
From LMU BioDB 2024
Revision as of 21:33, 10 April 2024 by Kdahlquist (talk | contribs) (Milestone 3: Design a database to store data needed for GRNmap input workbook: adjust and identify tables needed)
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Final Project Links
Overview Deliverables Guilds Project Manager Quality Assurance Data Analysis Coder/Designer
Team Yeast Beasts

The Coder/Designers are responsible for creating the Microsoft Access database that will be used by the Data Analysts to prepare an input workbook for GRNmap for the microarray dataset they are analyzing. The Coder/Designers are also the resident experts on the technology being used—assorted software, file management, version control, and troubleshooting. He or she coordinates with Dr. Dahlquist and fellow Coders/Designers in developing the Access database and storing it on Box.

Guild Members

  • Dean
  • Andrew


The milestones do not necessarily correspond to particular weeks; instead they are sets of tasks grouped together. However, Milestone 3 is a hard prerequisite for proceeding to Milestone 4, so ideally the Coder/Coder guild should finish these milestones (they require some coordination; see below) as soon as possible.

Milestone 1: Journal Club Presentation

  • The Coder/Designers will work with one of the QA's to create and deliver a Journal Club presentation about to their assigned paper.

Milestone 2: Working Environment Setup

Coder/Designer work will require the following software/accounts. The Seaver 120 lab computers are already set up for this; this list is provided for Coders/Designers who need to work on a different computer or outside of the lab.

  • Microsoft Access
  • Box account (provided by LMU)
    • Databases created by the teams will be kept in a "BIOL367_Spring2024" Box folder.
    • Coder/Designer guild members have rights as editor to this folder; all others in the class can only view/download.
    • This folder will serve as as the version control mechanism for the Coder/Designer guild.

Milestone 3: Design a database to store data needed for GRNmap input workbook

  • Designer/Coders will work with the QA's to create a MS Access Database that will contain data needed to create a GRNmap input workbook. It will need to have the following tables:
    • A gene table that contains all of the gene IDs for the entire yeast genome, obtained from YeastMine.
    • An expression table to store the yeast time-course microarray data for the dataset being analyzed by the Data Analysts. You will consult with the Data Analysts and QA's to figure out the sample-data relationships and how that should be encoded as fields in the database.
    • A degradation_rates table that contains degradation rates from Neymotin et al. (2014). This table will be provided.
    • A production_rates table that contains initial guesses for the production rates for each gene. This table will be provided.
    • A network table that contains the gene regulatory network data from the Harbison et al. (2004) paper.
    • A metadata table that encodes information about the database itself, i.e., other tables in the database.
      • A major part of the design work will be to figure out what information needs to be in the metadata table so that queries can be easily and uniquely performed on the data.

Milestone 4: Build an individual database for your team

  • Once the design work has been completed, you need to actually import the data into the database.
  • Initially, each team will have their own database so that the QA and Data analysts can validate and use the database.

Milestone 5: Validation and Quality Assurance on Database

  • The QA will perform quality assurance to make sure that the database is correct and accurate.
    • In particular, the QA needs to make sure that all of the rows of data were imported into the database for the expression table(s).
    • The QA will make sure that both the ID (SGD systematic name) and Standard Names are included in each expression table and are correct.
  • QA's will communicate to the Coder/Designers any changes needed to the database.

Milestone 6: Merge completed databases into a single database for the class

  • As a guild, the Coder/Designers will merge their separate databases into a final product.
  • With the QA's finalize the database schema diagram
Final Project Links
Overview Deliverables Guilds Project Manager Quality Assurance Data Analysis Coder/Designer
Team Yeast Beasts