Alina's Assessment and Reflection
From LMU BioDB 2013
Contents |
Statement of Work
Identification of Gene IDs
- Used Microsoft Access to investigate files of original 3 strains (TIGR4, R6, G54)
- Identified/checked gene ID formats for consistency and looked for orderedlocus totals
- Format/total for TIGR4 strain of interest were as follows:
- TIGR4: SP_#### Orderedlocus: 2126
Updating of Gene Database Testing Reports
- Was responsible for running counts (XMLPipeDB Match, Tally Engine, SQL)for all export testing reports
- Performed visual inspections within gdb files
- Systems table
- UniProt table
- RefSeq table
- OriginalRowCounts
- Used snipping tool to provide screenshots for most results in testing
- (Did not update GenMAPP aspects, left to Kevin)
- Compared found Gene ID formats with corresponding online resources (UniProt, RefSeq)
- Investigated Ensembl (MOD) to compare gene totals
- Export Reports contributed to:
Electronic Notebooks: Week12 Week13 Week14 Week15
XML/Exception File Comparison
- Used XMLPipeDB Match in order to search Uniprot XML file for species IDs with format SP_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] and got 2126 results.
- This was saved as a text file in order to make compatible for Excel. This file and exceptions file were put in adjacent columns and Excel match function was used. All results found to be #N/A.
- Excel File: ID Comparison
Visual Representation of Data Information
- Helped Kevin with visual representating replicate information from microarray paper
- Used Paint program to create diagram
- Provide references or links to artifacts of your work, such as:
- Wiki pages
- Other files or documents
- Code or scripts
Assessment of Project
- Give an objective assessment of the success of your project workflow and teamwork.
- As a group we were very successful when it came to completing tasks and working together as a team. All members were committed to the tasks they were given and we had no problems getting together to work on the project. We had no problems with one another individually, and all group members were as supportive and as helpful as possible. Had it not been for the slight hiccup in terms of analyzing the microarray data, the workflow would have been very smooth.
- What worked and what didn't work?
- We had a little trouble getting the microarray data in a form we could use, but other than that most of our testing went flawlessly. All of our counts matched our expected value, and our ID exceptions/errors from the database could not be fixed due to their absence in our original file. Our team stayed on track despite the delay for the microarray data, but we were able to work efficiently enough to catch up once the data was in order.
- What would you do differently if you could do it all over again?
I think I would try and learn more about the coder's tasks. While I did work side by side with my team, I feel I could have immersed myself a little more and not focused so much on just completing particular tasks.
- Evaluate the Gene Database Project and Group Report in the following areas:
- Content: What is the quality of the work?
- Organization: Comment on the organization of the project and of your group's wiki pages.
- Completeness: Did your team achieve all of the project objectives? Why or why not?
Reflection on the Process
- What did you learn?
- With your head (biological or computer science principles)
- With your heart (personal qualities and teamwork qualities that make things work or not work)?
- With your hands (technical skills)?
- What lesson will you take away from this project that you will still use a year from now?