Hivanson Week 15
Electronic laboratory notebook for weeks 14-15
I helped Katie and Charlotte with generating the Bonferroni and B&H p-values. All of us worked on a shared Excel file to complete the work. Steps laid out on somewhere. I ran the sanity check to find the ideal B&H p-value (significance of ~25%). I made the expression table to send to the coder/designers. An error that was encountered when sending the expression table was that I accidentally copy-pasted CHP data for timepoint 6 trial 2 into the spot for CHP timepoint 6 trial 3. This was present in the ANOVA excel, too. This was quickly ameliorated and the sanity check values were readjusted for the CHP data.
I helped Charlotte and Katie run the Stem analysis. Steps outlines somewhere
I used GRNsight using the first 23 most significant transcription factors from profile 41 from Yeastract. This was not used in the final project.