Nstojan1 Week 13

From LMU BioDB 2024
Revision as of 13:49, 18 April 2024 by Nstojan1-new (talk | contribs) (Mile Stone 2 was Completed and Milestone 3 was started: added template)
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Mile Stone 2 was Completed and Milestone 3 was started

  • I downloaded the the different tables and worked with the coders/designers and was helping them with cleaning and inputting the information during class. We had an issue with filtering the data from the network table. Once they input the data in excel, I looked at the different workbooks and tables and went through them carefully making sure that everything was the same. The "network" table was the most difficult to go through because I wasn't with them when they were filtering it.
  • One thing that we need to be better is with communicating with each other. At times, the coders and designers were working on the same table and I think that we could have completed everything faster if we talked about which table should be created by who. However, towards the end it got easier. It was also nice to have 2 excel sheets to compare the tables to.
  • I have to better communicate with coders and designers and I think that in the future, whatever they have I should ask for them to upload, that way they can stat creating the database in access sooner because I will be able to check the data as soon as they complete it even if its a portion of it.

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