Nanguiano Week 3
The Genetic Code, by Computer
Connect to the workstation as shown in class and do the following exercises from there.
For this exercise, I performed the following series of commands to prepare for the assignment.
ssh -l nanguia1 mkdir biodb cat >"sequence_file.txt" agcggtatac cd biodb mkdir week3 mv sequence_file.txt biodb/week3 cd ~dondi/xmlpipedb/data cp genetic-code.sed ~nanguia1/biodb/week3 cp xmlpipedb-match-1.1.1.jar ~nanguia1/biodb/week3 cp 493.P_falciparum.xml ~nanguia1/biodb/week3 cp hs_ref_GRCh37_chr19.fa ~nanguia1/biodb/week3 cd ~nanguia1/biodb/week3
Complement of a Strand
Write a sequence of piped text processing commands that, when given a nucleotide sequence, returns its complementary strand.
On a sequence_file.txt file containing the sequence "agcggtatac", the command and output was as follows:
cat sequence_file.txt | sed "y/atgc/tacg/" tcgccatatg
Reading Frames
Write 6 sets of text processing commands that, when given a nucleotide sequence, returns the resulting amino acid sequence, one for each possible reading frame for the nucleotide sequence. You should have 6 different sets of commands, one for each possible reading frame.
On a sequence_file.txt containing the sequence "agcggtatac", the command and output was as follows:
cat sequence_file.txt | sed "s/.../& /g" | sed "s/t/u/g" | sed -f genetic-code.sed | sed "s/ //g" | sed "s/[acgu]//g" SGI
cat sequence_file.txt | sed "s/^.//g" | sed "s/.../& /g" | sed "s/t/u/g" | sed -f genetic-code.sed | sed "s/ //g" | sed "s/[acgu]//g" AVY
cat sequence_file.txt | sed "s/^..//g" | sed "s/.../& /g" | sed "s/t/u/g" | sed -f genetic-code.sed | sed "s/ //g" | sed "s/[acgu]//g" RY
The remaining three were divided onto two lines on this wiki because they could not fit onto one without causing graphical bugs. The actual command was written without newlines.
cat sequence_file.txt | sed "y/acgt/tgca/" | rev | sed "s/.../& /g" | sed "s/t/u/g" | sed -f genetic-code.sed | sed "s/ //g" | sed "s/[acgu]//g" VYR
cat sequence_file.txt | sed "y/acgt/tgca/" | rev | sed "s/^.//g" | sed "s/.../& /g" | sed "s/t/u/g" | sed -f genetic-code.sed | sed "s/ //g" | sed "s/[acgu]//g" YTA
cat sequence_file.txt | sed "y/acgt/tgca/" | rev | sed "s/^..//g" | sed "s/.../& /g" | sed "s/t/u/g" | sed -f genetic-code.sed | sed "s/ //g" | sed "s/[acgu]//g" IP
Check Your Work
Utilizing the ExPASy Translate Tool, I inputted my sample dna sequence, "agcggtatac". The result was as follows:
XMLPipeDB Match Practice
For your convenience, the XMLPipeDB Match Utility (xmlpipedb-match-1.1.1.jar) has been installed in the ~dondi/xmlpipedb/data directory alongside the other practice files. Use this utility to answer the following questions:
Note: I used this wiki page to learn about the match utility.
- What Match command tallies the occurrences of the pattern
in the 493.P_falciparum.xml file?-
java -jar xmlpipedb-match-1.1.1.jar GO:000[567] < 493.P_falciparum.xml
- How many unique matches are there?
- 3
- How many times does each unique match appear?
- GO:007 : 113
- GO:006 : 1100
- GO:008 : 1371
- Try to find one such occurrence “in situ” within that file. Look at the neighboring content around that occurrence.
- One example was: <dbReference type="GO" id="GO:0005622">
- Describe how you did this.
grep "GO:000[567]" 493.P_falciparum.xml | more
- Based on where you find this occurrence, what kind of information does this pattern represent?
- Based on where I found it, this pattern shows the gene ontology ID of a particular gene in the database.
- What Match command tallies the occurrences of the pattern
in the 493.P_falciparum.xml file?-
java -jar xmlpipedb-match-1.1.1.jar \"Yu.*\" < 493.P_falciparum.xml
- How many unique matches are there?
- 3
- How many times does each unique match appear?
- "Yu b." : 1
- "Yu k." : 228
- "Yu m." : 1
- What information do you think this pattern represents?
- I believe this pattern represents a name.
- This was confirmed by running the command
grep "Yu.*" 493.P_falciparum.xml
- Use Match to count the occurrences of the pattern
in the hs_ref_GRCh37_chr19.fa file (this may take a while). Then, use grep and wc to do the same thing.- What answer does Match give you?
- What answer does grep + wc give you?
- Explain why the counts are different. (Hint: Make sure you understand what exactly is being counted by each approach.)
Nicole Anguiano
BIOL 367, Fall 2015
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