that the cell would turn green and become repressed in the absence of glucose because without its source of food, it has less energy to carry out functions with the DNA.
  6. The TCA cycle genes may have been induced when the glucose levels were decreasing because they sensed that the glucose levels were decreasing and thought that their energy sources would soon deplete. Therefore they rapidly induced through the course of the experiment.
  7. answer
  8. The spots would be green still because the repressor would not be there to stop the cells from inducing because it would not have that response as glucose is decreasing. Although once the glucose is depleted, they will return closer to their starting state and become closer to yellow.


I texted my homework partner, Charlotte, about the first question. We texted briefly about a few other questions. I also utilized some code to make photos smaller.
