Taur.vil Week 4
- Code
cat infA-E.coli-K12.txt | sed "s/cat[at]at/ <-10box> & <\/-10box> /g" | sed "s/................. <-10box>/ <\/-35box> &/g" |sed "s/...... <\/-35box>/ <-35box> &/g" |sed "s/ <-10box> ...... <\/-10box> ...../& <tss> /g" | sed "s/<tss> ./& <\/tss>/g" | sed "s/gagg/ <rbs> & <\/rbs> \n/g" | sed "2s/atg/ <start_codon> & <\/start_codon> /1" | sed -r "2s/<\/start_codon> .{3}*t[ag][ag]/& <\/stop_codon> /g" |sed "2s/... <\/stop_codon>/ <stop_codon> &/g" | sed "2s/aaaaggt.*cctttt..../ <terminator> & <\/terminator> /2" |sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g'
--modified 9/26 to reduce assumptions in the terminator placement and correct placement of tss Taur.vil (talk) 11:15, 26 September 2013 (PDT)
- Output
ttttcaccacaagaatgaatgttttcggcacatttctccccagagtgttataattgcggtcgcagagttggttacgctcattaccccgctgccgataaggaatttttcgcgtcaggtaacgcccatcgtttatctcaccgctcccttatacgttgcgcttttggtgcggcttagccgtgtgttttcggagtaatgtgccgaacctgtttgttgcgatttagcgcgcaaatc <-35box> tttact </-35box> tatttacagaacttcgg <-10box> cattat </-10box> cttgc <tss> c </tss>ggttcaaattacggtagtgatacccca <rbs> gagg </rbs> attag <start_codon> atg </start_codon> gccaaagaagacaatattgaaatgcaaggtaccgttcttgaaacgttgcctaataccatgttccgcgtagagttagaaaacggtcacgtggttactgcacacatctccggtaaaatgcgcaaaaactacatccgcatcctgacgggcgacaaagtgactgttgaactgaccccgtacgacctgagcaaaggccgcattgtcttccgtagtcgc <stop_codon> tga </stop_codon> ttgttttaccgcctgatgggcgaagagaaagaacgagt <terminator> aaaaggtcggtttaaccggcctttttatt </terminator> ttat
- Code
cat infA-E.coli-K12.txt | sed "s/cat[at]at/ <-10box> & <\/-10box> /g" | sed "s/................. <-10box>/ <\/-35box> &/g" |sed "s/...... <\/-35box>/ <-35box> &/g" |sed "s/ <-10box> ...... <\/-10box> ...../& <tss> /g" | sed "s/<tss> ./& <\/tss> /g" | sed "s/gagg/ <rbs> & <\/rbs> \n/g" | sed "2s/atg/ <start_codon> & <\/start_codon> /1" | sed -r "2s/<\/start_codon> .{3}*t[ag][ag]/& <\/stop_codon> /g" |sed "2s/... <\/stop_codon>/ <stop_codon> &/g" | sed "2s/aaaaggt.*cctttt..../ <terminator> & <\/terminator> /1" |sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g' | sed "s/ <tss> /\n/g" | sed 1D | sed "s/ <\/terminator>/\n/g" | sed 2D | sed "s/ <\/tss> //g" | sed "s/ <rbs> //g" | sed "s/ <\/rbs> //g" | sed "s/ <start_codon> //g" | sed "s/ <\/start_codon> //g" | sed "s/ <stop_codon> //g" | sed "s/ <\/stop_codon> //g" | sed "s/ <terminator> //g"
Questions answered 9/26 Revised code and undid complementation
- Cleaned Output
- Code
cat infA-E.coli-K12.txt | sed "s/cat[at]at/ <-10box> & <\/-10box> /g" | sed "s/................. <-10box>/ <\/-35box> &/g" |sed "s/...... <\/-35box>/ <-35box> &/g" | sed "s/ <-10box> ...... <\/-10box> ...../& <tss> /g" | sed "s/ <tss> ./& <\/tss> /g" | sed "s/gagg/ <rbs> & <\/rbs>\n/g" | sed "2s/atg/ <start_codon> & <\/start_codon> /1" | sed -r "2s/<\/start_codon> .{3}*t[ag][ag]/& <\/stop_codon> /g" | sed "2s/... <\/stop_codon>/ <stop_codon> &/g" | sed "2s/aaaaggt/ <terminator> &/g" | sed "2s/tttt..../& <\/terminator> /2" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g' | sed "s/ atg <\/start_codon> /\natg/g" |sed "s/ <stop_codon> tga/tga\n/g" |sed 1D |sed 2D | sed "s/.../& /g" | sed "s/t/u/g" | sed -f genetic-code.sed
- Output
M A K E D N I E M Q G T V L E T L P N T M F R V E L E N G H V V T A H I S G K M R K N Y I R I L T G D K V T V E L T P Y D L S K G R I V F R S R -
- checks as the same is ExPASy
- Questions
- Is there a more efficient way to do this? It was very problematic, especially when dealing with the <...> that was already inserted.
- As part of Biological Databases
Please Remember the Harassing of Deities is Strictly Prohibited
Never Forget Samson