Nstojan Week 2

From LMU BioDB 2024
Revision as of 18:17, 24 January 2024 by Nstojan1 (talk | contribs) (added purpose of assignment)
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  • Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to get a pure-breeding purple plant by constructing a purple protein by understanding how the DNA sequence of a pigment protein gene determines the phenotype of the protein produced.
  • Methods:Firstly I launched the Aipotu and switched to the 'Molecular Biology' section near the top of the window. I then went to the greenhouse section and and double clicked the Green-2 organism. I then compared the DNA sequences of the two pigment proteins by clicking on 'Compare' menu and choosing 'Lower vs. Upper'. I then edited the DNA sequence by clicking the 'Fold' button which predicted the color of the protein. I then double-clicked the Red organism located in the Greenhouse and then clicked the top DNA strand at base 20. Once the corresponding bases were selected (highlighted in blue), I typed in'C' which changed the base 20 from G to C. I then clicked on 'Fold Protein' in the Upper Gene Window which folded the protein.The new organism created was saved by clicking 'Add' which was added to the Greenhouse once I named it.