MSymond1 KMill104 Week 3

From LMU BioDB 2024
Revision as of 13:39, 31 January 2024 by Kmill104 (talk | contribs) (Additional Information: another formatting edit)
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Additional Information

  1. The Standard name for the gene is MSN1, the systematic name for the gene is YOL116W, and the name description of the gene from SGD is Multicopy suppressor of SNF1 mutation.
  2. The gene ID's from the differing databases are as follows
  3. DNA sequence


  1. The primary function of our gene is to code for a protein that positively regulates transcription. The protein specifically acts in response to environmental stress so that transcription still occurs.
  2. Each database had a section at the top with general information regarding the gene, like its name, organism, and other common descriptors. The UniProt database had a more detailed summary of the protein our gene codes for. UniProt referenced other genes and proteins that our gene/protein may interact with in order to positively regulate transcription. The description also mentioned that a specifically iron deficient environment will have enhanced growth when MSN1 is present. Both SGD and NCBI had less detailed summaries of the gene where they just listed its function as coding for a protein that positively regulates transcription. After going further down the page, each database had more detailed sections regarding specific functions, processes, and components. SGD had a large summary concerning regulation of the gene, while NCBI had a table summarizing the interactions between MSN1 and other genes. NCBI also provided related articles in PubMed. UniProt was the only database to provide an image of the protein’s structure.

The presentation of information was different in the way that specific sections were organized and where they were placed on the page. Both SGD and NCBI has the gene sequence near the top of the page, while UniProt had it further down. SGD had a bar graph to illustrate expression of the gene, which was unique to its database. NCBI had little images except for the gene sequence, while UniProt had images of both the nucleus and the protein’s structure.

  1. We chose this gene because we were originally interested in proteins that could bind to DNA for some purpose. We thought it particularly interesting that this DNA-binding protein acted as a transcriptional regulator for cells that were in environmental stress. We wanted to learn more about how a protein can combat stressors so that transcription isn’t inhibited.
  2. Picture of structure
  3. Acknowledgements: The two homework partners, Katie and Dean, utilized each other for this assignment. They worked together in class for the assignment. This is the Wikipedia page that shows how to use "wikitext" [Click here]