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==Electronic Lab Notebook==
==Electronic Lab Notebook==
Export of ''Vibrio cholerae'' GenMAPP Gene Database was used following the instructions on the [https://xmlpipedb.cs.lmu.edu/biodb/fall2015/index.php/Week_9 Week 9] assignment page. The Gene Database Testing Report template we used was found [https://xmlpipedb.cs.lmu.edu/biodb/fall2015/index.php/Gene_Database_Testing_Report_Sample here].
Export of ''Vibrio cholerae'' GenMAPP Gene Database was used following the instructions on the [https://xmlpipedb.cs.lmu.edu/biodb/fall2015/index.php/Running_GenMAPP_Builder Running GenMAPP Builder] page. The rest of the assignment was conducted using instructions found on [https://xmlpipedb.cs.lmu.edu/biodb/fall2015/index.php/How_Do_I_Count_Thee%3F_Let_Me_Count_The_Ways How Do I Count Thee? Let Me Count The Ways] wiki page and information filled out using the [https://xmlpipedb.cs.lmu.edu/biodb/fall2015/index.php/Gene_Database_Testing_Report_Sample Gene Database Testing Report Sample] as a template. Additionally, lists of IDs were compared using the instructions on the [https://xmlpipedb.cs.lmu.edu/biodb/fall2015/index.php/Using_Microsoft_Excel_to_Compare_ID_Lists Using Microsoft Excel to Compare ID Lists] page.  
==Export Information==
===Export Information===
Version of GenMAPP Builder:
First we downloaded UniProt XML, GOA, and GO OBO-XML files. UniProt (protein database) is linked to GO OBO-XML (Gene Ontology) through GOA (Gene Ontology Associations) through XMLPipeDB, subset GenMAPP Builder. GenMAPP Builder takes the data and puts it into PostgreSQL database, where it is converted into a GenMAPP-compatible gene database (GDB). From there, we can then download and analyze microarray data via GenMAPP.
Computer on which export was run:  
===UniProt XML==
*Went to [http://www.uniprot.org/taxonomy/complete-proteomes UniProt Complete Proteomes] page and filtered list by clicking on "bacteria" under Superkingdom heading
*Filtered results and found ''V. cholerae''
*Clicked on the UniProt link for ''Vibrio cholerae'' serotype O1 and clicked download all with XML format as a compressed file.
*Saved <code>uniprot-organism%3A243277.xml.gz</code> in Computer T drive under new folder <code>Kzebrows</code>
Postgres Database name:  
*went to the [http://www.ebi.ac.uk/GOA Uniprot-GOA home page]
*Clicked on the link to download the [http://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/GO/goa/proteomes/ proteomes directory]
*Found ''V. cholerae'' and right-clicked to download GO annotations
*Saved and downloaded file and saw that V_cholerae was last modified 13 Oct 20016 at 07:31
UniProt XML filename (give filename and upload and link to compressed file):
===GO OBO-XML===
* UniProt XML version (The version information can be found at [http://uniprot.org/news the UniProt News Page]):
*Followed link to Legacy Downloads on the [http://geneontology.org/page/download-ontology#Legacy_Downloads Gene Ontology page]
* UniProt XML download link:
*Downloaded obo-xml.gz to T drive Kzebrows
* Time taken to import:
** Note:
GO OBO-XML filename (give filename and upload and link to compressed file):
NOTE: Both the UniProt XML and GO OBO-XML files were extracted using 7-zip.
* GO OBO-XML version (The version information can be found in the file properties after the file downloaded from the [http://beta.geneontology.org/page/download-ontology GO Download page] has been unzipped):
* GO OBO-XML download link:
* Time taken to import:
* Time taken to process:
** Note:
GOA filename (give filename and upload and link to compressed file):
===Downloading GenMAPP Builder===
* GOA version (News on [http://www.ebi.ac.uk/GOA/ this page] records past releases; current information can be found in the Last modified field on the [ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/GO/goa/proteomes/ FTP site]):
*Downloaded gmbuilder-3.0 using [https://github.com/lmu-bioinformatics/xmlpipedb/releases/download/gmbuilder-3.0.0-build-5/gmbuilder-3.0.0-build-5.zip this link]
* GOA download link:
*Extracted in T drive using 7 zip
* Time taken to import:
** Note:
Name of .gdb file (give filename and upload and link to compressed file):
===Creating a New Database in PostgreSQL===
* Time taken to export:  
*Launched PgAdmin III.
** Start time:
*Double-clicked on PostgreSQL 9.4
** End time:
*Selected "Database" and "New Database" and named it "Vcholerae_20151027_gmb3build5". Copied name to clipboard and pressed OK.
*Ran prepackaged query: open file > Thaw space > gmbuilder-3.0.0-build-5 > sql > gmbuilder.sql
**Query returned successfully with no results in 5697 ms
**Closed query window
===Configuring GenMAPP Builder to Connect to PostgreSQL Database===
*Launched gmbuilder.bat
*Select File > Configure Database
*Entered the following info and clicked OK
**Host: localhost
**Port number: 5432
**Database name: Vcholerae_20151027_gmb3build5
**Username: postgres
*Clicked OK
===Importing Data into PostgreSQL Database===
''Details are found below in the Gene Database Testing Report.''
*Selected File > Import UniProt XML and found UniProt XML file
*Selected File > Import GO OBO-XML file
*Selected File > Import GOA
===Exporting a GenMAPP Gene Database (.gdb)===
''Details are found below in the Gene Database Testing Report.''
*Selected File > Export to database
*Typed my name into the Owner Field
*Clicked on species ''V. cholerae''
*Created the database by saving under T drive
*Left the boxes checked for exporting all Molecule Function, Cellular Component, and Gene Ontology terms
*Clicked next to begin export process
*Start time: October 27, 2015 at 3:55 pm
I then attempted to use Microsoft Excel to compare the ID lists. I did this from exporting from XMLPipeDB match and also from PostgreSQL and writing the file to my T drive. Then, using Microsoft Access, I exported my gene database data using the Excel button. I opened the files in Excel and pasted them into new Excel worksheets, with each ID list in its own column, and I added a new header row labeled "ID List 1" and "ID List 2" at the top.
Next I inserted a column to the right of the two ID columns and labeled it "1 to 2" and another to the right of that one "2 to 1" indicating that I was comparing list 1 to list 2 and then list 2 to list 1. In cell C2 I typed the formula <code>=MATCH(A2,B$2:B$7666,0)</code> using the $ sign as a lock. I then pasted this formula all across column C. In column D, I typed the formula <code>=MATCH(B2, A$2:A$3832,0)</code>.
[[Media:KzebrowscompareIDlists.xlsx | Compare ID Lists in Excel]]
==Gene Database Testing Report==
Version of GenMAPP Builder: '''gmbuilder-3.0.0-build-5.zip
Computer on which export was run: '''#7. Computer is located in Seaver computer lab, second row, third from the left if facing front of the room.'''
Postgres Database name: '''Vcholerae_20151027_gmb3build5'''
UniProt XML filename (give filename and upload and link to compressed file): [[Media:Kzebrowsvcholerae.zip | uniprot-organism%3A243277.xml]]
* UniProt XML version (The version information can be found at [http://uniprot.org/news the UniProt News Page]): '''10/13/2015 at 07:31'''
* [http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/?query=organism:243277 UniProt XML download link]
* Time taken to import: '''3.10 minutes'''
**''Note: Data downloaded slowly.''
GO OBO-XML filename (give filename and upload and link to compressed file): [[Media:Kzebrowsvcholerae.zip | go_daily-termdb.obo-xml.gz]]
* GO OBO-XML version (The version information can be found in the file properties after the file downloaded from the [http://beta.geneontology.org/page/download-ontology GO Download page] has been unzipped): '''10/09/2015'''
* [http://archive.geneontology.org/latest-termdb/go_daily-termdb.obo-xml.gz GO OBO-XML download link]
* Time taken to import: '''7.14 minutes'''
* Time taken to process: '''4.64 minutes'''
**''Note: Importing the data took a long time.''
GOA filename (give filename and upload and link to compressed file): [[Media:Kzebrowsvcholerae.zip | 46.V_cholerae_ATCC_39315.goa]]
* GOA version (News on [http://www.ebi.ac.uk/GOA/ this page] records past releases; current information can be found in the Last modified field on the [ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/GO/goa/proteomes/ FTP site]): '''10/13/15 at 6:31 am'''
* [http://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/GO/goa/proteomes/46.V_cholerae_ATCC_39315.goa GOA download link]
* Time taken to import: '''0.06 minutes'''
**''Note: Import was almost immediate.''
Name of .gdb file (give filename and upload and link to compressed file): [[Media:Kzebrowsvcholerae.zip | Vc-Std_20151027.gdb]]
* Time taken to export: '''N/A'''
** Start time: '''October 27, 2015 at 3:55 pm'''
** End time: '''N/A'''
**''Note: I left a note on top of my computer but someone came in and exited out of my windows between Tuesday's class and Thursday's class, so I was unable to record the end time or time taken to export. The average time of the people around me was around 5:11 pm on Tuesday, so I can infer that my file would have finished exporting around the same time.''
* Run the TallyEngine in GenMAPP Builder and record the number of records for UniProt and GO in the XML data and in the Postgres databases.
I used TallyEngine to verify that data was transferred consistently into PostgreSQL.
** Choose the menu item Tallies > Run XML and Database Tallies for UniProt and GO...
*Ran PostgreSQL
** Take a screenshot of the results. Upload the image to the wiki and display it on this page.
*Ran GenMAPP Builder to make sure it was connected to database by clicking File > Configure
** For more information, [[How_Do_I_Count_Thee%3F_Let_Me_Count_The_Ways | see this page.]]
*Chose ''Run XML and Database Tallies for UniProt and Go''
*Chose UniProt and GO files that I imported
The Tally results looked like this:
== Using XMLPipeDB Match to Validate the XML Results from the TallyEngine==
I downloaded the application from the XMLPipeDB SourceForge site (location ???). I used the command line ''cmd'' and ''cd'''d to the folder containing the file that I wanted to check, using the command <code>T:\Kzebrows>java -jar xmlpipedb-match-1.1.1.jar "VC_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]" < "uniprot-orgnaism%3A243277.xml" > OrderedLocusNames</code>. Typing this command into ''cmd'' gave me:
[[Image:Kzebrows xml results VC .PNG]]
Then, to account for VC_A, a known problem brought up in class that affected the results between the different checks, I used the command <code>T:\Kzebrows>java -jar xmlpipedb-match-1.1.1.jar "VC_A?[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]" < "uniprot-orgnaism%3A243277.xml" > OrderedLocusNames</code> to achieve this:
== Using XMLPipeDB match to Validate the XML Results from the TallyEngine==
[[How_Do_I_Count_Thee%3F_Let_Me_Count_The_Ways | Follow the instructions found on this page to run XMLPipeDB match.]]
[[Image:Kzebrows xml results.PNG]]
Are your results the same as you got for the TallyEngine?  Why or why not?
Are your results the same as you got for the TallyEngine?  Why or why not?
'''XMLPipeDB Match does not take into account VC_A entries, so I did not get the same results as with TallyEngine when I searched only VC_####. After changing the command to include VC_A#### entries by typing VC_A?, I was able to get the same amount of results (3,831).'''
== Using SQL Queries to Validate the PostgreSQL Database Results from the TallyEngine==
== Using SQL Queries to Validate the PostgreSQL Database Results from the TallyEngine==
For more information, [[How_Do_I_Count_Thee%3F_Let_Me_Count_The_Ways | see this page.]]
Next I entered the following command in PgAdminIII:
You can also look for counts at the SQL level, using some variation of a ''select count(*)'' query.  This requires some knowledge of which table received what data.  Here&rsquo;s an initial tip: the ''gene/name'' tags in the XML file land in the ''genenametype'' table.  A query on this table counting values from this table that were marked as ''ordered locus'' in the XML file matching the pattern ''VC_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'' would look like this:
<code> select count (*) from genenametype where type = 'ordered locus' and value ~ 'VC_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]';</code>
select count(*) from genenametype where type = 'ordered locus' and value ~ 'VC_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]';
and received 2,737 results after clicking the green button.
In ''pgAdmin III'', you can issue these queries by clicking on the pencil/SQL icon in the toolbar, typing the query into the ''SQL Editor'' tab, then clicking on the green triangular ''Play'' button to run.
[[Image:Kzebrows Postgres query VC .PNG]]
If I changed the command to <code>'VC_A?'</code> indicating VC_ and then including VC_A or just VC_, I got 3,831 results.
[[Image:Kzebrows Postgres query VC A..PNG]]
For more information, [[How_Do_I_Count_Thee%3F_Let_Me_Count_The_Ways | see this page.]]
Are your results the same as reported by the TallyEngine?  Why or why not?
Are your results the same as reported by the TallyEngine?  Why or why not?
'''The results were only the same when I added the VC_A?. PostgreSQL does not take into account VC_A####, so originally I only had 2,737 results; however, by adding VC_A? I indicated that I wanted to include both VC_ and VC_A and I received 3,831 results.
==OriginalRowCounts Comparison==
==OriginalRowCounts Comparison==
Line 67: Line 152:
Within the .gdb file, look at the OriginalRowCounts table to see if the database has the expected tables with the expected number of records. Compare the tables and records with a benchmark .gdb file.
Within the .gdb file, look at the OriginalRowCounts table to see if the database has the expected tables with the expected number of records. Compare the tables and records with a benchmark .gdb file.
Benchmark .gdb file:
I downloaded the 2010 file from [http://sourceforge.net/projects/xmlpipedb/files/V.%20cholerae%20Gene%20Database/V.%20cholerae%2020101022/Vc-Std_External_20101022.zip/download SourceForge] and opened the .gdb file from Microsoft Access. In comparing the files, I observed the following:
*Both have 7664 entries. This is almost twice as many as what was found in XMLPipeDB Match and in PostgresDB with two extra (2 x 2,831=7,662)
*The 2015 database has 52 tables while the 2010 one has only 42.
*Generally the 2015 database had far more rows per table, e.g. in 2010 RefSeq-Gene Ontoloy had 13,332 and in 2015 it had 41,064 rows.
Copy the OriginalRowCounts table from the benchmark and new gdb and paste them here:
Benchmark .gdb file: [[Media:Vc-Std External 20101022.zip | Vc-Std_External_20101022.gdb]]
The OriginalRowCounts table from 2010 (benchmark .gdb) looked like this:
The OriginalRowCounts table from 2015 (new .gdb) looked like this
==Visual Inspection==
==Visual Inspection==
Perform visual inspection of individual tables to see if there are any problems.
Next I performed visual inspection of individual tables to see if there are any problems.
* Look at the Systems table. Is there a date in the Date field for all gene ID systems present in the database?
*Look at the Systems table. Is there a date in the Date field for all gene ID systems present in the database? '''No. Only 11 out of 35 gene ID systems have a date in the Date field. All of the dates are 10/27/2015.'''
* Open the UniProt, RefSeq, and OrderedLocusNames tables. Scroll down through the table. Do all of the IDs look like they take the correct form for that type of ID?
*Open the UniProt, RefSeq, and OrderedLocusNames tables. Scroll down through the table. Do all of the IDs look like they take the correct form for that type of ID?
**UniProt: '''Yes'''
**RefSeq: '''Yes'''
**OrderedLocusNames: '''No. Some are VC####, some are VC_####, some are VCA#### and some are VC_A####.'''
Line 84: Line 185:
==.gdb Use in GenMAPP==
==.gdb Use in GenMAPP==
===Putting a gene on the MAPP using the GeneFinder window===
===Putting a gene on the MAPP using the GeneFinder window===
* Try a sample ID from each of the gene ID systems. Open the Backpage and see if all of the cross-referenced IDs that are supposed to be there are there.
In the main GenMAPP drafting board window I left-clicked on the "Gene" icon in the upper left hand corner and clicked on the drafting board to place the gene on the MAPP. Next I right-clicked the gene to access the GeneFinder window and pasted the gene ID VC_A0498 (listed first in the OrderedLocusNames table in the database) into the gene ID field. I selected the OrderedLocusNames system from the drop-down menu and clicked Search.
Next I opened the backpage by left-clicking on the gene box. All of the cross-referenced IDs that were supposed to be there were present.
===Creating an Expression Dataset in the Expression Dataset Manager===
===Creating an Expression Dataset in the Expression Dataset Manager===
I then launched the GenMAPP program and selected the Data Menu, from which I chose the Expression Dataset Manager to convert the data.
* How many of the IDs were imported out of the total IDs in the microarray dataset? How many exceptions were there? Look in the EX.txt file and look at the error codes for the records that were not imported into the Expression Dataset.  Do these represent IDs that were present in the UniProt XML, but were somehow not imported? or were they not present in the UniProt XML?
* How many of the IDs were imported out of the total IDs in the microarray dataset? How many exceptions were there? Look in the EX.txt file and look at the error codes for the records that were not imported into the Expression Dataset.  Do these represent IDs that were present in the UniProt XML, but were somehow not imported? or were they not present in the UniProt XML?
**'''When I opened the file Kzebrows_microarrayanalysis20151025.txt I received a message saying that there were 121 errors. Because UniProt XML has been updated in the last month, I think these IDs were present in the Uniprot XML data but not imported because of a problem with the Merrell database itself. There didn't appear to be any connection between the error codes for records that weren't imported and IDs in UniProt XML.'''
''Note: ''
===Coloring a MAPP with expression data===
===Coloring a MAPP with expression data===
I then customized the new Expression Dataset by creating new Color Sets that contained instructions to GenMAPP for displaying data. I created this by filling in different fields in the color set area of the Data Set Manager, as per my assignment page for [https://xmlpipedb.cs.lmu.edu/biodb/fall2015/index.php/Kzebrows_Week_8 Week 8].The Gene Value was "Avg_LogFC_all" for the dataset. The criteria were established using the formula <code>[Avg_LogFC_All] > 0.25 AND [Pvalue] < 0.05</code> and <code>[Avg_LogFC_All] < -0.25 AND [Pvalue] < 0.05</code>. I coded "increased" as green and "decreased" as red. I then saved the data set and exited the Expression Dataset.
===Running MAPPFinder===
===Running MAPPFinder===
I launched MAPPFinder and chose my database for ''V. cholerae''. I then clicked "Calculate New Results" and "Find File" and chose my Expression Dataset (.gex) file. I clicked OK and chose "increased" (arbitrary) and checked "gene ontology" and "p value" boxes. I then clicked Browse and created the filename <code>Kzebrowsvcholerae20151102</code>.
''Note:Every time I attempted to run MAPPFinder on my computer the program crashed and I was given the "Not Responding" message. To fix this I had to upload my database to my Google drive and access it from another computer. Luckily MAPPFinder worked on the other computer so I chose my .gdb file as the gene database and then chose my .gex file and ran the program. It took about 12 minutes for the program to run.''
I then attempted to click on one of the GO terms, ''purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process''. Instead of  listing all of the genes associated with this GO term I received this message:
== Compare Gene Database to Outside Resource==
== Compare Gene Database to Outside Resource==
Line 112: Line 238:
==Class Notes for 10/29==
Review of the big picture: Two weeks ago we exported raw data from Merrell into excel to import into the Gene Database. MAPPFinder's backpage looked genes up in the database. Now we're working backwards to find where the Gene Database came from. Gene database comes from a combination of 3 files, which were created by running GenMAPP Builder. The product of the builder is the database.
#UniProt (xml)
#GO (xml)
#GOA (tab delimited)
File in <code>ThawSpace is Vc-Std_20151027.gdb</code>. The ''import'' step loaded the data from the files into a PostgreSQL database. The ''export'' step takes them out of PostgreSQL and puts them in the Gene Database where we can perform microanalysis again (done 10/27).
Quality Insurance: Need to check that data traveled correctly to database and that it traveled correctly to final Gene Database. This should be performed every time you export data to a database to verify that everything happened as it should.
[[Category : Journal Entry]]
[[Category : Journal Entry]]

Latest revision as of 07:51, 4 November 2015

Electronic Lab Notebook

Export of Vibrio cholerae GenMAPP Gene Database was used following the instructions on the Running GenMAPP Builder page. The rest of the assignment was conducted using instructions found on How Do I Count Thee? Let Me Count The Ways wiki page and information filled out using the Gene Database Testing Report Sample as a template. Additionally, lists of IDs were compared using the instructions on the Using Microsoft Excel to Compare ID Lists page.

Export Information

First we downloaded UniProt XML, GOA, and GO OBO-XML files. UniProt (protein database) is linked to GO OBO-XML (Gene Ontology) through GOA (Gene Ontology Associations) through XMLPipeDB, subset GenMAPP Builder. GenMAPP Builder takes the data and puts it into PostgreSQL database, where it is converted into a GenMAPP-compatible gene database (GDB). From there, we can then download and analyze microarray data via GenMAPP.

=UniProt XML

  • Went to UniProt Complete Proteomes page and filtered list by clicking on "bacteria" under Superkingdom heading
  • Filtered results and found V. cholerae
  • Clicked on the UniProt link for Vibrio cholerae serotype O1 and clicked download all with XML format as a compressed file.
  • Saved uniprot-organism%3A243277.xml.gz in Computer T drive under new folder Kzebrows


  • went to the Uniprot-GOA home page
  • Clicked on the link to download the proteomes directory
  • Found V. cholerae and right-clicked to download GO annotations
  • Saved and downloaded file and saw that V_cholerae was last modified 13 Oct 20016 at 07:31


  • Followed link to Legacy Downloads on the Gene Ontology page
  • Downloaded obo-xml.gz to T drive Kzebrows

NOTE: Both the UniProt XML and GO OBO-XML files were extracted using 7-zip.

Downloading GenMAPP Builder

  • Downloaded gmbuilder-3.0 using this link
  • Extracted in T drive using 7 zip

Creating a New Database in PostgreSQL

  • Launched PgAdmin III.
  • Double-clicked on PostgreSQL 9.4
  • Selected "Database" and "New Database" and named it "Vcholerae_20151027_gmb3build5". Copied name to clipboard and pressed OK.
  • Ran prepackaged query: open file > Thaw space > gmbuilder-3.0.0-build-5 > sql > gmbuilder.sql
    • Query returned successfully with no results in 5697 ms
    • Closed query window

Configuring GenMAPP Builder to Connect to PostgreSQL Database

  • Launched gmbuilder.bat
  • Select File > Configure Database
  • Entered the following info and clicked OK
    • Host: localhost
    • Port number: 5432
    • Database name: Vcholerae_20151027_gmb3build5
    • Username: postgres
    • password
  • Clicked OK

Importing Data into PostgreSQL Database

Details are found below in the Gene Database Testing Report.

  • Selected File > Import UniProt XML and found UniProt XML file
  • Selected File > Import GO OBO-XML file
  • Selected File > Import GOA

Exporting a GenMAPP Gene Database (.gdb)

Details are found below in the Gene Database Testing Report.

  • Selected File > Export to database
  • Typed my name into the Owner Field
  • Clicked on species V. cholerae
  • Created the database by saving under T drive
  • Left the boxes checked for exporting all Molecule Function, Cellular Component, and Gene Ontology terms
  • Clicked next to begin export process
  • Start time: October 27, 2015 at 3:55 pm

I then attempted to use Microsoft Excel to compare the ID lists. I did this from exporting from XMLPipeDB match and also from PostgreSQL and writing the file to my T drive. Then, using Microsoft Access, I exported my gene database data using the Excel button. I opened the files in Excel and pasted them into new Excel worksheets, with each ID list in its own column, and I added a new header row labeled "ID List 1" and "ID List 2" at the top.

Next I inserted a column to the right of the two ID columns and labeled it "1 to 2" and another to the right of that one "2 to 1" indicating that I was comparing list 1 to list 2 and then list 2 to list 1. In cell C2 I typed the formula =MATCH(A2,B$2:B$7666,0) using the $ sign as a lock. I then pasted this formula all across column C. In column D, I typed the formula =MATCH(B2, A$2:A$3832,0).

Compare ID Lists in Excel

Gene Database Testing Report

Version of GenMAPP Builder: gmbuilder-3.0.0-build-5.zip

Computer on which export was run: #7. Computer is located in Seaver computer lab, second row, third from the left if facing front of the room.

Postgres Database name: Vcholerae_20151027_gmb3build5

UniProt XML filename (give filename and upload and link to compressed file): uniprot-organism%3A243277.xml

GO OBO-XML filename (give filename and upload and link to compressed file): go_daily-termdb.obo-xml.gz

  • GO OBO-XML version (The version information can be found in the file properties after the file downloaded from the GO Download page has been unzipped): 10/09/2015
  • GO OBO-XML download link
  • Time taken to import: 7.14 minutes
  • Time taken to process: 4.64 minutes
    • Note: Importing the data took a long time.

GOA filename (give filename and upload and link to compressed file): 46.V_cholerae_ATCC_39315.goa

  • GOA version (News on this page records past releases; current information can be found in the Last modified field on the FTP site): 10/13/15 at 6:31 am
  • GOA download link
  • Time taken to import: 0.06 minutes
    • Note: Import was almost immediate.

Name of .gdb file (give filename and upload and link to compressed file): Vc-Std_20151027.gdb

  • Time taken to export: N/A
    • Start time: October 27, 2015 at 3:55 pm
    • End time: N/A
    • Note: I left a note on top of my computer but someone came in and exited out of my windows between Tuesday's class and Thursday's class, so I was unable to record the end time or time taken to export. The average time of the people around me was around 5:11 pm on Tuesday, so I can infer that my file would have finished exporting around the same time.


I used TallyEngine to verify that data was transferred consistently into PostgreSQL.

  • Ran PostgreSQL
  • Ran GenMAPP Builder to make sure it was connected to database by clicking File > Configure
  • Chose Run XML and Database Tallies for UniProt and Go
  • Chose UniProt and GO files that I imported

The Tally results looked like this:


Using XMLPipeDB Match to Validate the XML Results from the TallyEngine

I downloaded the application from the XMLPipeDB SourceForge site (location ???). I used the command line cmd and cd'd to the folder containing the file that I wanted to check, using the command T:\Kzebrows>java -jar xmlpipedb-match-1.1.1.jar "VC_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]" < "uniprot-orgnaism%3A243277.xml" > OrderedLocusNames. Typing this command into cmd gave me:

Kzebrows xml results VC .PNG

Then, to account for VC_A, a known problem brought up in class that affected the results between the different checks, I used the command T:\Kzebrows>java -jar xmlpipedb-match-1.1.1.jar "VC_A?[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]" < "uniprot-orgnaism%3A243277.xml" > OrderedLocusNames to achieve this:

Kzebrows xml results.PNG

Are your results the same as you got for the TallyEngine? Why or why not? XMLPipeDB Match does not take into account VC_A entries, so I did not get the same results as with TallyEngine when I searched only VC_####. After changing the command to include VC_A#### entries by typing VC_A?, I was able to get the same amount of results (3,831).

Using SQL Queries to Validate the PostgreSQL Database Results from the TallyEngine

Next I entered the following command in PgAdminIII:

select count (*) from genenametype where type = 'ordered locus' and value ~ 'VC_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]';

and received 2,737 results after clicking the green button.

Kzebrows Postgres query VC .PNG

If I changed the command to 'VC_A?' indicating VC_ and then including VC_A or just VC_, I got 3,831 results.

Kzebrows Postgres query VC A..PNG

For more information, see this page.

Are your results the same as reported by the TallyEngine? Why or why not? The results were only the same when I added the VC_A?. PostgreSQL does not take into account VC_A####, so originally I only had 2,737 results; however, by adding VC_A? I indicated that I wanted to include both VC_ and VC_A and I received 3,831 results.

OriginalRowCounts Comparison

Within the .gdb file, look at the OriginalRowCounts table to see if the database has the expected tables with the expected number of records. Compare the tables and records with a benchmark .gdb file.

I downloaded the 2010 file from SourceForge and opened the .gdb file from Microsoft Access. In comparing the files, I observed the following:

  • Both have 7664 entries. This is almost twice as many as what was found in XMLPipeDB Match and in PostgresDB with two extra (2 x 2,831=7,662)
  • The 2015 database has 52 tables while the 2010 one has only 42.
  • Generally the 2015 database had far more rows per table, e.g. in 2010 RefSeq-Gene Ontoloy had 13,332 and in 2015 it had 41,064 rows.

Benchmark .gdb file: Vc-Std_External_20101022.gdb

The OriginalRowCounts table from 2010 (benchmark .gdb) looked like this:


The OriginalRowCounts table from 2015 (new .gdb) looked like this



Visual Inspection

Next I performed visual inspection of individual tables to see if there are any problems.

  • Look at the Systems table. Is there a date in the Date field for all gene ID systems present in the database? No. Only 11 out of 35 gene ID systems have a date in the Date field. All of the dates are 10/27/2015.
  • Open the UniProt, RefSeq, and OrderedLocusNames tables. Scroll down through the table. Do all of the IDs look like they take the correct form for that type of ID?
    • UniProt: Yes
    • RefSeq: Yes
    • OrderedLocusNames: No. Some are VC####, some are VC_####, some are VCA#### and some are VC_A####.


.gdb Use in GenMAPP


Putting a gene on the MAPP using the GeneFinder window

In the main GenMAPP drafting board window I left-clicked on the "Gene" icon in the upper left hand corner and clicked on the drafting board to place the gene on the MAPP. Next I right-clicked the gene to access the GeneFinder window and pasted the gene ID VC_A0498 (listed first in the OrderedLocusNames table in the database) into the gene ID field. I selected the OrderedLocusNames system from the drop-down menu and clicked Search.



Next I opened the backpage by left-clicking on the gene box. All of the cross-referenced IDs that were supposed to be there were present.



Creating an Expression Dataset in the Expression Dataset Manager

I then launched the GenMAPP program and selected the Data Menu, from which I chose the Expression Dataset Manager to convert the data.

  • How many of the IDs were imported out of the total IDs in the microarray dataset? How many exceptions were there? Look in the EX.txt file and look at the error codes for the records that were not imported into the Expression Dataset. Do these represent IDs that were present in the UniProt XML, but were somehow not imported? or were they not present in the UniProt XML?
    • When I opened the file Kzebrows_microarrayanalysis20151025.txt I received a message saying that there were 121 errors. Because UniProt XML has been updated in the last month, I think these IDs were present in the Uniprot XML data but not imported because of a problem with the Merrell database itself. There didn't appear to be any connection between the error codes for records that weren't imported and IDs in UniProt XML.


Coloring a MAPP with expression data

I then customized the new Expression Dataset by creating new Color Sets that contained instructions to GenMAPP for displaying data. I created this by filling in different fields in the color set area of the Data Set Manager, as per my assignment page for Week 8.The Gene Value was "Avg_LogFC_all" for the dataset. The criteria were established using the formula [Avg_LogFC_All] > 0.25 AND [Pvalue] < 0.05 and [Avg_LogFC_All] < -0.25 AND [Pvalue] < 0.05. I coded "increased" as green and "decreased" as red. I then saved the data set and exited the Expression Dataset.



Running MAPPFinder

I launched MAPPFinder and chose my database for V. cholerae. I then clicked "Calculate New Results" and "Find File" and chose my Expression Dataset (.gex) file. I clicked OK and chose "increased" (arbitrary) and checked "gene ontology" and "p value" boxes. I then clicked Browse and created the filename Kzebrowsvcholerae20151102.


Note:Every time I attempted to run MAPPFinder on my computer the program crashed and I was given the "Not Responding" message. To fix this I had to upload my database to my Google drive and access it from another computer. Luckily MAPPFinder worked on the other computer so I chose my .gdb file as the gene database and then chose my .gex file and ran the program. It took about 12 minutes for the program to run.

I then attempted to click on one of the GO terms, purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process. Instead of listing all of the genes associated with this GO term I received this message:


Compare Gene Database to Outside Resource

The OrderedLocusNames IDs in the exported Gene Database are derived from the UniProt XML. It is a good idea to check your list of OrderedLocusNames IDs to see how complete it is using the original source of the data (the sequencing organization, the MOD, etc.) Because UniProt is a protein database, it does not reference any non-protein genome features such as genes that code for functional RNAs, centromeres, telomeres, etc.


Class Notes for 10/29

Review of the big picture: Two weeks ago we exported raw data from Merrell into excel to import into the Gene Database. MAPPFinder's backpage looked genes up in the database. Now we're working backwards to find where the Gene Database came from. Gene database comes from a combination of 3 files, which were created by running GenMAPP Builder. The product of the builder is the database.

  1. UniProt (xml)
  2. GO (xml)
  3. GOA (tab delimited)

File in ThawSpace is Vc-Std_20151027.gdb. The import step loaded the data from the files into a PostgreSQL database. The export step takes them out of PostgreSQL and puts them in the Gene Database where we can perform microanalysis again (done 10/27).

Quality Insurance: Need to check that data traveled correctly to database and that it traveled correctly to final Gene Database. This should be performed every time you export data to a database to verify that everything happened as it should.


Individual Journal Assignment Pages

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 14
Week 15

Individual Journal Assignments

Kzebrows Week 1
Kzebrows Week 2
Kzebrows Week 3
Kzebrows Week 4
Kzebrows Week 5
Kzebrows Week 6
Kzebrows Week 7
Kzebrows Week 8
Kzebrows Week 9
Kzebrows Week 10
Kzebrows Week 11
Kzebrows Week 12
Kzebrows Week 14
Kzebrows Week 15
Final Individual Reflection

Shared Journal Assignments

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Class Journal Week 6
Class Journal Week 7
Class Journal Week 8
Class Journal Week 9
Oregon Trail Survivors Week 10
Oregon Trail Survivors Week 11
Oregon Trail Survivors Week 12
Oregon Trail Survivors Week 14

Additional Links

User Page: Kristin Zebrowski
Class Page: BIOL/CMSI 367-01
Team Page: Oregon Trail Survivors