Lena Week 8

From LMU BioDB 2013
Revision as of 21:36, 15 October 2013 by Lena (Talk | contribs)

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Part 1

Media: Merrell_Compiled_Raw_Data_Vibrio_LH_20131015.txt ‎
Media: Merrell_Compiled_Raw_Data_Vibrio_LH_20131015.xls ‎

Part 2

GenMAPP Expression Dataset Manager Procedure

  • I used the 2009 version of the Vibrio cholerae Gene Database with GenMAPP.
  • I loaded my txt file of Vibrio cholerae, and allowed Expression Dataset Manager to convert the data.
  • The processed data was saved here. Media:Merrell_Compiled_Raw_Data_Vibrio_AJV.gex
  • The exception file was saved here. Media:Merrell_Compiled_Raw_Data_Vibrio_AJV.EX.txt
  • There were 772 errors due to genes not being found.
  • I had more errors than my partner who was using the updated version, she has 122. I think the updated version probably had a more comprehensive list of genes for Vibrio cholerae.
  • I customized the data set of Avg_LogFC_all with colors. Increased was set to pink and decreased was set to green. To create the criterion for increased I set the Fold Change to > 0.25 and the P Value to < 0.05. To set the criterion for decreased I set Fold Change to < -0.25 and P Value to < 0.05.

MAPPFinder Procedure

  • My Partner and I worked on the increased criterion.
  • From GenMAPP I launched MAPPFinder and opened the expression data set file listed above. I clicked on the "Increased" citeria, and checked boxes for "Gene Ontology" and "P Value." In the Browse box, I named the file Increased_LH_20131015-Criterion0-GO.
  • I ran the MAPPFinder. The top 10 Gene Ontology terms were...
  1. Transport Activity
  2. Localization
  3. Macromolecule Metabolic Process
  4. Cellular Macromolecule Metabolic Process
  5. Cellular Bipolymer Biosnythetic Process
  6. Bipolymer Biosnythetic Process
  7. Bipolymer Metabolic Process
  8. Amino Acid Metabloic Process
  9. Cellular Amino Acid and Derivative Metabolic Process
  10. Cellular Nitrogen Compound Metabolic Process
  • Here is an image of the results. Capture5.PNG
  • I searched GO terms associated with the genes mentioned by Merrel et al.
    • VC0028
    • VC0941
    • VC0869
    • VC0051
    • VC0647
    • VC2350
    • VCA0583
  • I clicked on the GO term nucleotidyltransferase activity and this window came up. There were significant decreases in three places for VC0647. Capture8.PNG

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