Kmill104 Week 9

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Data & Files




Begin by recording in your wiki, the strain that you will analyze, the filename, the number of replicates for each strain and each time point in your data.

Analyzing the wild type strain Original filename: , Updated filename: MillerSymondsSheet At time 15, 4 replicates 30, 5 60, 4 90, 5 120, 5

Total is 23

How many genes have p < 0.05? and what is the percentage (out of 6189)? 2528 How many genes have p < 0.01? and what is the percentage (out of 6189)? 1652 How many genes have p < 0.001? and what is the percentage (out of 6189)? 919 How many genes have p < 0.0001? and what is the percentage (out of 6189)? 496

How many genes are p < 0.05 for the Bonferroni-corrected p value? and what is the percentage (out of 6189)? 248 How many genes are p < 0.05 for the Benjamini and Hochberg-corrected p value? and what is the percentage (out of 6189)? 1822

Find NSR1 in your dataset. What is its unadjusted, Bonferroni-corrected, and B-H-corrected p values? What is its average Log fold change at each of the timepoints in the experiment?

2.86939E-10 1.77586E-06 8.87932E-07 3.279225 3.621 3.526525 -2.04985 -0.60622

What is its unadjusted, Bonferroni-corrected, and B-H-corrected p values? What is its average Log fold change at each of the timepoints in the experiment?

0.563798852 3489.351093 0.679258535 0.1076 -0.46192 -0.47075 0.16805 -0.18418