User talk:Nstojan1
Natalija Stojanovic
Some Quick Week 9 Feedback
- I have checked your Week 9 Excel spreadsheet, and it is correct, so you are ready to move on to the Week 10 procedure.
- However, it doesn't look like you completed the rest of the Week 9 assignment, especially with regard to the electronic lab notebook. Your notebook should document all of the procedures you carried out to analyze your data so that someone looking at your notebook and beginning with your input data can produce the output you made. What you need to do is copy in the procedure from the Week 9 assignment, and then edit it so that it corresponds to what you did. This includes changing the tense to past tense, removing extraneous items, stating the column headings and formulas that you used exactly, and answering the questions. Then in the acknowledgments section, you need to explicitly state that this is how you created your notebook, by copying and modifying.
— Kdahlquist (talk) 11:19, 21 March 2024 (PDT)
Week 4 Feedback
- Thank you for submitting your work on time! You added the link to your presentation a few minutes late, but the bulk of your assignment was on time. Make sure you budget enough time for the assignment so that you are not bumping up against the deadline.
- All of the requested content was provided on your AgeAnnoMO Week 4 page, except for the following:
- Some of your answers were really brief: for example "No" or "The content of this database does not completely cover its content domain." It would have been helpful to include a sentence explaining why you made this judgment.
- The Week 4 assignment asked that you provide in text citations in the form of hyperlinks for each of your answers. This is completely missing from your assignment.
- When practicing your wiki skills, the last stage of editing the wiki is proofreading. Make sure that you check the page layout after you save it to check for any inconsistencies in formatting. You have some "stray" *'s in some of your headers that look out of place.
- Make sure that you are using the correct wiki syntax for an external link vs. an internal link. For example, your link to the database in your first section is only showing up as a number because you used the wrong syntax. Creating links is something we will be doing every week, so make sure to practice the proper syntax.
- Please use the [[Media:filename | visible label]] instead of the [[File:filename]] syntax for adding a link to a file.
- Make sure to invoke your template on every individual journal entry, including those you make with partners!
- Make sure to sign your class journal entry with your wiki signature ~~~~.
- Invoking your template is really important for providing all the navigation links and the category "Journal Entry".
— Kdahlquist (talk) 15:16, 18 March 2024 (PDT)
Week 3 Feedback
- Thank you for submitting your shared IMD3 journal page on time!
- Be sure to invoke your template on each individual journal entry, even those that you are doing with a partner. Because the template did not get invoked, you were missing the category for "journal entry" at the bottom of the page.
- In addition, you need to keep up the editing of your template itself. What you are showing there is not quite right.
- Your list of Assignment pages is correct. Currently as of 2/23/24, it only goes through Week 6, which is OK, as long as you add to it each week. If you want to save yourself some time later, you can go ahead and make the list of all assignments for the entire semester and it will be done.
- Your list of Individual Journal Entries needs some editing.
- Because your individual journal entry for week 1 was your user page, you should delete the redlink that is there and substitute a link to your user page.
- Instead of the Week 3 link, you should link to your shared IMD3 journal page instead because that was your journal entry for Week 3.
- Finally, the list of shared class journals in your template has the wrong list of links. This list should go to the class journals, for example Class Journal Week 1, Class Journal Week 2, Class Journal Week 3, etc. Currently your are linking to the assignment pages.
- You wrote something in the summary field for 40/40 edits (100%), this is excellent work!
- All of the requested items for the gene page have been completed.
- I note that your acknowledgments statement and signature were added after the deadline. In the future, remember to include those on time.
- I think that Paul Ford is calling software "nothings" is because they are not physical objects like cars, food, furniture, or even physical art or jewelry.
— Kdahlquist (talk) 12:42, 13 February 2024 (PST)
Week 2 Feedback
- I know that week was tough for you, I appreciate you completing the assignment as soon as you could.
- During the period of review, you made 26 edits to the wiki and wrote something in the summary field 100% of the time. Excellent--keep up the good work!
- Don't forget to invoke your template on each individual journal page so that the required navigation links and category show up on your page.
- All of the requested tasks were completed appropriately, except for the following:
- Electronic Lab Notebook
- Your purpose was stated well.
- Your methods section is very brief. You need to state that you followed the instruction manual, cite it, and list it in the references section of your page. It would be better organized if you explained the method used to complete task 1, give the results of task 1, then methods 2, task results 2, etc.
- The screenshots in your PowerPoint thoroughly documented what you did, but it would have been better to match them up with the methods; it would have been helpful to provide some written descriptions to go along with the screenshots.
- Your conclusion mirrored your purpose.
- You need to include the academic honesty statement in your acknowledgments section and sign it with your wiki signature.
- Your reference section needs to be in APA format. The citation for the Aipotu website needs to have a access date. For the citation of the Week 2 assignment page, it still says "Week 1". Make sure you double-check and update the citation.
- Electronic Lab Notebook
- Make sure you continue to practice your wiki skills. The proper format for including a file in your page is [[Media:Molecular Biology .pptx | screenshots]]. Your links to Dean's and my user pages in your Acknowledgments also could have a visible label to make them look nicer. The syntax to Dean's link is incorrect and it is not showing up as a hyperlink. Always look at your page afterwards to make sure your page is showing up properly.
- In Ode to the Code, he's saying that for natural selection to occur, there must be differences in a trait upon which selection can act. Like white moths vs. black moths. When you think of the genetic code itself as a trait, selection can't act upon the code itself because it's universal (there are no different codes competing with it). Presumably there were different codes early on in the history of life, but the one we have got fixed in the earliest common ancestor of life on earth.
— Kdahlquist (talk) 16:14, 6 February 2024 (PST)
Week 1 Feedback
- Thank you for submitting your assignment on time!
- All of the tasks from the assignment were complete, except for the following which were incomplete or could show some improvement. You will be able to earn back points that you lost by making these corrections by the deadline for the Week 3 assignment.
- Please say something about your future career interests and goals on your user page.
- You have some links at the top of the page that are redundant with links lower down. You should move or remove these to make your page look better.
- I did not receive an email from you about your worries/concerns about the course or if there was anything you wanted me to know. Please send me this email, even if your answers are "no".
- You wrote something in the summary field for 84/105 edits (80%). This is pretty good, but remember, we are aiming for 100%. You made a large number of edits, which tells me that you are working incrementally, which is good.
- You have used the three levels of headings required, but you have an extra "== User Page ==" header near the bottom of the page that should be removed.
- The picture that appears on your page is very large. Check out this help page for ideas on how to resize it so it looks better on your page.
- You uploaded and linked a PDF file on your page. To make the link look better, use the wiki syntax for a label. Instead of using this Horse Riding [[Media:Horse_.pdf]], do [[Media:Horse_.pdf | Horse Riding]].
- In your Acknowledgments section, please include this statement and sign it with your wiki signature.
- "Except for what is noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source."
- Don't forget to sign your entry on the shared class journal with your wiki signature.
- I'm glad the Janovy reading inspired you to think of yourself as a biologist!
— Kdahlquist (talk) 16:03, 25 January 2024 (PST)