Shared Journal Week 1
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Andrew Sandler's Entry
When you hear the term computer science, what comes to mind? Hardware, software, the enigma machine, zeros and ones, binary, java, python, c++, compilers, electrical engineering, circuits, switches, algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, transformer architecture.
When older relatives or friends hear the term *computer science*, what do you think comes to their minds? Punch cards, analog computers, enigma machine, huge mainframes.
When younger relatives or friends hear the term *computer science*, what do you think comes to their minds? Video games, AI, newer languages
Andrew Sandler's References
Dean's Entry
Before reading the Denning articles
- When I hear computer science, I think of lots of code on a computer screen that seems cryptic and basically in another language (because it essentially is). I do not understand much about computer science, nor do I know of the languages of coding.
- When older relatives hear the term computer science, they likely think of big tech companies like google or Microsoft, and they think of all of the work that goes into all of their products and software.
- When younger relatives hear the term computer science, they likely think of video games or animation, which are the kinds of things that they interact with in regards to computer science.
Before reading the Janovy chapter
- When I hear the term biology, I think of dissections of animals and their anatomy, although I understand that that relates to a more surface level study of biology whereas the field dives much deeper into the foundations of life.
- I do not necessarily consider myself a biologist, for I will graduate college with only a minor in the field. However I know that a minor does give me more of a background in the field than most people.
After Reading the Articles