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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
00:37, 14 December 2013Report for Final Project HDDWKS 20131213.pdf (file)657 KBKsherbina 2
00:16, 14 December 2013ReadMe Ct-Std External 20131122.pdf (file)91 KBKsherbina 1
00:01, 14 December 2013Transcriptional Analysis of the Developmental Stages of Chlamydia trachomatis A HAR-13 HDKSDW 20131212.pdf (file)792 KBKsherbina 1
23:59, 13 December 2013For GenMAPP Chlamydia V4 20131212 KS Presence of Rifampicin.gex (file)476 KBKsherbina 1
23:55, 13 December 2013Ct External 20131121 Gene Database Testing Report.pdf (file)28 KBKsherbina 1
12:02, 13 December 2013C.trachomatis Gene Database Final Testing Report 20131212.pdf (file)28 KBKsherbina (Gene database testing report for C. trachomatis)1
06:43, 13 December 2013Ct-Std External 20131121.gdb (file)9.82 MBKsherbina (Same database as Ct-Std v2 KS 20131121.gdb. The name was changed during the preparation of the final deliverables for the project.)1
23:25, 12 December 2013Ct-Std v2 KS 20131121.gdb (file)9.82 MBKsherbina (Same database but renamed)2
20:57, 24 November 2013C.trachomatis Sample Microarray Data for GenMAPP KS 20131124.txt (file)633 KBKsherbina (Tab-delimited version of the sample microarray data (needs to be in this format for GenMAPP))1
20:49, 24 November 2013C.trachomatis Sample Microarray Data for GenMAPP KS 20131124.xls (file)1.95 MBKsherbina (Sample microarray data for C. trachomatis made to test the new gene database with GenMAPP.)1
06:29, 22 November 2013Tally Engine Results for Ct-Std v2 KS 20131121.jpg (file)39 KBKsherbina (Tally Engine count for Ct-Std_v2_KS_20131121 database)1
18:15, 21 November 2013Ct-Std KS 20131121.gdb (file)10.01 MBKsherbina (Gene database for C. trachomatis)1
17:37, 19 November 2013Ct-Std v1 KS 20131119.gdb (file)13.38 MBKsherbina (First iteration of the gene database export for Chlamydia trachomatis serovar A)1
01:34, 15 November 2013Go daily-termdb v2 HD 20131107.obo-xml.gz (file)3.76 MBKsherbina (New version of Go_daily-termdb.obo-xml.gz_v1_HD_20131107. This version has the correct file extension)1
01:31, 15 November 2013Go daily-termdb.obo-xml v1 HD 20131107.gz (file)3.76 MBKsherbina (Corrected file extension)2
17:28, 14 November 201322183.C trachomatis A KS 20131114.goa (file)964 KBKsherbina 1
17:27, 14 November 2013Uniprot XML C.trachomatis serovar A KS 20131114.xml (file)4.48 MBKsherbina 1
09:26, 12 November 2013Presentation on C.trachomatis Genome Paper KS HD DW 20131112.pdf (file)1.93 MBKsherbina 1
07:14, 25 October 2013GOA and GO Files KS (file)4.1 MBKsherbina 1
07:10, 25 October 2013UniProt V cholerae KSTV 20131022.xml (file)21.13 MBKsherbina 1
06:09, 25 October 2013TallyEngine Results KS 20131024.jpg (file)39 KBKsherbina 1
06:06, 25 October 2013Use Tally Engine in GenMAPP Builder KS 20131024.jpg (file)65 KBKsherbina 1
06:04, 25 October 2013Using the Export Wizard in GenMAPP Builder Second Window KS 20131024.jpg (file)66 KBKsherbina 1
06:02, 25 October 2013Using the Export Wizard in GenMAPP Builder KS 20131024.jpg (file)89 KBKsherbina 1
05:59, 25 October 2013Using GenMAPP Builder KS 20131024.jpg (file)67 KBKsherbina 1
04:49, 23 October 2013Vc-Std KS 20131022.gdb (file)25.48 MBKsherbina (Updated database for V. cholerae created using GenMAPP Builder.)1
07:58, 18 October 2013Merrell Vibrio Data MAPPFinder Analysis Decreased KS 20131017-Criterion0-GO Filtered.xls (file)427 KBKsherbina 2
07:18, 18 October 2013Merrell Compiled Raw Data Vibrio KS 20131010.gmf (file)5.24 MBKsherbina (MAPPFinder GO Mappings file)1
07:13, 18 October 2013Merrell Vibrio Data MAPPFinder Analysis Decreased KS 20131017-Criterion0-GO.txt (file)150 KBKsherbina (For the analysis, my Criterion0 ended up referring to the "Decreased" criterion rather than the "Increased" criterion.)1
07:07, 18 October 2013RNA processing KS 20131017.mapp (file)180 KBKsherbina 1
06:29, 18 October 2013MAPPFinder Screenshots Top 10 Gene Ontology Terms KS 20131017.jpg (file)117 KBKsherbina 1
06:25, 18 October 2013MAPPFinder Screenshots GO Table KS 20131017.jpg (file)139 KBKsherbina 1
04:12, 18 October 2013GenMAPP Screenshot MAPPFinder Select Criterion to Calculate Results KS 20131017.jpg (file)82 KBKsherbina 1
04:08, 18 October 2013GenMAPP Screenshot Calculate New Results in MAPPFinder KS 20131017.jpg (file)186 KBKsherbina 2
04:08, 18 October 2013GenMAPP Screenshot Launch MAPPFinder KS 20131017.jpg (file)54 KBKsherbina 2
04:04, 18 October 2013Merrell Compiled Raw Data Vibrio KS 20131010.gex (file)1.69 MBKsherbina 2
04:03, 18 October 2013GenMAPP Screenshot View Color Set on MAPP KS 20131017.jpg (file)51 KBKsherbina 2
03:26, 18 October 2013GenMAPP Screenshot Construct Criterion to Query Dataset KS 20131017.jpg (file)86 KBKsherbina (Screenshot of how to construct a criterion to use to query a dataset (in GenMAPP).)1
00:25, 18 October 2013Merrell Compiled Raw Data Vibrio KS 20131010.EX.txt (file)1.22 MBKsherbina (Exceptions file generated when converting data to a GEX file in GenMAPP.)1
23:53, 17 October 2013GenMAPP Screenshot Load Expression Dataset Data Type Specification KS 20131017.jpg (file)165 KBKsherbina (Screenshot of the window that pops up when opening an expression dataset in GenMAPP.)1
23:46, 17 October 2013GenMAPP Screenshot Load Expression Dataset KS 20131017.jpg (file)163 KBKsherbina (Screenshot of loading an expression dataset in GenMAPP.)1
23:28, 17 October 2013GenMAPP Screenshot Load Gene Database KS 20131017.jpg (file)52 KBKsherbina (Screenshot of loading gene database in GenMAPP.)1
17:04, 15 October 2013Merrell Compiled Raw Data Vibrio KS 20131010.txt (file)1.16 MBKsherbina 2
17:37, 10 October 2013Merrell Compiled Raw Data Vibrio KS 20131010.xls (file)9 MBKsherbina (Changed the name of a sheet.)2
05:38, 10 October 2013Week8 Individual Assignment Problem 5.jpg (file)46 KBKsherbina (Graph for problem 5 from Chapter 4 of Discovering Genomics, Proteomics, and Bioinformatics assigned for Week 8 individual journal assignment.)1
06:46, 4 October 2013GLeis Ksherbina Biological Databases Presentation 20131003.ppt (file)2.68 MBKsherbina (Presentation given by Gabriel Leis and Katrina Sherbina about the PrePPI Database on October 3, 2013 at LMU.)1
00:31, 30 August 2013Katrina Sherbina.jpg (file)178 KBKsherbina (Picture of me with my poster at a symposium.)1
00:29, 30 August 2013Katrina Sherbina SMB 2012 Abstract.pdf (file)15 KBKsherbina (Abstract submitted for poster presented at Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting 2012.)1

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