User talk:Kmill104

From LMU BioDB 2024
Revision as of 14:17, 18 March 2024 by Kdahlquist (talk | contribs) (add week 4 feedback)
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Week 4 Feedback

  • Thank you for submitting your work on time! I do note, however, that the acknowledgments and references sections were added 27 minutes after the deadline and the wiki signatures were added hours later in class. Make sure you budget enough time for the assignment so that you are not bumping up against the deadline.
  • All of the requested content was provided on your Monarch Initiative Week 4. I appreciated the depth to which you explained your answers and that you provided specific URLs for each item.
  • However, you were not able to find information on species, where else could you have looked?
  • It was also a little unclear what questions the database could be used to answer.
  • In terms of your wiki skills, make sure that you proofread your page after you have made your edits to fix any formatting artifacts that have arisen.
    • For example, there are stray bullet points and a numbered list is all 1's.
      • When making a bulleted list, you need to have the * level before you do the ** level and you can't skip lines.
      • When making a numbered list, you can't skip lines or it will just start over at "1" each time.
      • On your shared journal, use # to make a numbered list, so that it shows with the correct indents.
  • For your Acknowledgments section, please have each partner put in this exact phrase, followed by their signature:
    • "Except for what is noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source." You have something like it, but I'm looking for that exact phrase from each partner.
  • For your References section, technically you would need a separate citation for each website you visited, not just the main domain. Please note that for the future.
    • For your reference to the Monarch Initiative website, it needs a date accessed.
    • For your reference to the paper about the database, you need to cite it as a journal article, not a website. The journal is Nucleic Acids Research, not OUP Academic
      • Putman, T. E., Schaper, K., Matentzoglu, N., Rubinetti, V. P., Alquaddoomi, F. S., Cox, C., ... & Munoz-Torres, M. C. (2024). The Monarch Initiative in 2024: an analytic platform integrating phenotypes, genes and diseases across species. 'Nucleic acids research, 52(D1), D938-D949.
  • We are next moving into a unit on data analysis and visualization, so hopefully that will be useful for you!

Kdahlquist (talk) 15:17, 18 March 2024 (PDT)

Week 3 Feedback

  • Thank you for submitting your shared MSN1 journal page on time!
  • Be sure to invoke your template on each individual journal entry, even those that you are doing with a partner. Because the template did not get invoked, you were missing the category for "journal entry" at the bottom of the page.
  • You have written something in the summary field for 26/26 edits (100%)--Keep up the good work! Make sure you are doing your work by editing the wiki directly instead of working in a different document and then pasting into the wiki afterwards. That way, you will have more frequent and smaller edits.
  • You have all of the requested content on your page except for the following:
    • The images of the DNA sequence, reading frames, and 3D structure are a little small to be easily viewed. While the original image might have been too big, sizing it so that it can be read easily is important. It would have been helpful to provide an in-text citation for where you got those images.
  • Wiki skills
    • Your link to Dean's name is showing up as a redlink in the Acknowledgments because you did not use the proper syntax for a link to a user page [[User:Msymond1. Always look at your page after you have saved it to make sure it turned out the way you expected. If not, make any necessary fixes to the syntax.
  • It's a little hard to explain what happens when making code more efficient, it doesn't necessarily mean cutting code. There is an analogy with the NeMO Database that we saw. We saw that it was taking a long time for the website to load because it was querying the database each time someone clicked on the website. It would be much more efficient from the user point of view for it to do the common queries in advance and then save them so that when a user ran that query it could just display the saved answer instead of querying the database again.
  • I'm also interested in knowing which of the databases you liked least.

Kdahlquist (talk) 12:52, 13 February 2024 (PST)

Week 2 Feedback

  • Thank you for submitting your work on time!
  • All of the requested navigation links were present and you invoked your template on your individual journal page.
  • During the period of review, you made 35 edits to the wiki and wrote something in the summary field 100% of the time. Excellent--keep up the good work!
  • All of the requested tasks were completed appropriately, except for the following:
    • Electronic Lab Notebook
      • While your purpose gives a general overview of the lab exercise, it is not specific enough. Your team was tasked with creating a purple protein and this should have been stated in the purpose.
      • Your methods/results section summarizes what you did instead of giving a step-by-step of exactly what you did. You needed to mention that you followed the handout instructions and cite it. Some additional screenshots to illustrate some of the other protein folds would have been welcome.
      • You answered all of the questions correctly.
      • Again, your conclusion is general, it could be more specific about achieving a purple protein.
    • Don't forget to sign the Academic Honesty statement in the acknowledgments section with your wiki signature.
    • In your references section, make sure to cite the lab exercise handout. The references for your reflection should go on your individual page instead of the class journal page.
  • One of the reasons that synonymous codons can affect gene expression is due to the efficiency of translation. Some synonymous codons for the same amino acid are more common than others and have a greater abundance of tRNAs for those particular codons. If a tRNA is rarer, it can slow the efficiency or even pause translation on the ribosome. This can then affect the expression of the protein from that gene.

Kdahlquist (talk) 16:11, 6 February 2024 (PST)

Week 1 Feedback

  • Thank you for submitting your assignment on time!
  • All of the tasks from the assignment were complete, except for the following which were incomplete or could show some improvement. You will be able to earn back points that you lost by making these corrections by the deadline for the Week 3 assignment.
    • You wrote something in the summary field for 34/40 (85%) of edits during the period of review. This is pretty good, but remember we are aiming for 100%.
    • You provided an external link on your user page, but instead of just pasting in the URL, please use the syntax that will give your link a visible label. I.e., instead of just do [ LMU home page], which will look like this: LMU home page.
    • Similarly, you can use a label to make your link to your file look nicer. Instead of [[Media:Kmill104Resume2.docx]], do [[Media:Kmill104Resume2.docx | My resume]].
    • You had two levels of headings on your page, please include the "====" level as well.
    • Please include the following statement in your Acknowledgments section and sign with your wiki signature:
      • Except for what is noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source.
    • Please also sign your shared journal entry with your wiki signature.
  • I'm glad that the readings expanded your ideas about what biology and computer science encompass!

Kdahlquist (talk) 13:12, 25 January 2024 (PST)