Malverso Week 6

From LMU BioDB 2015
Revision as of 20:59, 14 October 2015 by Malverso (Talk | contribs) (how I found column titles for #1)

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FDA Drug Database

Direct Download/Unzipping Commands

  • I logged onto PuTTy and also brought up my public folder on the web browser at the web address
  • I downloaded and unzipped my files through the command line, using the curl and unzip commands.


  • I viewed the application.txt file using the more command to see the column titles, which are:
ApplNo	ApplType	SponsorApplicant	MostRecentLabelAvailableFlag	CurrentPatentFlag	ActionType
  • I viewed the Product.txt file using the more command to see the column titles, which are:
ApplNo	ProductNo	Form	Dosage	ProductMktStatus	TECode	ReferenceDrug	drugname	activeingred 

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