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Andrew Sandler's User Page

Me and my cousins in a mirror in boston
Electronic Mail: asandle1 at the lmu email domain you all know and love
LMU Snail Mail: Hilton Center for Business 1 LMU Drive, MS 8385. Los Angeles, CA 90045-2659
Major: Entreprenuership
Graduation: 2024
  • Work with Brain Human Interfaces
  • Work in Health Tech
  • Contribute to Saving Lives and the Planet
  • Directly interface Human's with AI
  • Improve Human cognition
Independent Research:
  • No independent research projects (Yet)
Work Experience
Sales Rep
  • Employer: Independent Contractor
  • 2016 - Now
  • Responsibilities: Maintained Client Software and Infrastructure, connected clients with the technological solutions that would fit their businesses needs. Advised on a range of problems from cybersecurity, I.T., employee security training, SD-WAN, Cloud Compute Infrastructure, Disaster Recovery, Call Center As A Service, Unified Communications as a Service, and more.
Business Development
  • Employer: Telecom Las Vegas
  • 2021 - 2023
  • Tasked with maintaining communication with technological partners, onboarding firms that we engaged in partnerships with, maintaining critical company databases, and reformatting and transferring data to new systems.

Personal Interest's and Hobbies

  • Music Production
  • Guitar
  • Saxophone
  • Biking
  • Gym
  • Surfing
  • Soccer
  • Bird (and Animal) Watching
  • Painting
  • Cooking (Especially Italian Food and Sushi)
  • Construction & Fabrication
  • Gaming
  • Video Production
  • Content Creation
  • Reading
Self-Teaching Guides (Examples)
Self-Teaching Guide to Statistics
Bayesian Statistics the Fun Way: Understanding Statistics and Probability with Star Wars, LEGO, and Rubber Ducks
Textbooks in Free Time
Molecular Biology of the Cell Seventh Edition
Epigenetics, Second Edition
Introduction to Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang, 5) 6th Edition
Psychology Books
Other Good Books
Bernoulli's Fallacy: Statistical Illogic and the Crisis of Modern Science
Stumbling on Happiness
The Extended Selfish Gene
Nudge: The Final Edition
The Ten Commandments for Business Failure
Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don't Have All the Facts
[Zero to One] by [Peter Thiel], [Blake Masters] [September-16-2014]: [Notes on Startups], or [How to Build the Future] Paperback
The Innovator's Dilemma
Books I need to get around to
Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ (2nd Edition)
Understanding Digital Signal Processing

Favorite Aspect(s) of Biology My favorite aspects of biology -at this point- are cell biology, genetics, systemic physiology, and Neurobiology. This is because I really want to work on tying all this together in a way that allows for the NON-GERMLINE modification of humans in a way that allows us to enhance our resistance to disease, treat disease, and enhance function, not necessarily all in my lifetime but it would be really awesome to help push this type of research forwards. Of course I strongly believe that all of this needs to be done carefully and with close adherence to rigorous standards and best practices.

Favorite Aspect of Computer Science Right now my favorite aspect of computer science is AI. I think there is a huge amount of promise, but also a lot about it scares me. It makes me want to learn more. I have also been interested in how the brain works and how to make computers do tasks like the brain since pre-k. I just really like the simplicity of computer logic.

Weekly Journals


Individual Journals

Asandle1 Week 2

Teammate Journals

Shared Journal Week 1


Individual Journal

Teammate Journals


Individual Journal

Teammate Journals


Individual Journal

Teammate Journals


Individual Journal

Teammate Journals


Wikipedia page that shows how to use "wikitext". Which I used to help with formatting Click here Also a cheatsheet: Click here which was a condensed version of the first wikipedia page.

PDF To Test PDF's

Media: Andrew_Sandler_Evil_Essay_Final_Draft.pdf


Individual Template Template:Asandle1 Teammate Templates Template:Andrew and Dean Journal 1 Blanks Template: Andrew and Hailey


To User Page: User: Asandle1

To Assignment Page: Week 2

Andrew Sandler

To User Page: User: Asandle1

To Assignment Page: Week 2

1) What is the biggest discovery I made from these readings?

It is tough to select a biggest discovery I made from the readings. Coming from a high school science background, everything in the reading was stuff I had heard really abstract versions of. Getting to know more really helped me appreciate everything, especially learning the really hard work over numerous years by different scientists that went into everything. If I had to select one single thing I learned, I would say it has to do with the "redundancy" of the genetic code in its coding for proteins. I knew that when you have SNP's or other mutations they could cause major problems and diseases or even death. What I didn't understand was something that comes up in Figure 1 in the article American Scientist.

Figure 1 says: "Consequences of mutations and other errors in transmitting genetic information are ameliorated by the structure of the genetic code." The article goes on to explain how the changes to a single codon can be less drastic than they otherwise would be because of the way the triplets are used to code proteins exist. You can get an SNP in still have the same amino acid produced. Even if you have an error in a spot that doesn't produce the same amino acid, the way it is set up, you still are likely to get either a hydrophilic or hydrophobic resulting compound based on whichever type the original intended molecule was. I think that is so cool! And then going further with what was proposed by "Pierre Béland and T. F. H. Allen of the St. Lawrence National Institute of Ecotoxicology in Montreal" that DNA might have originally been palindromic (read both ways) and the way the math worked out for them on that proposition is so exciting! Basically they found that if DNA was palindromic you could only have it work with the 20 -> 64 scheme that DNA actually uses. (I don't know how RNA fits in since they didn't mention it specifically reference so I added looking into that to my weekend to-do list.)

I also want to mention as a further piece of info to keep in mind that even though this is a very cool idea about the way DNA works and in my opinion (not fact) seems quite likely, not everyone agrees that DNA evolved actively to work this way. This is mentioned in the article as well.

2) What part of the readings did I understand the least?

To be frank, there was a whole lot I couldn't even read at first. It was like reading spanish. I know some spanish but there are also a lot of words I don't know. It ended up being a process of reading a paragraph. Looking up some words, watching some AP BIO on Khan Academy and reading again. It was super motivating when I didn't understand something and would then have to research and was able to come back and read it again and understand at least somewhat. It's also really motivating to see yourself learning. I think I probably repeated that process for most of the reading, except for the letter by Akira Kaji and Hideko Kaji. That article, even though I couldn't decipher the exact meaning of all of the stuff they were talking about, the overall point was apparent. I do need to mention I still need to read the Historical Review by Marshall Nirenberg because I took almost nothing from it the first time because of all the new terms. I plan doing a more comprehensive read through tomorrow evening after studying for some other courses.

3) What is the relationship between computer and genetic code?

After reading the article Digital Code of Life I would answer like this. There is not a direct relationship between computer code and genetic code. By this I mean they are completely different things. I think it is important to be careful how we talk about this topic. The comparison between computer code and genetic code is definitely a good framework to help people perceive these ideas. That being said one is based off of XAND XOR and other such switches and circuits, while the other has a molecular and atomic underpinning. You could argue both do, but I would argue that so does everything else in existence. I think the reason we compare the two information carrying processes is just because they both have a "digital" aspect to them, and have the ability to read the stored "digital" information. If we wrote information or paper or a rock for example they both store the information but don't have a retrieval process. I think the underlying Idea I am trying to get across is that they are similar really only in the fact that we don't have any other "digital" informational processes that we can really compare them with that have a similar storage capacity. (Even your hard drive and the information on your computer is just physical information written by lasers on a disk, and analog tapes are just another form of the same thing. DNA and RNA are currently in a league of their own, and this is exemplified by the massive push we see by people to figure out how to store computer information on DNA or by using DNA like processes. DNA is just the best way we currently have of storing information. And from my limited knowledge it seems it copies much faster than a computer disk.

Andrew Sandler's References


- Used the first week's template with Dean to base this week's template on.

- I would have had so much trouble understanding a lot of this if Dr. Dahlquist hadn't given up her time to graciously help explain both the textbook reading assigned and the questions I had on the other readings, especially the reading American Scientist where she helped me understand the 20 amino acids and the way they are coded for. I hope I correctly explained that in my answer to question 1.

- All work is my own except where acknowledged otherwise Asandle1 (talk) 21:32, 24 January 2024 (PST)

- I don't have an exact time estimate for when I worked on this, but most of the work on the journal was done at home the night before class from around 9pm. I plan on working until the midnight deadline and really hope to have this done on time.

- Texted with Hailey to discuss the journal entries

- Took the bibliography section directly from the Read section on the Shared Journal Assignment page made by Dr. Dahlquist to save time with making the bibliography.


Asandle1 (talk) 21:40, 24 January 2024 (PST)