Nstojan Week 2

From LMU BioDB 2024
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The purpose of this assignment is to get a pure-breeding purple plant by constructing a purple protein by understanding how the DNA sequence of a pigment protein gene determines the phenotype of the protein produced.


Firstly I launched the Aipotu website and in the 'Genetics' section, I went to the 'Greenhouse' on the right hand side and self-crossed each of the four original organisms to get all of the colors. Once a new color was discovered I would click on the color and click 'add' above the greenhouse to add the new color. I then switched to the 'Molecular Biology' tab on the right hand side and clicked on the different organisms, then used the 'compare' function on the upper left hand side to compare the DNA sequences. (Insert method to construct a pure-breeding purple organism). Lastly, I went to the 'Biochemistry' tab on the upper left hand side and entered "MLVKEIAMYRFATHER" in the amino acid sequence space and presses 'Fold' to make the purple protein.


  1. Do all the white alleles have the same DNA sequence? All of the white alleles do not have the same sequence, this was seen when they were compared. All of the white alleles were not the same, the white alleles lacked pigment because the combination of amino acids coded for the protein to have color or no color at all.
  2. Which DNA sequences were found in each of the four organisms? Screenshots were provided for this question.


File:Molecular Biology .pptx


Using the molecular biology section of Aipotu, I was able to examine all of the different proteins that coded for different pigments in the flowers. The tool allowed me to see the entire DNA sequence and compare different DNA sequences of the organisms that were found. This allowed me to see the differences between the true-breeding and heterozygous organisms which then allowed me to edit and change the genes to form true-breeding purple plants.



I worked with [User: Mysmond1]], we called over FaceTime for me to get help with completing the work.

I met with User: Kdahlquist during office hours to get help with using Aipotu and talked in class to get help on editing the gene in Aipotu.